Mormons Explained | What is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints? LDS Mormons Explained

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as the Mormon church or LDS church is a Christian denomination with millions of members worldwide. But what do they believe in? In this short video we’ll dive into the most important details, including their history, practices, beliefs, and just about anything else you’d need to know about Mormonism.

#mormons #lds #religion #mormon
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I was approached just now from this church. I told them I am a follower of a Christ not religion. They immediately left.


Thanks for this explanation. I know very little about Mormonism, and I just wanted an un-biased set of information.


So Christ decided to visit USA after death and left them the Mormon book and appeared to Joe Smith. You could not make it up


Very well done. Accurate. Factual. Neutral. As a former Mormon from SLC I often find I’m defending the many innacurrate often boldly fictional portrayals of both the church & its members. I despise the use of embellishments & fiction being used at ANY level when describing fact especially people, beliefs &/or groups of people which since leaving Mormonism Ive found a literal vast majority of people have significant errors &/or discrepencies in their views, beliefs & descriptions of the LDS church & its teachings, principals & especially how its members believe & behave. I hate using lies to describe anything & just because I personally don’t believe in the teachings, I respect & honor those who do & the truth & reality behind it all. Plain & simple. Thank you for one of, if not the best accurate neutral descriptions & portrayals of the facts of the LDS church & its members & their history & teachings. Truly unbiased & true. I appreciate it. (Sure wish all media was like you lol)


A know and understand a little bit more and more! Keep up the great work!!!


Also would like to see one on Quakers, Puritans, Pilgrims


He preverted the gospel polygymy is wrong he is a false idol only one bible kjv1611 Paul Grace was effeicient enough. CHRIST CRUCIFIFIED ONLY WAY TO SALVATION NO WAY THROUGH ANY MAN THE GOD THE FATHER AND THE HOLY GHOST ARE 1 this is truley a false religion.😢


Pretty accurate with no major errors. Astounding how rare something as simple as that is, most people try to frame mormonism as a cult and spread misinformation. Of course this video is still very brief and skims over a lot of details, but there's only so much you can go through in under 7 minutes. Overall, good job!


Do one on Apostolic, Assemblies of God, Four square church, Church of Christ, Church of the Nazarene, Unitarian Universalist, Scientology, Armenian and Arian Christian


I happened to be Catholic 5 years ago they invited me to there Church just to be nice i went the next week i invited them to my Church they refused told only there Church is true. The problem i have with that if your Church is the only one why do they spend half the time trying to keep members from leaving


I'm baptist, but someone approached me today and told me he was from the church of LDS. I didn't know what that was, so i told him i would do some research; I like learning about different denominations of christianity. I didnt realize the LDS was just the name of the church for mormons. I don't accept the book of mormon, but I can respect my fellow Christians all the same. We all believe in the same core concept, and I pray we are all redeemed, despite slight differences in practices and interpretations of the word.


As a soon to be LDS missionary I thank you for making a non bias and informative video about my church and beliefs. Just subscribed. God bless!


They’re certainly not a Christian church or denomination even if they claim to be. Sorry, the rest of the video might be ok but you lost me right at the start.


About to watch Book of Mormon, thanks for explaining! 👍


In an era where religious discourse is often marred by misunderstanding and misrepresentation, "Mormonism and the Restored Gospel of Christ" emerges as a beacon of clarity and scholarship. This book is not merely an apologetic defense of Mormon theology but a profound exploration of its roots, its alignment with early Christian doctrines, and its relevance in contemporary religious dialogue.
Eugene Seaich out with a dual purpose: to elucidate the tenets of Mormonism for those outside the faith and to deepen the understanding of these doctrines among Latter-day Saints themselves. The book's strength lies in its ability to bridge these audiences, offering a narrative that is both accessible to the uninitiated and enriching for the devout.
Central to the book is the argument that many doctrines unique to Mormonism, often dismissed as "unbiblical" or "non-Christian, " were in fact integral to early Christian belief. Dr. Seaich meticulously documents how concepts such as the preexistence of the soul, the Three Degrees of Glory, and the deification of man were well-known among early Christians and have been substantiated by modern scholarship. This historical context not only validates these doctrines but also situates Mormonism within the broader Christian tradition.
One of the most compelling sections of the book is its discussion on salvation. The author deftly navigates the theological complexities surrounding grace, works, judgment, and reward. By distinguishing between salvation as "redemption from sin" and as "a reward for goodness, " the book offers a nuanced understanding that reconciles seemingly contradictory scriptural statements. This clarity is invaluable for readers from various Christian denominations who grapple with these concepts.
The exploration of the Atonement, described as "At-One-Ment, " is particularly enlightening. The author draws from the writings of Paul and John to illustrate how believers can achieve oneness with the Divine. This spiritual union, central to Mormon soteriology, transcends mere moral striving and taps into a transformative righteousness that is both divine and accessible.
Furthermore, the book delves into the nature of God and the concept of deification. It challenges the traditional Trinitarian view that separates God from humanity, advocating instead for a "participatory monotheism" where humans can share in God's divine nature. This theological perspective not only aligns with early Christian thought but also offers a hopeful vision of human potential and destiny.
Dr Seaich does not shy away from addressing controversial aspects of Mormon theology. By incorporating the findings of non-LDS scholars, the book reinforces the legitimacy of its claims and demonstrates that many Mormon beliefs have ancient precedents. This scholarly rigor is complemented by a clear and engaging writing style, making complex theological concepts accessible to a broad readership.
In conclusion, "Mormonism and the Restored Gospel of Christ" is a groundbreaking work that invites readers to reconsider their preconceptions about Mormonism. It presents a well-reasoned and thoroughly researched case for the continuity of Latter-day Saint doctrines with early Christian beliefs. For Mormons, it is a source of affirmation and deeper understanding; for others, it is an invitation to a respectful and informed dialogue. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersections of history, theology, and faith.


My very first reaction is that Mormonism is a “Christian Denomination.” Perhaps the author never read what Joe Smith said about all other “Christian” denominations. Mormons teach a gospel contrary to the gospel taught by Christ. I live next to the Navajo Reservation. Even though one might claim to be a Navajo, if they are not born of Navajos, they ARE NOT Navajos. The same can be said of Mormons. Just because Mormons claim to be Christians, the FACT that they proclaim a god NOT of the Bible and a Christ NOT of the Bible excludes them from the family of historical Christians.


As a member thank you for the accurate summary! Breath of fresh air!


It is hard to find a video that is truly informative and unbiased regarding what the LDS Church believes, all of the other videos are either “I left that cult because this is what they believe in and why they are wrong”, or are videos by Mormons themselves. Thank you.


One more religion created by magic mushrooms


The mormons do so many things right. Living in utah, they are a lot of fun to know and hang out with.
