3 Steps To Make Your Cat More Social

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Jackson has 3 straightforward tips that you should try implementing gradually over a period of time to see if you can help bring out the best in your cat by overcoming their fears. Have patience and keep realistic expectations. Jackson shows you how.

#MyCatFromHell on Animal Planet:



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This method works! I adopted a rescue 3 month old kitten from my veterinarian. He was very fearful at first, so we let him get adjusted to sight, sounds, smells in my small family room for a few days. He would come out briefly to eat and would play at night. Little by little, we moved his "stuff" further away from the sofa area which he hid under. Within about 2 weeks...he was out, plays anytime, answers to his name when called, and is as affectionate and happy as can be. When he went back to the vet for his shots and checkup, even the vet was surprised at how comfortable and tame this kitten had become! Thanks, Jackson!


Great to know there are things you can do to help your cat be less afraid! 


We found a 2 month old kitten and the poor thing is so afraid of loud noises, quick movements, and immediately goes under the couch or our bed when upstairs. He has been getting better. I know he wants to play so much the poor little thing! This video was a lifesaver! Thank you!!!


I adopted the most shy, timid cat in the shelter. He would never come out from his hiding spot when we were around. Turns out he was not really socialized to humans when he was young and it was a few months and nothing really helped him besides the cat tamboo toy( a long stick with feathers) which he loved. UNTIL we got a SECOND cat two months later and man that was like flipping a switch. He learned from the other cat how to interact with people and play, and how to just be a cat. He is the best most sweet and loving cat .. doesnt bite or scratch... if your cat wasnt well socialized it might be a good idea to get another cat that has been socialized to humans so he or she can learn that it's ok to be with humans. OH and we got a collar with a bell/bluetooth tile for collar so we could know where they were hiding at the beginning. Helps if u have a big house with lots of hiding spots.


I relatively recently adopted a 2-year old cat named Ture, and of course he hid himself under the coach and other furnitures available when the chance present itself. At first I let him be so he could by himself get out whenever he feels safe, and in the last few days I had quite varied results. At the 2 first days he went out only to do litter and eat his food but then he opens up alot more in the evenings/nights - this improved slightly as time went but is NEVER social on the mornings or midday, just flat out camping until the night comes. As if there's a switch that went to "no vacancy". But I can't always be social at 11 or 12 PM due to circumstances at work so I'd like to see him more available during the day - I adopted him for companionship and I give as much love as I can as the day goes, but I feel I'm not getting any love back unless it's night.

I've tried with the following: Soft conversations, toys/play, treats, food, two GREAT cat trees and catnip (he shows interests of catnip but never acts upon it) - literally nothing you've suggested brings him out of his hidey hole while he's like this so there's no challenge line if he never takes up on it. Any ideas?


Great suggestions!  We just adopted a new kitty about 2 months ago.  She was nervous but still quite loving for the most part, until she found a hiding spot under the bed.  If we blocked off the bedroom she would explore and be less skiddish, but as soon as she had access to the bed again she would hide and rarely come out!  We started only allowing her bedroom access at night when we were asleep, and over time she hid less and less the more she was able to explore and be around us enough to know we were not there to harm her.  She still hides under there now some (she still has issues with us walking towards her, she has to come to us!), but most of her sleep time is now ON the bed instead of under it!  I thank Jackson for his many Cat Mojo tips to help our progress.  :-)


My boyfriend and I recently had an apartment flood and had to emergency move out. We are now staying with his parents temporarily until we can find another place. They have a cat, Charlie, that I swear is afraid of literally everything. We have been working with him very slowly and being patient and FINALLY after about a week and a half he no longer darts off when we enter the room and yesterday he actually let us pet him! We're so happy to have a new kitty friend! 😻😸 He's still a little bit skittish, but I feel like having more people in the house is helping him.


I am so glad that he made the point to say not to make the cat a cat that it is not, but to help them be a better version of themselves. That is the most important thing to say.


