Wittgenstein: Philosophical Investigations and How to Transcend the Limits of Language

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Language constitutes the most powerful tool we have invented in order to communicate with each other, express ourselves, and evolve our perception.

But the essence of words and the use of language can be quite perplexing and can lead to anomalies in the way we operate within our social systems.

Ludwig Wittgenstein was fascinated by that and he truly believed that, with the use of logic, language can become more clear and more useful.

The limits of language are the limits of the world is his philosophical investigation.

Most didn’t understand him, but, the ones that did, opened their minds to a world full of clarity and reason.

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This topic is fascinating. I myself am studying Modern Languages and Interculturality. Culture makes it so that language, as you mentioned, becomes a living being that evolves as rapidly as human thought. It's both a consequence and causality of evolution and history.

In my career, we study the methodology and dilemmas of translation and what I have managed to conclude that as long as there is individuality there will be misunderstandings, because different experiences, which mean different perceptions (or associations) will automatically create different meanings and feelings related to every word and aspect of communication, such as images, symbols, representations, etc because every association is made during a specific context for everyone, and so it means your surroundings and the collective consciousness of the people you are with will make a direct impact as to why you perceive something the way you do, which is why there cannot be an undersating of a language without first deeply studying and trying to understand its context and society first.

Each language has certain associations about life. Certain precepts. Certain judgements in which you can contain a coded communication of morality itself, the social paradigms ingrained like a shadow to every word or sentence (interesting topic: "cultural scripts"). This collective unconscious changes with every society or group for the simple fact they speak a language, decorate it according to their culture (or even subculture), their own wisdom as well as their set of beliefs. This is why colonizers such as the Spaniards wanted to colonize not only through violence or religion, but also the minds of the colonized. When you colonize their language, their culture is erradicated. Untimately what you think and associate is what you are and become and thought *is* language. If the Lingua Franca, for example, is English, then... what would that tell you about their influence? Globalization would also mean the predominance of power of one culture over the other. People leaving their culture for one that imposes itself thanks to massive media. Power dynamics of language. It's also an interesting topic.

But I'm getting carried away. Back to translation.... to the degree that we analyze works of literature, the context in which something was written, the life experience of the author, the philosophy, the intent, the public it's directed to, then proceed to debate with other translators about different meanings (analysis of connotations vs denotations) in order to translate a text and finally finishing the whole piece.

I think this process is amazing. It's almost like psychoanalyzing the author or almost trying to "become" them in a way (since you have to understand his or her intention, if something was a joke, an insult, sarcasm, an honest opinion, if something was informative, slightly condescending and if it was the case, was it a conceiled aggression?, then one has to preserve that level of conceiled aggression on the translated text if one wants to be a good translator, etc). You have to delve deeply into their mind in order to be able to express their thoughts or dialogue while preserving his or her own unique voice (aesthetic, humor, pace, or metric if that's the case such as poems) in a way that it can create the closest feeling of alikeness in original language as well the one you translate it to.

This is very hard and tricky to do, but this is the reason there exists several translations throughout time of the same works. Each one aspires to be more distilled than the others before it thanks to trial and error, repeated discussion and analysis. Reasoning and arguments built on top of each other in order to "perfect" communication even though perfection will never be fully reached unless it's something like maybe a manual or a scientific and quantitative work containing only denotative language, in which case it's sort of dead and cold and has no personality in itself. Maybe only then perfection can be achieved, but just like anything, trying to achieve perfection makes it inauthentic and lacking of originality and personality, which makes it immediately closer to something dead than something alive, organic and truthful to human nature.

Or another alternative would be to speak in a very primitive sort of way, such as using "semantic primes". Also worth  investigating a bit about it.


Currently i'm studying 3 foreign languages as part of my philosophy studies. This is profound outlook on language and philosophy. Good job


Wittgenstein and the Analytic philosophers helped me clarify and distill my thinking... but I had to take it as a whole. Reading _Tractatus_ and _PI_ did not do very much for me, except for the odd statement that stands out, like those you mention in this video. Add: Korzybski and Sapir-Whorf.

My favorite statement from LW (and I don't know why it's my favorite): the opening of _Tractatus_ -- *The world is everything that is the case.*


Thanks again, Adrian. I find immense benefit in your synthesis of these complex ideas. Please keep creating.


Hello Mr. Iliopoulos,

I appreciate your series of lectures very much. I must admit that I studied Wittgenstein years ago in my first year Philosophy course and I didn't like him very much. However, I appreciate him more now with your analysis and I like the fact that the trap of the Pseudo-problem is ever present.

