Has the James Webb Telescope Finally Discovered the Edge of the Observable Universe?

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Does the universe have an end and a beginning and has the James Webb telescope finally discovered the edge of the observable universe? Since time immemorial, we have wanted to know how big the world we live in is. We meticulously search for boundaries and truths and in doing so our knowledge has continued to expand. In the past, the edge of the world was somewhere beyond the horizon; today we use telescopes to search the universe for clues that show us whether our universe is a finite space. We may now have achieved a decisive breakthrough in this elementary question with the James Webb Space Telescope.
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Neil Degras Tyson: "I'll shut up now..."
Fellow Scientist: "No you won't!"


The universe is infinite and eternal. It has no beginning or end.


I am from Mayan Ancestry, and my Great-Great Grandfather, who was the Shaman of the Cak'chiquel Mayan group, told me more than 65 years ago before passing away that Time has no start or end, and so was space, and he never experienced or used a Telescope of any sort, or used a wristwatch or clock. I stand and believe by that till the end of my life.


We live in a black hole. The big bang was a supernova.


So what's the answer to the question in the title??? Or was it just a dirty way to make us watch the video?


Actually flat-earthers were wrong, but flat-universers may be right?😂


We will never know where the edge of the universe is because it grows faster than our science does.


We don’t know. You don’t know and don’t bother asking theoretical physicists, because they don’t know either. If the universe is expanding at a speed faster than light, we are never going to know. Personally I can’t wait for the next explanation, light matter/energy?………beep


my gosh there are a lot of astrophysicists here that know everything about the super glad i ended up here to read all of this and learn!


The “Edge of The Universe” time-space curvature. The universe is expanding, that is space and time are expanding. The Universe is has time and space dimensions.


There is no single image that could be described as the boundary of our universe, let alone what lies beyond that boundary. And this fact must give us to think. We have the same dilemma with the age of the universe; the further we look, the less we see the big bang or dark ages, but we keep coming across fully developed galaxies that have little to do with a normal beginning.
So we have to rethink; our traditional methods of analysis are not getting us anywhere and are making things even more complicated for ourselves.
It´s time for us to accept our universe as it is: infinitely large, with no beginning and no end, multidimensional, perhaps even with a parallel or neighboring universe.
Our cosmos is by no means so easy to understand... at least not for our limited human consciousness... ☄


Universes outside our universe. Our universe stand in the middle of 4 others. They spin together like they have invisible gear to make them spin together with the same speed. The wall of all universes are all transparant but so hard so that when the spaceship trying to crash the wall, nothing happened but our spaceship was still in our universe. They all like balloon. That means the giant who made our balloon universe made 5 balloon universes. Thank you.


James Webb has the ability to look very far into space, and therefore, very far into the past. Indeed, although light travels at the dizzying speed of 300, 000 kilometers per second, the Universe is so vast that some images that reach us today are billions of years old!


With the edge moving outward all the time it's time to rethink the big bang theory and the size is just something so our minds can comprehend.


Wir leben in einem seifertgefaserten, torusknotenartigen Tesserakt-Konstrukt, welches nur durch seine Interkonnektivität mit naheliegenden Gleichen in sich selbst unendlich ist und dadurch sich alles Beinhaltete organisch bewegen kann. Durch den ausgeübten Druck dieser umliegenden, zellartigen Hyperstruktur, von der unser Knoten nur ein sandkorngroßer Teil ist und höchstwahrscheinlich in einem Punkt in der Mitte dieser, kann durch die von außen eindringende, jedoch nicht obsolet gewordene dunkle Materie weiter negative Energie der positiven eine Matrix für eine platzgenaue Materienfeststellung bieten. Die Kohärenz dieser Verwobenheit führt rückschlüssig zu Destabilisierung im Bereich der menschlichen Vorstellungskraft und schafft somit eine Art Interdimensionalität im Bereich der krümmbaren Masse. An Knotenintersektionen setzt dieses schlecht relativierbare Phänomen jedoch ganz aus, denn es bilden sich „Wurmlöcher“ an jenen Stellen, deren Bewegunsradius davon abhängig ist, wie engmaschig die angrenzenden Knotenschleifen verwoben sind und durch das Einstülpen im Raum derer in unsere „Dimension“ eingreifen.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I heard the narrator say the JWT looked at a diameter of ninety-three billion light years isn't it questionable at best to say the universe is only fourteen billion years old? I never bought that theory and I am sure the JWT can prove the age of the universe is just as incalculable as the number of galaxies (which are now believed to number of one hundred twenty billion that last I heard).


I know only one thing, watching this vid was a waste of time. No new info in it. Probs some kind of AI generated sht.


See Hubble Constant. We must be catching up to The Wall of Hubble Constant so more appears on Light moves on.


sorry, but the word universe means everything there is.
soo, if there is something " outside the universe ". . then it also is part off the universe.


If are universe was shaped like a galaxy it would make sense that you'll see an old galaxy's coming back in on the spiral arm,