I want to add that “rod toys/fishing” might not be the best option at first once you get your cat to challenge themselves. My fraidy cat preferred “wand/stick feather toys” at first because they were close to the ground and much less intimidating. I always sat and tried to keep the rod close to the ground but having it hover slightly off the ground was “too much” at first and scared her. So get low to the ground, get a stick wand and hide it under a pillow or something near the bed. Then build up their curiosity towards the rod toys and watch them creep out! Now she plays middle of the lounge room with a rod toy! It’s been a week! So proud of her progress! I think adopting her with a brother helped too- and finding that sweet playful time in the evening and focusing the longer sessions then. Good luck everyone!


You area DA MAN!! Really, you are one cat-smart dude. Thanks from me and the kitties! Lotta love


I can't get enough of you Jackson.... You are filled with so many GREAT ideas.. I have tried everything that I feel relates to my girl Molly, and YES, it has made our WORLD so much better. THANK YOU for ALL YOU DO....


That made a ton of sense actually. Gotta remember this when/if I get a cat or other hiding animal.


I was ready for some 3 random tips, but then I saw Jackson and looked at the name, and then I knew I was going to get a GOOD tutorial


Jackson m not a cat person. But love watching your videos. I have severe allergies towards cats that in their presence on my bed wheezing like crazy.

Your training is pure gold. Keep it going.
Love & hugs from Mumbai


That's awesome Jackson I just ordered a fishing rod feather toy for my friend's fraidy cat hopefully it'll get her mojofied like my cat


I have 2 Majito Cats, Must Be Doing Something Right, You Advice gives me extra info on relating to my buddies


I have a scaredy cat, but it's due to social anxiety. At the start of his life, he was the only cat in the house. Then a new cat was introduced and she eventually had kittens. He used to bully the kittens, but then they grew up and the king has since been dethroned. Now he hides in a closet or under a chair unless his human protector is sitting down in her favorite chair for a while. He'll come out to join her there, eat, and go outside, so he's not a total wimp, but he's also constantly reminded of where his place is by the other cats. In fact, the few territories he has are shared with others--either the chair with his protector or the guest bedroom with the mother cat.

I'm sure the solution to this is to reintroduce him, but I don't have the time or patience for that. However, he needs to stop hiding and claim some territory so he can get his confidence back, whether he deserves it or not.


Jackson, we adopted a 5 month old from a shelter. He was in a foster home before the shelter. He is terrified of strangers in our home, particularly men. But he also growls, crouches and runs, when he sees a neighbor woman and her little girl come outside. At times, if he doesn't recognize my husband he runs from him. So Ken has started talking to him as soon as he comes in, and he has taken to picking him up, before bed time, talking, and petting him and then giving him a few treats. He is now 2 years old, I play with him for an hour after supper, and he waits and watches for this. He is starting to play like a normal cat, by himself, which he never did. And we built him a high tower, that he can jump and climb up and nap or just watch.  But if we have company, he's nowhere to be seen. We occasionally have family down( here in FL) from the north, and about the 5th day he will finally come out at night, and observe them. Only once did he allow my adult daughter to touch him. He does not like to be held, won't sit on our lap, but will lay on the top of the couch, above my head. What can I do to get him to not be terrified of strangers.


My cat is a five year old rescue. And she is a tortie. Her first year she spend with An elderly lady who never had visitors. The lady passed away. At one year I adopted her. She quickly became attached to me and she grew to be a confident owner. She is such a sweetheart and its easy to train her. In everyday life, she is quite a mojito cat. With visitors she has grown. First she would hide under the bed until the left. Now she Comes, sniffs their bags, sniff their hands, all well. But when they pet her, she hits them. Without nails, but still. Maybe I should tell me visitors not to pet her? I don't know what else to do. Any advice would be appreciated.


#Teamcatmojo Where can I get 'You're a bad cat" song in this version? Is is on youtube? I sometimes sing this to my cats, especially the "I'm just misunderstood" line.
