Why I'm Never Buying Lettuce Again...

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I am obsessed with growing lettuce at home. Between the unique varieties, quality and cost savings it should really be a crop that all home gardeners take seriously. Especially if you love salads! Here’s my complete guide to growing, harvesting, storing, and preparing lettuce!

00:00 - Intro
01:06 - Varieties
02:14 - When to Grow Lettuce
03:50 - How to Plant Lettuce
04:45 - Lettuce Development
05:26 - Harvesting Lettuce
07:10 - Washing Lettuce
08:41 - Lettuce Storage
09:07 - Garden Cobb Salad
13:28 - Store Bought vs. Home Grown

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Music Credits:

Video Credits
Creator, Host, Co-Editor - Mike G
Editor - Cooper Makohon
Motion Graphics - Raphael Oliveira
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Cobb Salad Recipe: 

- 4 strips of bacon
- 3 eggs
- 4 beets
- 5 radishes 
- Handful of sliced pickles
- 1/4 cup of blue cheese
- 2 heads of your favorite lettuces
- 1 lemon
- 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon of fermented mustard
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Reserved bacon fat
- Reserved oil from roasted beets

1. Lay the bacon down in a single layer in an air fryer. Cook for 10 minutes at 375F.
2. In the meantime, get a pot of boiling water and hard boil your eggs. Boil for 10 minutes.
3. Once the bacon has finished cooking, remove them from the air fryer and save the rendered fat from the bottom of the air fryer into a small container. Dunk your hard boiled eggs into an ice bath and let sit.
4. In the meantime, cut the root and tops off the beets and place them into a large piece of aluminum foil. Drizzle over some bacon grease along with salt and pepper. Air fry for about 350F for 25-30 minutes.
5. Move onto prepping the rest of your ingredients. Slice your radish into thin pieces. Roughly chop up your bacon strips and pickle slices. Peel the shell off your eggs and give them a rough chop. Set everything aside.
7. Once the beets are done, take the skin off and cut into bite sized pieces. Set aside.
8. To a jar, squeeze in the juice of 1 lemon, apple cider vinegar, fermented mustard, honey, the grease from the bacon, the juice from the roasted beets, salt and pepper to taste. Close the lid and give it a good shake to emulsify.
9. Roughly chop all your lettuce and place into a large bowl. Add in your chopped eggs, sliced bacon, sliced radish, roasted beets, blue cheese, chopped pickles and pour over your dressing.
10. Using your clean hand or tongs, give everything a gentle toss to coat every single item in the dressing. Serve immediately and enjoy!


I buy the ‘living’ lettuce from grocery store. Comes with three types of lettuce. I gently separate them and plant them in my garden. And we have fresh lettuce all season!


The chickens, the kitchen, the garden 🙌 Goals


Anytime a new video of Pro Home Cooks drops I make my mom watch it with me lol. We learned so much about lettuce today that I didn't even know existed. Time to power up my garden! Thank you so much.


Love the recent farm + garden content!!! Super helpful, you are my favourite channel at the moment 😁


Pouring water through the leaves to drain is just going to get more dirt trapped. Much more efficient to do a 2 bowl method: wash in a bowl with enough water that there's a enough clear water space at the bottom, wait a few minutes for all the dirt to settle to the bottom, then pluck the leaves out into the 2nd bowl and do it again. If it's supermarket leaves, you can go direct from the bowl to the spinner but for home grown lettuce, good to do a 2nd bowl just to confirm all the dirt is completely off.


This is fantastic. Please make more of these garden videos


Wow, I'm so jelly of your awesome greenhouse!


Great video! I love growing lettuce in my container garden! 🥬🪴


lol when you pulled out the industrial salad spinner! Love it! And, that salad looks so delicious!


Mane, that lettuce washing water could have been used in the garden! Water is gold.


Another alternative is "Alfalfa Sprouts" grown in containers. I have grown these year round indoors and have greens for salad and sandwiches even in the dead of winter!


I only just started gardening 4-5 years ago. At first, I was overexcited to grow all of the things. Now I only grow varieties I can’t easily get at the store or high dollar items. Greens and herbs of all sorts are definitely the biggest bang for your buck.


This inspired me. I've been going crazy with growing peppers and tomatoes, I need to elevate my lettuce activity.


My 1 rogue lettuce that volunteered in my Raspberry Barrels produced thousands of seeds! Found it today- and harvest the entire thing. Thrashed it on a large tray- removed the grubs and fed to birds, and was able to save thousands of seeds just from one plant! Got about 8 packets worth of lettuce seeds just from 1 plant!!!


I love your garden to table videos❤ !!!! I look forward to seeing more of your little homestead 🥰


Everyone has their own way of washing lettuce but I'm with you on the salad spinner. Been watching you since the BG days. Always interesting vids


You can grow lettuce in the summer - this is how - just like you use a cold frame for cold nights, you need an overhead dark tent to shade during the hot sun. With the sides open for morning and evening sun is all your lettuce needs - or if you have a tree for summer shade. If your lettuce is bitter it wasn't pampered enough keep up on water. Head lettuce is not a good summer choice. Lastly, if your lettuce bolts or become bitter - the greens taste wonderful when cooked.


Absolutely love how you edited the chopping


I grow my own lettuce hydroponically, but the problem is I live in Florida, so I have to add ice cubes to the water occasionally, otherwise it'll bolt quicker/taste more bitter due to the heat
