Why Are Some Americans Moving Out of the U.S.?

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There's a new wave of Americans packing up and moving to Europe in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. A real estate broker specializing in international sales says Americans are moving because they can work remotely, to have more space and for a better work-life balance. One woman from Georgia decided to make the move because she was fed up with the cost of living in the states. The top destinations Americans are moving to are Greece, Italy and France.
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I wouldn’t blame them. The overall politics and violence has been a huge issue in the US.


Definitely if your life is in danger, for example if you’re a young college student trying to afford rent or insulin for your diabetes, please move to anywhere with free healthcare. I’ll never forget watching the news and hearing about a young college student dead in his apartment because he was rationing his insulin. Broke my heart.


The USA has so much potential it’s very upsetting that politics, violence, costs and cultural issues like terrible work life balance is making people move.


Since Biden took office, there seem to have been more unfavorable results in America. These results include effects on the markets, such as price declines and sharp increases in inflation, as well as bank failures. I wonder if the sudden increase in interest rates will help value investors or if it would be wiser to stay away from the stock and financial markets for the time being.


I moved to Japan 4 years ago. Not because of anything, initially for fun. But constantly seeing all the news and everything that’s been going on…it really makes it hard to move back. I’m considering moving to Europe afterwards…

Edit: sorry I worded my initial comment wrong. I first moved here 6 years ago, been living here for over 4 years in total


This just shows how horrible pricing and living can be in the US. And as an architecture student, I want to change that, having convenient homes with low prices, and giving free homes to the homeless, especially tiny homes which could be very beneficial.


Moving somewhere new is scary, but so is feeling trapped in a country that no longer feels safe and beneficial. I’m giving myself a 3 year time span to go somewhere better.


I’ve actually considered doing this exact thing for 3 years after I had toured Europe and was actually unhappy when I landed back in the US. Maybe I’ll be able to make it a reality at some point.


It's not easy to live in another country as an American. You need to adapt to the lax culture, especially in France. Years ago, to get internet hook up to my new house, I had to wait 2 months. But if you can calm yourself through the frustration of slow bureaucracy, It's definitely a more peaceful life. My wife and I moved to France in 2012 because even with health insurance, we were worried that one major health problem could deplete our savings.


I don't blame them at all. The US is going down the toilet because of how insane violence and politics have become. It's like the government is actively trying to make it as miserable as possible to live here.


I can totally relate to these people who made the move. I myself am strongly considering the next year or so moving out of the United States as it is becoming more and more politically extreme and unsafe. The U.S. is not a great country to raise children in and the healthcare system sucks.


I left the states 6 years ago and not planning on coming back with all the crazy politics, daily random mass shootings, over priced rent, unemployment, racism/discrimination. Now I'm in a foreign country making decent salary, have my own place and at peace. If I would've stayed any longer I'd probably lose my sanity just like everyone else! Best of luck to you brave souls for putting up with all the political nonsense while trying to make ends meet and survive this never ending struggle. I'm sorry but America is just not the greatest and safest country anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wish I could afford to do this. It’s a scary time to live in the states. History is repeating itself.


An important aspect to keep in mind about moving overseas is language. If you live in the larger cities, you'll often find English-speakers enough - the further out you go, the less you're going to find. If you're considering a foreign country, try to start learning the language before you go, it'll carry you a long way...


I'm born, raised and have lived my entire life in America. Due to the toxic oligarchy and ever-impending civil war that's coming in the USA, I'm also leaving permanently in two weeks. Good luck and God-speed to the rest of you. I'll be praying for you from abroad.


I am happy for these people. I wish more people would consider this instead of stressing in the U.S.


UK citizen here. It would be a more meaningful report if it didn't feature a couple moving from a ridiculously expensive city/State in the first place. Many people in the US would have to majorly downsize in terms of housing in Europe. Sure, housing isn't everything, but you have to compare it with the cost of living in various States and regions (not just big cities). Given the vastness and economic diversity of the US, using the "US as a whole" as a point of comparison, rather than individual States and even regions within States, doesn't really tell us much.


I've been living in Tunisia (North Africa) since August 2009 and I can't imagine moving back to the states. It takes getting used to and it's not for everyone, but it has its advantages too.


The first time I went to the US, I felt like I was in a never-ending loop because everything looked the same !!...same topography, architecture, color etc. Something that surprised and caused me to feel trapped was that the fast food restaurants and Walmart/ target/ Ross etc, they "repeated" themselves like every 100m. It was insane... America is a beautiful place but please just make the cities people friendly..I can't remember the amount of time I was almost run over by a Giant truck.


I live in a high crime area, tons of gun violence. I'm thinking about running away, somewhere overseas or just out of the US because I feel unsafe. It's definitely a hard choice to make, but I can't keep fearing that I might get injured by doing something simple like walking down the street or going shopping.
