Most User Friendly Tank Lines To Grind For Beginners

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Want to have more fun? And a More User Friendly experience? Grind these lines.
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I enjoyed the American heavy line, early tiers were fun and the T29 really helped me learn hull down tactics and the small peepee can work too.


General Public's tank guide for beginners. First, don't go up the tiers too quickly. As Claus stated, the Russian tech tree is the best to cut your milky white teeth on. Get to tier five and get a KV1. It is the best training tank in the game and you will be more likely to get away with making a mistake. The German line is the next best for learning how to handle a tank. Avoid the all others, especially the French line. A lot of players think they can do well in French tanks, but you definitely need skill, a beginner won't have, to play them. Most important of all, when you die in a battle click and follow other players in tanks you are playing, or thinking of playing. You will learn more of what and what not to do by watching others play. I still do it and have learned more about the game in spectator mode than by any other method. It also helps to familiarize yourself with the maps and terrain.


Claus speaks the truth. I went down the German light line first and I’m in therapy for it.


Good stuff, Clause. The guy in the second game was a side-scraping beast. Always took the time to set up a good shot. Taught me a lot.


Great video thanks. I fell for the historical optics and went German and US lines before knowing/caring about the game factors that really matter. I still don't know what the heck I'm doing but love the game including complaining about parts of it lol. Thanks again for your videos!


I think the IS-7 line is really beginner friendly too. It was my first tier X


I agree mostly with what you said on the 277. He bounced that much because his hull was protected and the turret is very strong and was the only thing exposed. If you are a newer player you have to realize the 277 hull is not that strong against other tier 10s. One of my favorites though due to its speed. That speed can get you in a bad position quuckly though and you will be dead.


he's the only YouTuber that doesn't think the casual players are nothing but trash


started 8 years ago with the Russian mediums and heavies. Love them. I definitely recommend them for beginners.


Solid advice. Too late for me though, I have the unfortunate habit of picking vehicles based on whether I like their appearance, and for some reason, I tend to like the look of lightly armored, turretless AFVs. So that's how I started out...


The 430U quickly kicked the Leopard PTA off it's throne as my favorite tank. Depending on equipment and crew skills, it can be extremely stealthy and snipe from medium range, or get up close and lock horns with the heavies.


Great choices Claus and always a bonus to try to stay alive longer even by accident


Very good advice in general. However I would like to mention, I rarely 'accidentally' bounce damage. I play on the NA server and everyone (it seems like 95% of players) spams gold ammo, so bounces are somewhat rare....


When advising new players it's worth remembering something. I've had to go back and buy a tank so many times to get a new tank. Advice I've given a few friends is to just research every line on each line just in case, elite everything! As you gain experience you might want to try something else.


If I were starting over again I wouldn't even bother going beyond tier VII or VIII. I ground out an E100 and I still can't be bothered to play it because tier IX and X are so expensive to play and everyone is spamming gold that it just isn't fun. The people who don't have premium accounts and aren't using gold ammo / boosters are basically just targets. Same for VII and VIII too to an extent but you can usually be okay especially if you buy a premium tank or one with bonds and can earn some credits. I'd also avail of things like Christmas events to get some free crew and slots just to help diversify a bit.


In my case someone told me to go for Russian heavies and mediums. I am still at t8 and 9 and I can tell you I got shredded in my kv85 and IS. They told me this tank has amor but I never felt that. I had the feeling I was matched against players who knew how to use these popular tanks. With my stock crews it was a slow paced unfun experience. Maybe the is7 is better but I have to face all the players who maxed out their tanks and have played this tank a lot more while I join a new tier and trying to not die within 2 shots and searching for weak points of tanks I never played. Wot is a harsh game for new players. I changed my winrate from 47 to 52 and still think I am one of the worse players in my team. I can't remember caliber and DPM and stuff like that which the unicums always kind of know. Tbh I learned the most im arty about map positions while in hawk mode. I see where to hide and I have enough time to learn the positions because I didn't die after 4 mins


As a beginner, back 10 years ago, I went to IS 7, which I still think can be an option nowadays. Then I got the IS 4, also a viable option nowadays. The 3rd line, surprise!, it was the Grille (actually it should've been Waff, but when I researched it, they removed it 🤣🤣).

The 277 is not a forgiving tank if you are a beginner. 430 U, yes, it can work for anyone though.


113 was my first tier 10 tank. I was super happy to get it. I still really like the tank I play it every now and then.


Cool video. I like your speaking presentation. Fun to listen to.

I've been browsing youtube videos today looking for tips. In terms of how long I've had an account, I'm not a beginner. But in terms of my actual skill level, yeah I'm a beginner. haha
I played the game back in 2013 and stopped around 2015. I only re-downloaded the game yesterday after all those years. A lot has changed. A lot hasn't.

Most of the tanks in my garage are the slower bulky heavy tanks sadly. Given a choice, I think I would prefer a good all around medium, or at least a heavy that functions like a medium. The Obj 277 there does look like something I should get. I have the Chinese WZ-111 5a or whatever the main heavy Tier X is. It's been a while, forgive me. I have the E100 and the Super Conq for my other tier Xs so far.

Right now though, the problem I'm struggling with isn't so much the tank I play, so much as it is how to leverage the maps. Every single game starts with me going to the designated heavy tank area, reaching the middle point of that area, and waiting in a stalemate for the other team to rush out foolishly. No joke, every game goes the same- I reach the middle of the lane section, do my best to position myself in a proper side scraping angle, and wait for the enemy to poke out. One of 2 things happens now. Either I lose my trades because my angle is never correct (or they loaded gold rounds), or both of us sit here for 5 minutes waiting for the other player to make a mistake.
Many games I'll feel too crowded by my own allies and can't even get into a proper position. I either crowd them hoping for a shot, or I sit back and just wait with my thumb up my butt.

Trying to go off on my own in a heavy tank is bad idea. Not enough mobility to get out of trouble, not enough vision to avoid it. No.

Gameplay like shown in your video here make everything look easy. And to a good player, I suppose it is. I just want to understand what mindset I need to learn and how to actually make an impact regardless of my team. I'm tired of sitting back waiting for things to happen. I'm tired of not being able to block shots even when I'm side scraping. I'm tired of stale mates.


M3 Lee taught me to play fixed turret TD's! I'd pretty much given up at the Stug, I just couldn't get on with it! Having to grind through the Lee, I actually got good with it and it gave me the skills for trying TD's again.
