WHEN HE’S NOT STEPPING UP: how to inspire masculine energy in your man

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Hello and welcome back!! This video is to help you inspire your man to step into his masculine energy so you can relax into your feminine energy and lean back. Of course, we can’t force our partners to change or step up, but we can inspire and encourage them with our feminine radiance.

I hope this video helps you and your relationship! ❤️




0:00 How to Inspire His Masculine Energy
0:39 Feminine + Masculine Energy in Relationships
4:39 Tip #1
7:17 Tip #2
9:31 Tip #3
11:40 Tip #4
12:56 Tip #5
14:19 An important question to ask



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Here's a quick, but important tip for all the ladies: Clarify at the beginning (preferably before marriage) what your man believes that a man's role is in the relationship. I only found out at the end that my ex-husband held the belief that it is *not* the man's role to be a provider and protector for his wife *nowadays* . So, that's why I was being essentially forced into both masculine and feminine roles, which obviously did not work out.


1) 4:44 be in your feminine energy
2) 7:20 don't nag, communicate with love
3) 9:30 allow him to lead
4) 11:45 believe in him
5) 13:00 appreciate him and be grateful


14:00-14:18 As a man, I’ve never heard more truer words. Very well said!


Ive seen many times where a woman was doing everything to stay in her feminine and treat her man like a king but he never stepped up, still took all her money and came to expect her to treat him like 'the man' even when he wasnt doing anything. In my opinion if a man is not in his masculine when you meet him nothing you do will make him want to be that. Men that have strong masculine energy will be like that regardless.


My boyfriend is totally a protector and provider and it’s been a huge learning curve for me bc I always had to do both gender roles. It’s been a wonderful breath of fresh air and I am so lucky to have him in my life! ❤🎉😍


My husband is a Leo and I am a Cancer he is the sun I am the moon. He is the masculine I am the feminine. It's amazing how everything worked out for us.


It feels so good to lean back. My husband took over the investing/ money with me on the accounts. That way I can see how he's managing it passively and it has become something he is proud of. I hated managing my money. I'd let it sit there and at times buy dumb stuff I don't need. He gives me money for whatever I want and invests the rest in our future.


I like the soft and open way you say things 🩷


Where has this channel been my whole YouTube account life???


This has been your best video yet. My mother in law has been impossible to please, critical, competitive, and controlling my husbands whole life. Even though my husband has stepped up with me, provides for me, etc, he often falls back into the feminine trap when dealing with her, as he has been conditioned to see that’s how “to deal with women”. It frustrates me because I need him to be more confident and in control, but it seems like every time he is with her he reverts back to his old ways, or, he gets into fights with her because he is trying to be more masculine and not let her walk all over him. . As a result it’s obvious she doesn’t care for me because I’m the one “that’s changed him” (I.e he is finally setting boundaries with her and she hates it). How can I help him be more macyline without causing friction with my MIL?


1. Embrace your feminine energy.

2. Communicate with love & be playful.

3. Give him the space to lead.

4. Believe in him.

5. Be appreciative & show gratitude.


I LOVE this video. I realized way too late in life that my feminine energy FEELS so much better! I became aware of how much more life that amazing masculine energy provides that he brings.


My husband is constantly stepping up, but I’m open to learning how to encourage him even better. 🥰


Either leave him or have him step up, complaining or “nagging” isn’t the solution…


This is a gem. Thank you for new ideas for bettering our relationship! I always wanted to lean into my female energy but was scared to do so. I always was told that I needed to provide for myself and that it's not good to let a partner do basically anything for me. My partner wants to provide, he loves making me happy be it money, emotionally or just carrying heavy stuff for me. I know I can do anything of that myself, but I definitely need to relax more into the thought that he WANTS to make me happy and be the masculine energy I secretly wish for. I will work on that and tell him his actions are appreciated more often.


I wish this worked the way you suggest it. I just end up with a messy, disordered household, stressed out of my mind because the clutter overwhelmed me. Instead of telling women we're not feminine enough, I'm liking the trend lately of telling men they're slacking.


I discovered your channel maybe a week ago and got hooked. It came right on time. I watched A LOT of them and I've actually come to realized that my relationship with my husband is wonderful. and I am wonderful. Growing up is hard for every individual, it's obviously even harder to grow up together as a couple. Finding the right therapist has done wonders for us, and maybe most of all, realizing that we are eachothers family and we will never be alone in this life because we found each other, thank god! As long as we love and respect each other, everything can be adjusted/taught/communicated. I find that most of the problems tend to sort of.. solve themselves, if communicated properly and given the healthy environment respecting the process requires. I hope ny English isn't too embarrassing 😅😅❤️🩷 Big hug from Israel ❣️🏝️♥️😘😃🌟⭐


That’s why I feel it’s so important to date the person with caution before getting married to them. See if they play in their masculine role. I feel yes they can step up with time, but I also feel like if they don’t have it from the beginning (masculine energy) then you should t waste your time because you already know that’s what you want in a relationship.

I feel it shouldn’t be our job to change them to be more better. Whether it’s being more masculine or being more ambitious, etc.

It’s either they want to or don’t.

What are peoples thoughts?


I needed to hear this today, thank you. My stress and feeling a bit unstable has really had me pushing and nagging and all the horrible things I DONT want to be. I do wish the masculine would spend more time in the self-help realm though. So that we can both be working on ourselves.

Bookmarking this one because I need to hear it often I think.


If a man doesn't take you on dates.. HE DOES NOT LIKE YOU!! Leave IMMEDIATELY, that is the most feminine thing to do!