In point of fact I can see why the simultaneous expansion and contraction of his thought could nearly drive him mad. Consider: If Language is by inference effectively limitless, then the expression of it to communicate will always be effectively limited. Ergo, I can see the Pseudo-problem lurking around every corner.

Please keep up the good work.
Peter Bellini


sorry if this is a little messy ... english is not my main language and i don't use it in my daily life. also not a peoples person.

We see the world and try to put it into words and that's how the language is created. but if someone else see something else in another part of the world or even look from another (emotional or life)perspective our lack of words will make us question the truth of said words, will sometimes make that person seem crazy even. If we cant say it how can we express it. than again our view on the life itself can be swayed by the language and people's inability to accept the another point of view. the hardest thing in for me so far was to accept that when talking with another person i am talking with someone who is looking at the same thing only from another perspective and i should not try to change his mind (and negate his own experience)but to listen to him and try to find out what he see and why and than to include that outlook in my own view. So in other words i am not responsible for someone else belief, i can only listen to him and share my own wievpoint and insight.


Now that if read this it my not properly express the problem.
I'v started my voyage with philosophy recently and have huge problem with having a proper Talk with another person about it
It takes usually around an hour to express my thought and another hour to explain it. Even tho we both use the same language, same words hold different meaning.


Understanding and acting with the dominion of language, even being able to sofisticate it, is extremely powerful.
In a way it's right under our nose how, differently from other known species, humanity overcame certain natural weaknesses and devised many ways to interact with and modify reality.
Largely interesting topic, indeed!
Thanks for the video, very inspiring!


Thank you so much for this video. I am currently studying Wittgenstein, and this video has provided even more enthusiasm. Your production of this content is extremely high quality, and I love it. Thank you so much for the effort. The content, Wittgenstein, is no doubtly deeply moving and important, but i wanted to bring attention to how much i loved this video through and through. The editing is masterpiece. It is an effortless introduction into getting to know more about the genius, Wittgenstein.


I'm glad I found your page. I was looking for a book title by Carl Jung out of curiosity while reading fiction. The title mentioned was Meeting the Shadow. I'm an avid reader but not so much in philosophy. I dabble in different genres. I'm learning much from this page. I thank you. I enjoy each topic. Have a great week 😀


This is the best channel on YT. We eagerly wait for each new video, and share you with everyone. I speak on this topic often but never really had a label or name for it. Usually when speaking on any topic, say "aliens", i often stop myself, because every time I think, well first we have to understand each others perceptions of the word "aliens" so we can find a common ground, to communicate affectively. Great topic. Can't wait for the next video brother. Amen-Ra

-Would absolutely love new literature on this topic. He seems very interesting, and I am new to hearing about him.


What a man, an exceptional human being. Where are men like him today?!


Thank you for the enlightening presentation. l've been struggling with Wittgenstein's propositions for quite a long time now, but as you said, interpreting them is no mean feat at all.
After all, this is the key issue in his theory: INTERPRETATION, isn't it? Having watched quite a few videos and lectures about Wittgenstein's theory-ies, l could say that you've greatly helped me grasp the crux of the issue. I appreciate the crystal clear & concise way you put the main points in place.
Great use of English too. Once l heard you, l recognized your Greek origins- l'm Greek too, so it was as if l could hear myself... This doesn't detract from our full command of the language though. 😉 Congrats


Great video! I've been meaning to read Philosophical Investigations. I'm really interested in learning more about Wittgenstein's Fideism.


I’m not afraid to speak Nonsense, but I do pay attention to the Nonsense I speak.


Firstly, thank you for doing the giveaway for those without social media !

I really enjoy the content here. Philosophy is my passion and your channel is very insightful and inspiring. I love the topics and mostly the aesthetics of the video! Please keep up the great work and interesting topics.

I read the Tractatus and was really blown away from the complexity. I think I did not really understood well, but it gave me the essential understanding of his work. I would love to read one of other things he wrote!

Once again thank you and keep the work !


Thank you so much, I’m attempting to tackle Tractus again now


the most terrifying conclusion of Wittgenstein's philosophy is that we all are always and forever, alone within ourselves


Would love to read philosophical investigations, but would also love to see some content on Robert green and the laws of human nature, the book of the law, the art of war, the republic-Plato, the alchemist- Paulo coelo, Anna Carenina- Leo Tolstoy, Tao te Ching, or even the meditations of Marcus Aurelius. You’re awesome man I’ve rediscovered your content three times now and I binge harder and harder every time I return.Much respect and appreciation for you sir.


I likes the way he say Khow instead of how. I love the way he speaks. His accent is beautiful. <3


What is philosophy
Master language.
Learn philosophical investigation
Pay attention to your nonsense.
Even when spoken
