MacArthur and Sproul: Special Questions & Answers

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Representing nearly one hundred years of combined ministry experience, Drs. John MacArthur and R.C. Sproul continue to faithfully serve the cause of Christ. This session will allow attendees to join in on a conversation between two longtime friends and co-laborers in the gospel ministry.


1. Dr. MacArthur, what are some of your early impressions of meeting Dr. Sproul? (00:19)
2. What do you see as the largest problem in the American church? (03:47)
3. Why are there so few Reformed and evangelical churches? (07:54)
4. What is the missing ingredient of preaching today? (11:55)
5. Dr. Sproul, why have you identified Christology as the pressing need for the church today? (14:16)
6. Is faith a gift or response? (22:46)
7. Our pastor sometimes asks the Holy Spirit to "fall on us." Is this biblical? (26:10)
8. Should I fear the Lord? (28:56)
9. How do you evangelize someone who thinks they are saved yet don't demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit—especially if they are family members? (32:16)
10. If you were to wind the clock back, what would you say to your younger self? (37:16)

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I'm a fairly new Christian I'm 51 years old I came to Christ in 2011 I'm not real smart I'm kind of a hillbilly but I know this I love Jesus and I love his word and his work.


Man, two of my heroes right there. Thank you Lord for blessing us with these men.


MacArthur and Sporul. Can't think of a better double act for the faith in the last hundred years.


Thats what happened to me when I crawled into a church one day a broken alcoholic and asked God to help me on my knees before the cross, the miracles which followed the power and joy are without words


What a blessing it is to have knowledgeable and devoted men like Dr. Sproul and Dr. MacArthur. You can tell they're being led by the Holy Spirit because what they say resonates with the Truth God has put in each true believers hearts. i've learned so much from these men over the years and i don't believe i'd be as spiritually mature as i am without them. It's all the work of Gods' Holy Spirit and i never want to take Him for granted.


Such incredible men of God! —How God has used both John MacArthur and RC Sproul to shepherd the church prior to His return!


I love these preachers I’m so crying how I miss RC and love both. My tears are burning my eyes love always 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


This is such good stuff...I will listen to it again and again. Love the answers that John M and RC Sproul give.


I love these two men, R C Sproul and John MacArthur have become some of my 5 favorite pastors that I ever heard in my short Christian life. I used to be one of the very badly and sadly deceived catholics. I was always searching for the truth of God and his word. I was deceived by catholic schools and churches and religion classes in which the teachers didn't have any idea of how to answer my questions. When I was only 12 yrs old, I almost lose some of the school years for religion class, just because I was always asking questions in the religion class. The teacher didn't like me. I was in a female catholic school in which, they were teaching me evolution in biology and science and, creation in religion class!!! That was very confusing, on top of all the questions I had about everything, the priests never wanted to talk to us and we were even scared to approach to them, if it wasn't because we were going to confess our sins! Furthermore, we always confessed our sins, to receive the same penitence, (pray 3 holy mary, 3 holy fathers and 3 glories, or something like that) The ignorance about Jesus and about God around the world is HUGE, the absence of good pastors and teachers like R.C and John M, is HUGE. I wish I was able to meet them many years ago. Probably that could saved me or helped me earlier in life, to not make so many mistakes. I really thank God, my husband and one of my pastors. They were referring me to John M first and then to R.C. A young student pastor referred me to John and my husband to R C. I love you both and thank you so much for all you teach, for all I learn over these videos and Ligonier Ministries, from your videos and thank God, because He gave us pastors like them and gave them the knowledge to do all the things they've been giving us. Thanks R.C., John and, God Bless them ans Keep Then Both for more and longer time, to learn more from them. I hope I can meet them one day. Adriana


Their seriousness about Scripture is admirable. Solid preaching is very important and I'd agree that there's too much experientialism and sentimentalism in preaching today.


Such a great team of Godly men, missing Dr Sproul but we still got Pastor Mcarthur 🙌🙏🏾 thank you


God bless these men always. What beacons of spiritual strength they are to us. As long as I've studied Reformed Theology, there are *no videos* by either one of these two brothers that I *can't* learn from. They are true champions of the faith! Thank you brothers, for ALL that you do!


I love Sproul and MacArthur- their sincerity and devotion to God. I know they please God. I came across Sproul and found so much I did not know, especially The Reformation. All the wherefores and why’s. A reason above and beyond and it is quite an explosion of Truth. understanding serving a Living God. I am held captive in Scripture and wowed and wonder. Love them both. How Blessed I am. Praise God. ❤❤❤


listening to these to Men of GOD has changed my Christian walk! May the LORD continue to bless them and their ministries 💖💖💖


I love these guys! I am newly Reformed thanks to their awesome teaching.


I didnt know I was in the reformed camp for so long. Thank God for his grace.


39:50 to 40:40. These were the most powerful, affirming, consoling words I have ever heard a pastor speak. We see, idolize, believe, envy, and marvel at the Saul to Paul conversions. But nobody bats an eye at the hundreds of thousands of people who slowly grow and conform to Christ over the course of their lives. These we ignore. But I think it is the NORM that slow, steady, blissful change. And I fretted over my own slow growth over the years. Thank you Dr MacArthur for reassuring me it is okay to conform to Christ at my own pace.


I recently became reformed in my theology earlier this year and my mind was changed and the revelation of it all predestination and election was just amazing to me, Jesus is so good that He would open my eyes and the treasure I have with knowing this has transformed me, gave me a deeper understanding of God and a greater fear of the Lord and now I see the sovereignty of God and that wasn’t taught in the church we went to nor was predestination or election. Was a Pentecostal church and a lot of prosperity gospel teaching mixed with salvation by the blood of Jesus but there was mingled in there with a lot of heresies and God brought me out and over the last few years and this year recently changed my life to a biblical Christian life and not a denominational Christian life


My life is really transformed indeed, God is really great so much


And this is why I love Jmac, you helped me understand the gospel, as someone with a legalistic upbringing a teacher like jmac shaped my understanding of the gospel entirely. God bless you sir
