20 Foods You'll Never Buy Again After Knowing How They Are Made

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We all love indulging in our favorite foods, but have you ever stopped to think about what goes into making them? From the chemicals used to preserve and flavor processed snacks to the cruel treatment of animals in factory farms, the food industry can be a shocking and disturbing place. In this video, we'll take a closer look at the production processes of some popular foods and expose the often-hidden ingredients and practices that may make you think twice before reaching for them in the grocery store. Brace yourself… this video may just gross you out a little! Or maybe even… A LOT! These are 20 foods you’ll never buy again after you know how they are made!

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My dad was a food chemist in the 1970s, he finally quit after they tried forcing him to put cancer causing preservatives and chemicals into commercial foods. As kids we only were allowed to eat fresh farm meats and veggies, milk from a dairy. Btw, please don't let your kids drink Yoohoo or Donald Duck frozen orange juice concentrate. Bad, bad stuff😳!


My Dad lives in Somerset, UK, and has a smashing butcher, one day when we walked in, Dad chose the darkest of the beef and the butcher said good choice, Bob, as it had aged naturally and would be more tender and tastier. The redder the meat does not mean it is better or fresher! 👍👍


I stopped eating at McDonald's years ago


FDA they all need to be fired 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😞


The FDA needs to be shutdown end of story!😡


In 1961, our FFA class toured a meat packing factory in Mansfield, Ohio, where we saw pigs being slaughtered. I won't tell you about that as it was gross. But I will tell you about how they made hot dogs. They took the odd cutting of meat and put them in a huge mixer, then they added fillers with a scoop shovel from a 50 lb bag. and other shovels full of other stuff, unknown. But the man mixing all these things together was smoking and his ashes were falling in the mixer. Believe me that the meat added to the mixer was not more than 30 % of the total stuff added to the mixer. And when he had added all these things together, there was stuff on the floor that he needed to also add, as part of his clean up efforts. The thing that I did not like about this idea was that we all (our Class) had just walked the whole way through the meat processing plant and we had just walked through the very same spot just minutes before, he scooped up the stuff off the floor and added it to the mixer.
So, wow, I stopped eating hot dogs after that day.


I was very upset to learn that a can of maggots that I bought contained traces of spinach. Uggghh.


US food standards never cease to amaze


I am outraged to know that I may be buying products with human hair in it, that's really messed up


An apple a day will keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough 😊


Even Russia bans GMO food. Russia said anyone caught poisoning their citizens wilk get the death penalty. Go Russia!!


The FDA has an allowable % of rat droppings and roach particles in hot dogs. Apparently it's impossible to keep the factories rodent and roach free 🤮! Always buy Kosher 👍
Another tip from my dad the food chemist.


No preservatives in mc donalds try putting one of their burgers in your garage come bk 3 months later and not even the bugs have touched it sad but true I tried it


Consumers have been defrauded for a long time. If McDonald's is beef, salt and pepper. Why doesn't it taste like beef?


I’m not surprised, most things done fast are not good…I grew up on our farm and so I do understand how food should taste nothing like the old days…👏🏽When shopping at the grocery stores just read the packaging and be careful…😊


I used to work for a company that processed meat for taco bell and wendys. Pretty strict standards. But if a shipment was just 1 degree warmer tgan it should be, it was refused. After refusal, the driver would be instructed to take the meat to mcdonalds, because they would accept it. This happened all the time.


I'll tell you what's disturbing is that they have raised the amount of radiation and heavy minerals in drinking water that scares me


The FDA is allowing the sale of bad food. 👎 They should not allow any bugs in our food. Yuck


We are amazed that fast food restauranteurs did not use hand gloves for cooking, making, and wrapping burgers. Most germs came from unsanitized dirty hands that contaminated food supplies to serve people to be ill.


I shan't ever eat food from McDonald's within the States. I have had THREE bad experiences from McDiarrhoea. Firstly I got violently ill in San Bernadino, CA, from vomiting and explosive diarrhoea. This lasted for three days, the illness (I was in my teens). Then in San Francisco, I had patronised two McDiarrhoea fast food places, and again wound up with GI symptoms, predominately diarrhoea, I was again still young hence recently. This is why my new name for them (within the States) is McDiarrhoea} STAY AWAY FROM THEM! They will make you very ill!
