Great Minds - Part 5 - The Latter Wittgenstein: The Philosophy of Language

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Dr. Michael Sugrue earned his BA at the University of Chicago and PhD at Columbia University.
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The other day just by pure coincidence, I happen to find Professor Sugrue's lectures. What a treasure! There are no words describe how immensely emotional I get when I hear this man speak. I learn so much and realize the extend of my ignorance. I give thanks to God in giving me the honor and opportunity to listen to him.


"Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by language." That made me reconsider Philosophy as a whole and how I view it's purpose. Excellent lecture, as always.


Wittgenstein's brief career as a primary schoolteacher offers the most interesting insight into his thought.


Ridiculously good summary of the Later W. I have read and watched dozens and also completed half my PhD on the topic and this is the best I've found. Just as W brought common sense back to many of these issues you've brought common sense back to the understanding of the man's ideas.


One can clearly see how much Wittgenstein has impressed Prof Sugrue.


Has anyone ever heard someone summarise philosophers ideas better than this guy? Genuine question.


I have been reading Wittgenstein since the 1980s. This is a tremendous introduction to his thought. At last, an accessible yet uncompromising synopsis!


Sugue was truly a genius. I've only recently found out about him ( having been obsessed with philosophy since around the age of 14-15, when I first ready Plato and Berkeley, though arguably earlier) and I have to say, he makes teaching some of the most profound ideas look almost effortless...kind of like Feynman did with physics..but it's far from effortless for most of us, even if you understand the material through and through. Being a good teacher requires far more natural ability than most people realize.


_The Tractatis_ - Solving all philosophical problems
A theory of what can be put in a proposition
Mathematical Rigor
2:14 “The World is All That Is The Case.”
3:36 “What we cannot speak about we must Passover in silence.”
4:36 Thought needs Language, hard to have a thought without proper sentences
7:12 Enjoy adornment? No
Writes a book📕 self-critiques it himself

9:03 Print = finality, philosophy feels like a process

9:17 _The Logical Investigations_
Trying to uncloud our understanding

11:37 Language is a Picture of The World
• X is X, This is This
Elegant, Overly Simple

13:15 Language Game, no 1 unification 14:12

15:07 How is a word learned? How do you teach a word? How is a word used? Use tells Meaning.

16:16 What is a Game?

16:59 What’s the definition of definition? What is Justice? What is Beauty? What is Love? What is Virtue? 18:23 No one can tell the universal form.

19:01 We can’t do the impossible

What does Game O have in common with Game C?

20:43 No Johnny, a pencil is not a game.

Essential Definition - Socrates, boil it down to its essence
Extensive Definition - Wittgenstein, use it in a sentence

23:33 What makes Beauty Beauty?
Is that a reasonable demand?

25:24 Uncertainty at the edges of definitions, examples

26:30 Stop Demanding Absolutes
27:28 Talk comes before Logic

Beauty of ____
28:46 What Holds Our World Together?

29:16 Family Resemblance
Chair Family
Sharing something enough to group them
“It depends on what game you are playing.”

“Sort-of like…”

32:35 Stand There —>
Where exactly?
—> There

33:23 _If I can use the term you use in the way you use it, _ I understand you.

(You do what you Know)
(You say what you Think)

36:22 I’ve done addition in my head, I know Swedish but I don’t use it

If you cannot show what you know
You might not actually know

38:19 Language is quirky, odd,


43:09 Self-Critique
Concious misgiving


I think the most profound thought that Wittgenstein produced was that there are certain things in life- the realm of the emotions, the meaning of music and art, psychological states of mind- that are inexpressible irreducible very real and beyond the reach of the power of language.


Brilliant. I never thought I'd come close to even vaguely understand great philosophers. I didn't even know I wanted to.


The most incredible thing about Wittgenstein is how he managed to create this persona and form a cult around himself without answering any meaningful questions or solving any real problems. Ultimately he proved that philosophy can't be used for things people never wanted to use it for and that world cannot be forced into dry, symbolic logic. Again, something not that surprising if phrased in plain english. Ultimately, hard to call someone "one of the greatest" only based on charisma and very opaque way of phrasing thoughts.


This a wonderful to watch. He really goes directly to the heart of the questions. “Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by language!” “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” (Don’t even try to fix it!!!). But why the reservations against behaviourism? If you want to know what I know, watch what I do!! But This is just first class. Never seen better.


Pure Gold! The only person on the internet who succeeded in demystifying the intricate world of Wittgenstein's works


I read Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations 1985 and it blew me away. He's had the greatest influence on my intellectual development.


I've watched his lectures so many times that I know exactly when he's going to say now generally after he takes a drink


One of best lectures I have listened about late Wittgenstein thoughts. His concept of learning by example look a lot about how computer scientists are trying to create machine learning.


Simply remarkable, I read the tractatus and although I doubt I am among the few able to make full sense of it as Mr. Sugrue said, I was able to understand enough to recognize the genius of Wittgenstein and to listen to the lecture of a true expert is just marvelous 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾.


I have watched all of the professors lectures I can find this is by far my favorite. Had to find out what the other five sentences in between were. I love how he describes it in the beginning is clean and elegant I never thought of writing like that before but it really is


Thanks again professor...It's simply awesome to keep hearing you teach again anda again..!
