Busenitz, Lawson, MacArthur, and Sproul: Questions and Answers

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A Questions and Answers session with Drs. Nathan Busenitz, Steven Lawson, John MacArthur, Stephen Nichols, and R.C. Sproul.

1a. What are some tips for showing mercy and grace when introducing the doctrines of grace into a church? (00:08)
1b. Dr. Busenitz, can you comment on the pastoral preparation needed? (07:39)
2. Since God foreordains everything, did He ordain Satan and the fall? (09:03)
3. In regards to Romans 8:29, why is "foreknew" presented with predestination? (14:41)
4. Are we saved by Jesus' life, death, or both? (19:10)
5. How can we explain the law and preach the gospel today? (21:10)
6. Dr. Sproul, can you explain the law and the gospel in the design of Saint Andrew's architecture? (25:11)
7. Is there a minimum level of evidence to know you are saved? (28:05)
8. Can you identify a figure from church history that has impacted your ministry and theological formation? (33:45)
9. Since God is love and love does not seek its own, how do we reconcile that with God doing everything for His own pleasure? (41:06)
10. How should the church be preparing pastors to minister to the next generation? (45:02)
11. How should we take passages that seemingly show that God has changing emotions? (48:12)
12. What is the one statement you would leave on your tombstone? (52:03)

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I was scrolling (2021)and I ran into some sermon by R C-Sprol. He opened my eyes and then it was John mccarthur.. They really helped me grow in Christ..so i was ravenous for the word..then I found out his been with the Lord..I had to smile ..still changing lives..thank you for him Lord..


I miss R C very much. I heard him in 1971-72 on cassette. I wrote him at Ligonier in "72 and he answered my thoughts and my surprise & appreciation of his great (and new to me) ministry, that I have followed for 52 years to date. R C's books, the sermons he preached warmed my heart and educated my mind.


Wow. I thank God for MacArthur and Sproul. These men have had a major role in my understanding of God's word and God's nature.


51:00 so precious to hear as one of them has passed and another is sick. We need to treasure these men while we have them.


I really miss RC Sproul. So, knowledgeable of the Bible. he showed such a love for the Bible and knew so much about the Bible. He has really helped me to grow in the word of God.


Anyone familiar with Dr. Sprouls manner of preaching, teaching; manner of speaking and biblical knowledge, I’m confident misses him. God’s timing prevailed and God took him home at just the right time. “Well done my good and faithful servant…”


That last part got me choked up. Honestly. We are so fortunate to have these men at this time in our lives (Sproul gone on now)... but it is true there legacy will live on well beyond a tombstone!


What a beautiful moment at 56.00. MacArthur being so very brotherly and loving to Lawson, and Lawson being... humble and a bit flabbergasted, with a smyling RC next to him... beautiful moment.


R. C. and Dr. Steve had such a wonderful friendship. You cannot help but notice their feelings toward each other.


"So will yours" in that context is probably the greatest compliment one can be given.


I do but grateful we have these to watch and listen


These guys are brilliant, at the same time full of humor. Never got tired of listening to them...RC, John, Steve. I hope we will continue to learn from them and carry on the legacy they had left for us in Christ.


Steve Lawson nails it! Preach through the Bible as you find it.


I was in the sanctuary of St. Andrews for this Q & A. The conference was fantastic! What a blessing to have all of these great men of God in one room.


Sproul's answer on the ordination of Satan/sin/evil is great, but then MacArthur just nails it with I think the best answer on why it exits. Of course, it is for his GLORY because of who he is and putting on display all of his attributes!


When they are gone we must carry on the baton. I rejoice today for their faithfulness enabling me to see a picture that we are in this journey of faith.
Fight the good fight of faith. Instruct, rebuke, correct with longsuffering, and hold us accountable to the word of God which we must entrust our lives for the sake of declaring it in faithfulness and its full counsel.


I'm so blessed to be a Calvinist!


Loved what John said to Steve at the end. So blessed to hear from these godly men 🙏


I am about to go through a battle that has brought me to my knees in fear and stress on the other occasions that I have gone through it before, but this time I am grounded in the knowledge of the sovereignty of God, and I can affirm that what they said is true. This alone has given me so much peace and comfort that I am not alone in this and in fact God Himself is ordaining my steps. Solo Deo Gloria!


I just found RC Sprool about 6 months ago! What a blessing!
