A Very Easy Way To Practice Self-Inquiry

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Self Realization is our highest purpose in life. These videos share simple messages about Awakening, Enlightenment, and Surrender.. These are the same topics taught by Mooji, Papaji, Ramana Maharshi, and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
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As always, many thanks. No nonsense, no BS, no fake acting. I love the ordinaryness of your vids.


Love the Obi wan Kenobi cosplay 😂😂
Great content as always ❤


I think you did a great job explaining the unexplainable 😊


For me a great start was trying to notice as soon as possible when you (for example) judge or criticize someone be it aloud or inside your head. Many of us do it, and we do it often on a daily basis, hourly even. Start noticing this and saying to yourself "I'm doing it again, and i have no right to do this, i don't know how it is to be this person, I'm not perfect, no one is, can I put myself in this person's shoes?". There are many things you can think of to say in that moment but the point is to let go of hatred not only for others but for yourself.
The way you snapped your fingers when explaining the momentum of the awareness arising is what i use when trying to explain people how you "catch" yourself doing the "bad" thing when you get more experienced with self inquiry.


Thanks for the video! The question I've been asking myself throughout the day is "Is there awareness?" Seems to make me aware of awareness and does the trick. 👍


Sometimes I feel like we enjoy talking about self inquiry so we don’t crazy and our mind takes over. Cause when we lose our mind or say we do it’s not that we lose it’s that it takes over… so we have to talk about this.


That divine timing of the Cicada singing the cosmic ringing


I've been doing self-inquiry in the past few days. I remember I felt really bad after masturbation like I can't break free from it. In the self-inquiry session, I was asking "Who am I without these sexual fantasies?". "Who am I", "If these sexual thoughts were gone, would I still exist?" as I asked these questions, I tried to simply be present by focusing on my breath, heart beat, and the weird signals that I hear the more I am focused in the present moment. Eventually, I fell asleep due to too much anxiety and grief from masturbation and after an hour, during my sleep, something wrapped me and made that anxiety disappear and this inner stillness and peace shrouded me like something I have never felt before. I immediately woke up and felt so energetic and peaceful. The next day I fell again into these sexual thoughts which eventually led me to PMO. The peaceful sensation is still here but it is much weaker. I do not know if in time it becomes stronger and more permanent with practice of self-inquiry and I also do not know how to use self-inquiry to get rid of these bad sexual habits.


So so helpful, having a rough one today. Listened to this, everything became so clear again. Thank you so very much.

PS ... Don't stop


Hi Yash. Thank you brother. I felt like wanting an old buddy around spitting in the wind about real deep stuff. Have been around a lot of drama friends and that’s ok. Not like I’m not use to it … Just it’s nice to sit down with a heart centered easy friend like I use to with my old yogi mentor that I cherish, though left this earth. Self inquiry is great. And it’s nice once in awhile to sit in the silence with someone who just gets it. A nod. A smile. A warm centered heart glow. Who’s loving this? :)) Who’s missing their old friend? Yeah those golden moments. Thank you good man. Subscribed.


Yea, it's really been hard to find an accessable, practical and meaningful guide to self inquiry...this seems to answer my main obstacles and questions for now. Thank you.


Great, no nonsense approach!! Follow the path of self inquiry and you will have supper in the Garden of Eden tasting the nectar of immortality.


Just love your videos man, just love them. This really resonated with me. Self inquiry fascinates me but also eluded me. The way you break it down, I understand. Love the videos keep them coming. Speaking of 'cumming' love your other videos as well. I have an addiction to to that, I feel is a barrier for me to the next level. Can't stop! Sláinte dude 😉


please continue making these videos :D. So helpful. Thanks alot. Much apreciated.


Wow, thank you so much. “Taking the localized consciousness to its universal essence.” 🙏


Theres a lot of people that do not want to self inquire.. 🙌🤣🤣🙏🏻💖🕉️🔱..thank you brother 🙏🏻💖


You have a depth that says ‘the Real Deal” to my heart . Have you read the only book Begawan Ramana Maharishi approved & even edited himself ~ ’Guru Vachaka Kovai’ (The Garland of the Guru’s Teachings’) by his enlightened disciple Maruganar, of Shi Ramana’s direct words?,
I know, it’s “ just a book”.. yet I Am~ blown away and don’t want it to ‘end’🕉
Subscribed, Thank you 🙏🏼


Thanks Yash...very relatable & no nonsense pointing. The elaborate and ethereal explanations on self inquiry mostly confuse me.
In my case the purging process started five uncomfortable and all consuming years ago.. Many days I only have bathrobe energy and cant get much done. I want to lighten up around this whole process but can't seem to put it down.


I love your videos! I’ve been at Brockwood in the 70’s, attended many, many Krishnamurti’s talks. He was in a way frustrated in the end of his life thinking nobody ever understood him. But the seeds were spread and I see some people in this awakening process. Unfortunately not my self lol But I just love to hear all these audios, of Krishnamurti, Mooji, Ekhart, Alan watts, yours … I don’t kown your name 😊I’m Denise, from Brazil…
