Avoid These Exercises If You Have A Rotator Cuff Injury

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2025 and I just realized that I’ve been doing the wrong exercises for my RCs injuries for the last two years!. Thanks Doc


Would superaspinadus tear cause pain in area of the tendon from bisep going up. It hurts right all in that area. No advice, just what is or where is pain felt.


Listen I get what you're saying I hurt something in my arm that won't allow me to lift it up straight overhead, I think I injured my self pulling weight on each arm upwards. My concern is, are all these exercises about pulling damaging the injure even more, I mean the whole idea of pulling like a butterfly style makes me nervous. I avoid anything pulling. I don't know that's my question to you, what's the difference between lifting the arms as you did in the beginning of the video vs pulling string as you did later, it seems to me it add strain


How to train upper body with shoulfer rotator cuff injury


What I dont get is normally if you execute the mentioned exercises correctly (overhead press, bench press) then you will not have impingement. So you should absolutely do them the strengthen your muscles.


What would you do for chest if you're not benching?


Have you ever seen a full rotator cuff tear heal without surgery?


Listen the rotation exercises are bullshit just make me pain worse


I cant bench press anymore?!?! Thats the only way to build your upper body!
