My Favorite Victorinox May Be Their Worst Multi-Tool! Victorinox AutoTool

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What a funky design.
To be honest I do like the pressure gauge and the light.
Very useful for hvac.
Although I think a multitool with some good size handles and with the electronic part being removable can be nice.
Nowadays you can easily have cob lights and rotating LED.
Or a multimeter pen style


Great ideas there - the self ejecting battery made me chuckle! Perhaps they could have added a scret compartment for a spare key (!) or a little wd40 spritzer 😆


I have one in the mail. can't wait to get it! Great video!


At least it’s a fair stab at being different & fair enough though it’s not constructed well, I love it🧐👏👏👏


i've got a gardening multi-tool: Kent and Stowe Home & Garden Multi-Tool. £13. the main tool is a pair of secateurs. they have a safety catch, to stop them opening (it prevents the secateurs from being able to get tucked inside the arms, unfortunately). in one handle arm is a sheepfoot knife, a mini trowel, a ruler/ file, and a forked-bladed 'root remover'. the other handle arm features a saw, a philips screwdriver, scissors and a swivel-headed mini rake! 😀


Never seen that multitool before, it's very interesting but with faulty design though. then again it would be a great "just in-case" tool to keep in the glove box. Cowabunga.!


I like your enthusiasm about a mediocre tool which was ingeniously designed but poorly fabricated. I‘m all with you: praise to the brave pioneer, who dares to invent s th new. Sometimes, he isn’t the one to succeed, but: he DARED.

Somehow like Apples Newton, which also failed, but Jobs kept the faith and later developed the iPad and ultimately the iPhone. Game over for Nokia.


didnt know the extra stuff on it was so poorly made, can even see it just from the video, like a mercedes with lada doors.


Inspector Gadget approved. I have to look into were you would send the Victorinox in the US for servicing and repairs. I'm just carious. I don't really like those old serrated style swiss army knife. They look like serrated butter knives to me. I don't really know much about Victorinox but I think they're top notch and a competitor for Leatherman. Victorinox is one of the companies who turned down Mr. Tim Leatherman's design in the early 80's. The only turn off about their plier based multitool is they're super expensive. They don't offer anything new for under $100. Even used on ebay they go for around $90.


I remember when that came out… but for me, seeing plastic on a multi tool, causes me to pause carefully. Some makers did it successfully. It was still a smart design idea, though. 🤷🏻‍♂️
