What if Olympic rescued Titanic's Survivors? Remastered | Nautical Tales

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In this video I talk about an alternate reality where the RMS Olympic rescues RMS Titanic's passengers instead of the RMS Carpathia, also including some of my models from Stormworks: Build and Rescue!

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I love this senecio on what if instead of being 505 miles away only being 58 would have made a world of difference especially both having basically the same top speed she would have made it just before the bow went under. But just imagine the sight of having Olympic sitting next to the Titanic just one thing I wish you could have covered. If the Olympic made it to Titanic an hour or so before the final plunge basing on the position you had Titanic at and the distance the two ships had would they have seen the ship break in half? If so you could explore the testimonies from the survivors and the Olympic crew as well. That can open many possibilities with Alternate History.

P.S. are you gonna make a what if Titanic never sank video? Would love to see your spin on it


If this happened, it will also have disadvantages, and the safety onboard ships will remain the same for about years up until the sinking of Impress of Ireland, which i think will replace the role Titanic had on this timeline.


Imagine how it would have impacted the people on Olympic to see an almost identical ship sinking before them, and the people from Titanic going from a dying red-hued behemoth to a perfectly lit, perfectly seaworthy twin floating proud above the lifeboats.

Would have been weird.


I'm so glad to see a remake, i really liked the original one you made.


Wonderfull video Ice! Can't wait for the ships release!


this was considered, as Titanic was believed by many to be able to remain afloat for hours. however, sailing on the sister ship of the one that just sank from beneath them was deemed too much of an emotional trauma. it was feared Titanic passengers would not even want to go aboard


Olympic mentioned in A Night To Remember:

1. The Frankfurt 150 miles away. The Olympic says the Mount Temple is nearer.

2. The Olympic wanted to know if we were steaming south to meet her and the Frankfurt keeps asking for more details! The idiots! They don’t seem to understand, sir.


On the night, it was very much a question of proximity to _Titanic_, as well as speed. Nobody can look down on Captain Rostram and the crew of _RMS Carpathia_ for pushing their ship so far beyond the speed she was normally capable of, even though that meant permanently damaging her. They very clearly understood that every moment counted when people could die from exposure and hypothermia.

The captain of _SS Californian_ also would have to live with the fact that if only he'd woken up his wireless operator, he could have easily had his ship in position to assist _Titanic_ well before she took the final plunge: A mere 10 miles and ice separated the two ships, but it was enough to make communication without a wireless practically impossible, and so he assessed the risk to his ship and crew not to be worth it, and did not act.

Interestingly, once J. Bruce Ismay was aboard _Carpathia_, he told Captain Haddock to turn _Olympic_ around: all rescue was already completed, and the sight of _Titanic_ 's near-identical sister might traumatize the survivors, because they had just escaped death aboard such a ship, which had also claimed many lives of people they knew. Of course, if _Olympic_ could have been first on the scene, I doubt very much that Ismay and Captain Smith would have been picky about who was rescuing them. They would have even accepted assistance from _Lusitania_ and _Mauretania_, their ships' chief competitors, if they had been the ones on the scene. If more lives could have been saved, that would be a great thing indeed, and still shipbuilding and shipping companies would have learned the same lessons.


I imagine the Olympic would’ve ended up rescuing some of the Titanic’s survivors if it weren’t for Harold Cottam staying up later than usual and just wearing his headphones while on no official duty at all, just in the process of getting undressed for bed when he just accidentally heard the Titanic’s distress call.


The deaths are probably still far too low. Five hundred to eight hundred would be more realistic.

Also, you missed a chance for a bit of humorous fun: Remember, Olympic was outbound from New York north of Titanic. So just picture Olympic rushing full-speed past the Californian (due north 15-18 miles from Titanic) and signaling her with morse lamp and rockets to get off her a-- and do something to help!


Short answer: the survivors would be freaked out by a Mirror Image of the Ship they were just on and survived the sinking of and would not take kindly to it


Imagine that you just got out of the sinking titanic onto a lifeboat and then randomly a ship that is almost exactly the same as the Titanic emerges and asks you to board


Missed on a "what if" photo being take as Titanic's lights go out and she's photographed in the glare of Olympic's lights breaking in two.


The Olympic probably would’ve ended up taking some of the Titanic’s people if it weren’t for the heroism of Harold Cottam.


To Everyone Saying "Thats Not Realistic Olymipc Was To Far Away" The Title Say WHAT IF Its Not Supposed To Be Reality Its A What If Theory


First off, the Carpathia wasn't 58 miles away - she was actually 45 miles away. (Titanic's Fourth Office Joseph Boxhall had made an error in calculating Titanic's position and was 13 miles closer to Carpathia than was thought. When Captain Rostron made his claim that Carpathia made 18 knots that night - an impossibility according to the laws of hydrodynamics, based on her horsepower and the shape of her hull - he was figuring based on the time it took to actually reach the lifeboats divided into the distance to the CQD position. In fact, she averaged about 13 knots.)

The maximum speed the Olympic ever achieved was 24.2 knots; at that speed it would take her 1 hour and 52 minutes to travel 45 nautical miles.

If she received the Titanic's CQD at the same time Carpathia did (12.11am), then allowing 10 minutes to turn and work her way up to full speed the earliest she could reach Titanic's position would be 2:13am - only 7 minutes before she sank.


Sad that she never made it to her sister. However, did Olympic do all these preparations mentioned in the video, like make sure the boilers were at full speed, medics prepare, etc?


Here is an idea, what if Lusitania rescue Titanic victims.


I think that it would be devastating for the passengers who survived titanic only to be rescued by a sister ship wich is 1 to 1 replica of the same ship they were just trying to get out


That Titanic looks strange;ly like the Olympic (see B deck)
