Mormons believe in MANY Gods (Are Mormons Changing their Teachings)?

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Mormons believe in MANY Gods. They also believe that God was once a MAN! Many Mormons don't know this or try to down play it. So does Mormonism. Are Mormons Changing their Teachings on this or just candy-coating it?

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Related searches: mormon gods, do mormons believe in many gods, do mormons believe in multiple gods

Elder Melvin J. Ballard: "It is a Mormon truism that is current among us and we all accept it, that as man is God once was and as God is man may become. That does not signify that man will become God. I am sorry to say, and yet it is a truth, that not many men will become what God is, simply because they will not pay the price, because they are not willing to live up to the requirements; and still all men may, if they will, become what God is, but only those who are heirs of the celestial glory shall ever be possible candidates, to become what God is." (General Conference, April 1921)

Elder James E. Talmage: "The *doctrine* of the relationship between God and men, as made plain through the word of revelation, is today as it was of old, though in the light of later scripture we are enabled to read the meaning more clearly. It is provided that we, the sons and daughters of God, may advance until we become like unto our Eternal Father and our Eternal Mother, in that we may become perfect in our spheres as they are in theirs. That grand truth, taught by the Prophet Joseph and ridiculed for the time, has now gripped the minds of the thinkers and philosophers of the age... It was crystallized into what we may call an aphorism, by President Lorenzo Snow: *'As man is God once was; as God is man may be'."* (General Conference, April 1915)

Elder Joseph E. Robinson: "So the Prophet Joseph Smith, in this age, has added to this truth by the assertion that "As man is God once was, and that as He is man may became," because He is our Father, and like begets like, and inherent within us are the attributes of divinity that shall lead us into perfection, which Christ intended His Saints to attain unto." (General Conference, April 1912)Elder Goege F. Richards: "We are His children in Very deed, having been born of Him in the spirit, and we have inherited the very attributes which he possesses. They are in us, and they make us God's embryo, We believe that as we are now God once was, and by the practice of virtue and righteousness, by obedience unto law and authority, He has become what He is, and as He is, man may become, on the same principle." (General Conference, April 1913)Elder Milton R. Hunter: "We believe that God is a personal being. By a personal being, we mean that he is a man--an exalted man. Approximately one hundred years ago, soon after Lorenzo Snow became a member of the true Church of Jesus Christ, he formulated a remarkable couplet which has since that time become famous. He said: ‘As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become.’ Time and time again during the period of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Prophet Joseph Smith, various evidences were given to him sustaining, amplifying, and explaining the personality of God. If time would permit, many excellent quotations could be cited from the D&C which would help to describe the personality of our Eternal Father." (General Conference, October 1948)RS manual, Page 29: “He taught further that God the Father was once a man on another planet who ‘passed the ordeals we are now passing through; he has received an experience, has suffered and enjoyed, and knows all that we know regarding the toils, sufferings, life and death of this mortality." (DBY, 22).
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Ex Mormon here. They don't tell you that when you're first going through baptism and most don't learn it until they reach deeper into doctrine. I didn't learn it until 4 years after baptism.


Hello, Bryan More Merciful! This video of yours will appear in the videos of mormons and many of them will see and watch your videos. Good for you and for them! I will pray 1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys and 1 Glory Be for you. God bless you and your ministry. 😊🙏


Thank you Bryan for making these videos. It's really important to know what these different "churches" and "religions" actually teach and believe. So many people fall into their traps because they don't really know what they you said, often they are very vague.


When I was a lot younger I had a Mormon friend who was teaching me about Mormonism. I’m also a huge science fiction fan. I read parts of the the Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price, & most if not all of Doctrines & Covenants. My friend would explain to me about becoming gods & getting planets, etc. It sounded like a science fiction story, interesting but far fetched. I was only nominally Christian at the time, but even with that little bit of true knowledge, I knew Mormonism is not Christian. I don’t understand how Christians & especially Catholics can be convinced otherwise.


May God bless you and your family and ministry Bryan. ❤


YESSS you’re back on the Mormon videos again 🥳
Can you make more videos in the future exploring other pseudo-Christian denominations?


Mormonism just gets lost in all the other crazy worldwide new age ideologies.

I have spoken with young mormon “elders” who came to my door. I said, “wouldn’t you like to know the ‘first’ God who created everything?” They replied, “It doesn’t matter. We only need to worship our god.” I just scratched my head🙄


thank you for talking about this i am 16 and was rised you the church aand for the past year i have been secretly following the catholic church and i don't know what to do in the futher i am too afraid to tell my famliy but i don't want to go on a culit mission


Catholics and Protestants disagree on many things, but at least we both agree that there is only one God who has always been God.


I was baptized into the LDS church at 15 many years ago. It’s hard to give up the idea of marriage lasting beyond death if you’re happily married. There were SO many things I
had no clue about the church and it’s history before I joined :(.


It's crystal clear from the opening pages that the Book of Mormon is based on a silly Protestant belief that was very popular at the time it was written. This belief was that the Catholic Church had become Babylon the Great. That teaching assumes that the gates of hell overcame the Rock on which Christ promised to build his Church. So the Mormon Church is built on a horrific blasphemy.


I love your passion!
You display it with all of your teachings.
You clearly love Jesus, and Jesus clearly loves you! ⚘️


God bless you brother! Do you have a list of books on Catholicism that you recommend for someone who was born into the catholic faith but isn’t well educated in it. I’d like to read into the church fathers but there are so many books I don’t know where to start. Or if you’ve covered this before in a video of your list of recommended books could you post a link please. 🙏🏽


Also want to say, its like a misreading of some of the psalms when people mistranslate it as the "council of the god's"


Bizarroland.... I find it similar to Satan's thinking, wanting to be God.


Truth matters - thanks for spreading truth


They believe Independence Mo. is where the garden of Eden was.


I was raised Catholic and who is now after 2 1/2 years is returning to the one true Church, the Roman Catholic Church, and I have burning questions which in my heart Jesus has spoken and said to me, through His voice, that in time I will come to understand, I have been strayed away from God for so long and I know God called me back because my family has turned away from Christ in many senses apart from my dad who had the common sense to raise me Catholic, is there a way to contact you through email?


Explain Romans 8:16-18 to me then where it clearly states we are joint heirs with Christ. Or explain Acts 17:28, 29 that says we are the offspring of God. Orthodox Christians also believe in deification of man. They kept this teaching whereas Catholics later did away with it in their creeds to satisfy Greek and Roman philosophy that the Devine and mortal mankind could not be of the same substance.

Also, from a logical perspective, deification just makes sense. Why would God call us His children if He didn’t mean it? Doesn’t every father want his children to have everything he has and more? We are not God’s pets to keep our God entertained. We are His actual offspring, the same species, and as such, He wants us to have everything He has. This explains so much about who we are, why we are here, why we need opposition, what what is our purpose.


The best way to evangelize them is to treat them with love. Don’t tell them they’re not Christian but instead listen to them tell you their beliefs and be respectful and loving. Mormons are taught from the very beginning that they are constantly being persecuted and by loving them you can make them doubt their authority.
