Having Trouble With Self Inquiry? Try This

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When we first try self inquiry it can be frustrating to say the least. However if you give it some time and follow a few pointers it can evolve into a profound investigation that can take you to places that will surprise you.

About my videos: These videos are a resource for anyone wishing to wake up from the dream of separation. Awakening, enlightenment, and liberation are becoming far more mainstream possibilities than they once were. There are many good teachers out there, and if you resonate with the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, or Sadhguru, you might find resources here that address these deeper promptings to investigate your true nature.

Disclaimer: The information presented in these videos is not meant to diagnose or treat any psychiatric or medical illness. The inquiries presented herein are potent and can have powerful effects on the way you experience yourself and reality. If you feel you are at risk of harming yourself or others, these videos and practices may not be the best thing for you at the moment. Seek help wherever necessary which might include a hospital emergency department, a suicide helpline etc.
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Lately, when I ask myself, “Who am I?” I find myself confronted with a profound silence, a vastness within me, like a deep well where a pebble is dropped but never seems to hit the water. There’s this sense of something echoing back, but it’s so subtle and elusive that I struggle to describe it. And then, almost automatically, I tell myself, “Oh, that’s just a thought.”

The thing is, when I seriously engage in self-inquiry and ask that question, there’s no immediate answer—no thought or response. It’s just emptiness for a while, and then I notice the absence of thoughts before they eventually start creeping back in. It’s as if I’m caught in a loop, and it’s leaving me feeling a bit lost and confused about how to proceed.

If anyone has insights or guidance on how to navigate this, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.


The real problem is that every time I ask, "who am I?" The immediate thought is Les Miserables and my mind jumps to me to sing as loud as I can, "I'm Jean ValJean!" Or "24601!"


​Hi everybody kind here, I discovered very powerful inside response when I am asking "Who am I", and repeating literally saying inside "I am simply asking Who I really am". It is a feeling that nothing else needed, just asking, that's all.


Angelo… you are my teacher, by YouTube comments, its so funny…. But finally after years of seeking it worked.

While zazen meditation and asking „who am i”, it hit me. It wasnt gradual at all, massive change, sudden light, and puff… my body was gone. I had No body! I was The Floor, everything, everything was so fluent and radiant.

Of course, there was a massive fear response, but i sit throught it. It wasnt big, but i might say it was kensho ? So „seeing a bull?”

What do you think ? Any advice how to process to make it deeper ?

Thank you so much for everything. It was your book which was The biggest impact.❤️🙏 now i have 0 doubt it really works!


I love when you guided self inquiry perfect gold


This was potent! I’ve been pulling myself “off center” paying too much attention to the news… this brought me back!!🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻


Thank you, thank you, thank you Angelo, for making this video. I have found this process so futile. Been doing inquiry often, pretty much every day on the drive to and from work. I ask the question and disengage the brain, not expecting or looking for an answer (as I've been taught) however all I get is some random unrelated thought. Probably of what to expect at work on the drive in or a reflection of what happened at work on the drive home. And so it's gone on. Think I'll play this video again and again so it really sinks in. 'I' am going to nail this inquiry thing, if its the last thing I do lol 😉.

Many thanks for all you pointing maybe I need a big Awakening road sign this way ➡ to look out for on my daily commute 😂😂


Felt like stillness inside the body and outside at the same time, or my mind saying it but mind cannot feel, thanks Angelo great videos one after another 🙏🏼


In this space, it's easy to get a sense of what's meant in the classic adage,
"Get out of your own way".

Love y'all ❤️‍🔥


Thank you, this is so helpful. I only started self inquiry a couple of weeks back after reading Ramana Maharshi and didn't feel like it was leading anywhere, just to conceptual understandings of 'not me' - I feel like this has helped a lot, I'm at a turning point here.


Thanks, walking my self back with these talks.


I started doing this inquiry (and forgive me if this is already described elsewhere or is just off based) and it has really opened up some great space for me. Usually when I’m at work, I’ll go walk to grab some coffee or water and the hallway is long and is typically empty (I work nights) and as I’m walking I ask myself “who is walking? Or How am I walking “ I started to do that with many various activities like playing basketball and cleaning and it’s like my body just does what my intention is but my thoughts are just floating by and are meaningless to the action itself

It was a very opening revelation when I saw that I could walk somewhere and actively think “stop walking or hop on one foot” and my body just continued walking. It helped me realize that there’s no actual thinker and doer and that “I” exist somewhere past those thoughts.

Does this make sense ?? 🤨
Thanks for great videos 🤘


Even bringing my attention to the feeling of my being. My thoughts, mind or ego correct ???? and how is my thoughts or mind going to cause my thoughts to be neutralize or am I misunderstanding....then when I ask my..who am I this body gets these intense chill sensations and ear buzzing???


so, I'm having this another problem with inquity, I would be pleased if you could answer me. I've tried on Power of Now for a few times and stepped on this same problem I'm having now on inquiry. Thing is, after some days of practicing it my mind won't accept it anymore, it just takes an enormous amount of effort to keep the mind empty and each time this needed effort looks bigger. The mind have this uncontrollable urge to thing in any nonsense sh*t. Feels like when you stop breathing, and you eventually feel like you just can't keep yourself from breathing anymore. Inquiry practices sometimes feels like that.
I've looked on reddit and on youtube for solution or similar cases but just couldn't find anything about this subject. What should I do?


Thanks for this..
Around 5/6 years in, and in the beginning my new found understanding was so hugely comforting and so familiar
It feels like the honeymoon is over?
Or is it that I'm used to the change?
Am I still seeking? when I ask that, I know there is nothing to seek it's all here, I need to remember it's simple,
Thanks for video, it will help..
Much love from Ireland


Hah! You’re a good man to lol the matter! 😄 Cheers and have a good one, bro!


Thank you dear Angelo. This is really helpful! 🙏🏻💜✨


Only last night did i think for the first time that i do not have the energy for self inquiry. I could only surrender as i am so confused.


Thank you Angelo. I have a stupid question I suppose, I've heard be "aware of awareness" or "be aware of being aware" countless times but never have really ever understood it. Is it like when there is the realization that there are thoughts and what it is that realizes that there are thoughts is the Awareness or sense of I Am?

Being aware that this awareness that is aware of the narrative or thought, is not thought but prior to thought, is awareness?? (I probably butchered this).


Thank you for these videos that have the palatable music and graphics instead of all that creepy factory stuff. Your content is always good, but some of the graphics and background noises on some videos are just too hard to stomach, at least for me. They seem to cut against the goodness of your words. But this is great, man: thank you.
