Dissolving All Thoughts - Self Inquiry Meditation

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🚩 To profoundly deepen your meditation & Self inquiry meditation practice, watch this free 1 hour class and practice what I mention consistently: (No longer available)
In this video I will share with you how to get unstuck in self inquiry meditation - how to go to the root of the self inquiry meditation and rest as the seeing.

There is this space within you which sees all, yet has no need to say “I see.”

There is a space within you in which all your reactions are known, yet it does not have any reaction to them.

There is a space within you in which all desires and fears appear, yet it does not have any desire or fear of its own.

This space is spontaneous, effortless awareness. And this space is not just “within you,” it IS you.

It is your own Self; your essential identity before all personal or worldly layers are added on.

And as you learn to see this “space” and as you learn to recognize it as yourself, you will become free of all mind-imposed limitations which you are currently suffering from.

In today’s video I break it down in a very simple way: How to acknowledge and rest as this “space.”

Make sure to watch it.

It may be deep and difficult for the mind to comprehend at first, but once this seed is planted you will never be the same.

Wishing you all the best.

Enrollments for the Higher Consciousness Shift Program are now open: Dissolve mind identification and regain your peace & freedom -

Sunny Sharma
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This is so helpful. I understand now. When I am am being the seer, my mind goes quiet. Thank you.


Thank you Sonny 🙏 your work is changing my life one thought at a time. ☮️ ❤️


This is gold. Very helpful. I’m raising a toddler, going back to school but I still am aiming for Hopefully I’m not being naively ambitious! 😆


This is super helpful.
I had to realize this on my own a few week ago and it left me a little confused. *All* is seen. It’s nice to see it affirmed in words by someone else:)


Got it! Very simple yet extremely powerful. Bless🙏❣


I am so aware of my toughts but they are still her


Contrary to what you say this is indeed practical, specific and helpful. Thank you!


Thank you this is very helpful I just have one question when going in can sensations also distracted you from going in


God bless you Sunny. Whenever thought arises I keep my attention on awareness .. I'm aware ..thought disappear! ! I remain still . But if I find this thought coming back, does it mean to go and do what this thought is telling me to do?? For example thought insists that I go cook, but I feel tired . Im confused what to do . I'm seeing all that .. what will happen? How will I decided what to do ?? Thank you


You are simply superb dude .. thanks a lot 🙏🙏🙏


Sunny do you see the thought as it occurs simultaneously? I seem to only see it after.


Wonderful Sunny. I'm remaining the still alert awareness that sees whatever arises now. . Thoughts, interpretations, feelings the activity of my mind, all that the mind is doing without being withdrawn from the sense I Am .. keeping my attention on me, being, I'm aware . Correct? ? :)


Thank you so much! Very important key <3


So when a thought arises is it necessary to keep asking to whom these thoughts arise??


When u are fully aware u wouldn't even know u are in a state of awareness. U would just be in a state of silence, here, present, just nothing. When u reach to a place of where u can't explain it where there's just nothing, just silence THAT'S IT RIGHT THERE. WHAT IS


Well, what about a thought image, an imaginal act? Imaginings have form. Images in the mind have forms. What’s your remedy for that?


Hello I have a question for you sir I'm meditating but at a certain point I feel unbalance like my head starts to shake is that normal


make a video about overcome LONLINESS and manifest good companionship. It is becoming a great problem in current time day by day.


This video can be summed up in one simple You are indifferent to a car passing by, you hear it’s sound, you see it’s form and you let it pass by without thought. The thoughts that affect you are the ones you’re attached if you are trying to avoid it through resistance or hate or judgement .

To silently observe these ugly or wasteful thoughts and let them pass by without engaging them, just like some random car going by.


It's not so easy because there is always the spiritual ego that wants to take control. This "I am" is nobody. That's why sometimes I say people that they can call me how they want. Ida or not. Really don't give a damn. The ego can hardly figure out that It's just the vessel of this "I am" and that one day it will disappear. There's nothing to be added after this "I am". Or perhaps, regardless of the religions, you could say that It's the intention that God has for you. It's difficult to stomach that the ego can't do anything in this dimension apart from thinking of its human condition. 'I think therefore I am' is obsolete. It would rather be 'I don't think therefore I am'
I am is the experience because you don't exist through your cogitations about the meaning of your existence. When you see the world, do you really observe a meaning? Everything is upside down. But don't be mistaken God/Universe is upside down first. You are an experience in this big laboratory and your considerations lead nowhere apart from a lot of fatigue at the end of the day. It's never your thoughts that are going to solve a problem in your reality, the I am is the solution because It's the I am that has caused the problem too in order to fix it to fulfill what It is : the experience. The I am is the problem and the solution. The I am is the script and you execute it to the letter.
The I am will always pop up what It has signed for. If there's a soulmate for you, you will meet him or her even if you're in Tokyo and the other soul in London. The more It's improbable the more is the I am experience. Just letting it be. Isn't the song of the Beatles? Let it be let it be, there will be an answer let it be.
And then John Lennon was killed. Therefore you see that the ego is a puppet. No need to worry. No need to weep.
