If Awakening Is What You Seek Then.... | Non-Duality Contemplation and Meditation

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Bliss. What is Bliss? Truth. What is truth? Happiness, freedom, joy and peace. Love. If you what that?

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Besides talking and writing about Non-Duality I am also an artist. Painting with mostly acrylics, but sometimes also with mixed media, on canvas and paper.

#awakening #enlightenment #nonduality #meditation #truth #advaita #mindfullness #spirituality #vedanta #happiness #peace #happiness
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Love listening to your talks... Thank you


I have been listening to many different teachers on You Tube and just discovered your videos. I find your very slow deliberate ways of speaking to deeply resonate with me and bring about greater understanding than previously expereinced with other teachers. Please continue with your important teachings and I hope your book will eventually become available on Amazon.


This was very helpful. You cant try to surrender. Yes. I see that now.


Great God! When the stream of utterance reached this stage, We beheld, and lo! the sweet savors of God were being wafted from the dayspring of Revelation, and the morning breeze was blowing out of the Sheba of the Eternal. Its tidings rejoiced anew the heart, and imparted immeasurable gladness to the soul. It made all things new, and brought unnumbered and inestimable gifts from the unknowable Friend. The robe of human praise can never hope to match Its noble stature, and Its shining figure the mantle of utterance can never fit. Without word It unfoldeth the inner mysteries, and without speech It revealeth the secrets of the divine sayings. ~Baha'u'llah


You are speaking directly from (as Christians might call it) the Holy Spirit. Guided by a direct connection with God (truth) of that which you have surrendered completely. Profoundly simple and beautiful message. Thank you.


Really appreciate all your videos.
Thank you!


So many Brilliant and beautiful lines in this. "There is nothing I can do about Truth', and " Melt into the Truth". It reminds me of another quote by Ramana "Don't be this or that. Just be" Thank you.


Koan for reality's mysteries: "I see, said the blind man to the deaf man in the dark alley".


I haven't got to the 'meaty' bit yet, but very interesting conversation. Several years ago I experienced several weeks of bliss, twice in on year, and one period the year before. I always referred to it as 'euphoria', because I felt that it would be easy for the average person to understand that definition, if I ever felt the need to explain what I had experienced.

By the time the third period was well under way, I knew there was no way I wanted to have that experience continuously, because it would sometimes seem to get in the way of other emotions. It was quite disorienting, and bewildering, to be feeling anger, while simultaneously experiencing underlying euphoria;


To continue: It is clear that the wayfarers in the wilderness of search and longing, of attainment and reunion, have numerous degrees and countless stations. Some, after spiritual struggle and physical toil, ascend from the lower reaches of “no God is there” to the lofty bowers of “but God”, flee from the shadow of negation to abide in the limitless realm of affirmation, and abandon the privation of a transient existence for the bountiful assemblage of reunion. This is the uttermost limit of the realm of effort and striving.

Others, without receiving the least intimation of “no God is there”, pass beyond the highest horizon of “but God”; without even tasting a dewdrop of the degrees of self-surrender ascend unto the kingdom of life everlasting; and without partaking from the wellspring of utter abnegation quaff the wine of the Ancient of Days. These souls, as they traverse the stages of wayfaring and ascend unto the stations of reunion, walk a different path and occupy a different rank. ~Baha'u'llah


must be 200 non-duality channels on youtube, maybe more .. all with the same language .. is it a new religion ?


Immediate impression: trying to sound like Eckhart Tolle.
