If Jesus already died for my sins, why do I need to pray for forgiveness every time I sin?

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"If Jesus already died for my sins, why do I need to pray for forgiveness every time I sin?"
Dr. Stephen Wellum answers in Honest Answers | Episode 16

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"but if we CONFESS our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins AND cleanse us from all unrighteousness ... ." Confession is not for Him but for me so that I can learn to be honest before Him ... He already knows my sin and wants me to admit it to Him. Jesus is always first.


For those that don't understand, think of it this way.
My wife forgives me when I hurt her feelings. Things I do or say to her, disrupts and hinders our relationship. Even though she is saddened by my words or actions, I am still her husband, and she is still my wife. When I wrong her, I apologize and ask for forgiveness, to restore our relationship. That is what he's referring to by asking for God's forgiveness. When we wrong Him (sin), He does not cast us out (divorce us like in my example) but my actions hinder my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I ask for forgiveness not to be saved again, but to restore our relationship that I've hindered.


Christianity is like giving students a test and then telling them "You can score below 20 out of 100 and I'm still giving you an A+"


When I sin I feel really really bad and find it difficult to face God when I pray. 🤔 It's bad to sin knowingly.


There is a lot of comments about Islam and a lot of conflict so here goes nothing.
God bless you ❤️ just so if any clarification if needed.
Islam is beautiful when you really get to know it.
I can only clarify a snippet although it won’t do it justice.
Islam is the basic level: requires
Saying the shahadah, praying, giving money annually for the sake of god, fasting during Ramadan, going to pilgrimage if one is able to do so. All these actions purify you from within gives you faith and hope. We worship one god that is above all and we believe that Mohamed is his slave (as in worshipper not in a negative way) and messenger. The higher level of Islam is Emaan ( it literally means faith. Idk if there is something more accurate) has six pillars: have faith in allah, have faith in his angels, believe in the books god sent (we rely on Quran because it is the last one and previous books have been changed.) believe in all his messengers so we are indeed required to believe a jesus but just as someone who conveyed the message and endured hardships and one of the signs of the day of judgement is his return, last two pillars believe in the day of judgment and believe in the destiny allah prepared for you ( the good and bad ) the last pillar sparks the essence of knowing that no matter how bad we are feeling how lonely and hopeless Allah knows best and He all mighty has prepared something great for the ones who are patient (whether in this life or after).
God said “ with hardships comes ease” with not after to show how no matter how dark things are there is light and we will eventually bask in it.
Some random beautiful things about Islam:
Men were ordered to lower their gaze before women were told to be modest so covering up is not to show that ladies are the ones who attract sin so they should cover.
Islam is religion of moderation and modesty.
Moderation as in forcing someone to worship or leave something shouldn’t be something any Muslim resorts to.
Modesty in covering body parts like it is a prized treasure (both men and women but each have different awrahs which is places that should be covered)

Also modesty as in being humble; the prophet once said the part of a man’s Ezar (dress) that hangs below his ankle is in hell. The explanation that in old times men would let their dress be sooo long and even have a tail to the ground to flaunt that they are rich and can afford the excess fabric. God despises arrogance.

Women are allowed to kill if they knew that that person’s intention was to rape her.

In Islam we are sinned for the action not ever the thought no matter how bad that thought was. Even more beautiful is the fact that if the thoughts were so strong but we refrain for the sake of Allah we get reward like it is a good deed. ( I am mentioning this because I read in Christianity you are sinned for thought correct me if I am wrong please)

The sin is worth just x1 but a good deed is worth x10.

God is so merciful to an extent that is beyond what we can imagine we pray five times a day it is confirmed that between a prayer and another god forgives and when we pray the bad deed are on our shoulder so every time we prostate they fall.
There is certain days if we fast god erases all our sins from a year before and year after.
God encourages alway to seek his refuge in him no matter how we feel even a whisper for help like when we feel depressed or conflict “and not a leave falls that He isn’t aware of” “o pray for me ( make duaas ) for I am close” ( duaas/prayers can be for religious matters or for things in our daily life)

No matter how dirty you feel because of a sin there is always a room for repentance
“Every son of Adam (all humans: because we all are descendants of Adam) is a sinner but the best sinner is the one who repents” originally it says “makes mistakes” but mistakes refer to sins.
Allah didn’t say that to bring us down that we sin but to show that we are humans are weak in front of temptations sometimes so even if we fall we should know that there is always room for repentance ❤️ May Allah protect and guide us all ❤️ bless everyone ❤️
(Correct me if there is anything wrong I will really appreciate it ❤️)


Walking with Christ is also a relationship with him. So if you’ve done wrong you confess and repent. Just like if a husband or wife did something or say something that was hurtful or harmful you apologize and move on and try to not to make that mistake again. Jesus is always Good so continue to put your full faith in him and his promises (: never give up because he’s always with you


I asked this question, searched this video and just ask it started playing the holy spirit answered me and told me we pray for forgiveness to show Jesus gratitude for his sacrifice to show him we are not perfect we do fall but off the back of his sacrifice he will rise us up again and again and again until he brings us face to face with the father and then you have proven you love him for what he has done amen thank you Jesus our lord and saviour


I am COMPLETELY FORGIVEN, therefore I rest in the finished work of the cross. Jesus is my one time sacrifice, and He has CLEANSED me FROM ALL SIN.
The blood of Jesus was sufficient for all time...Hallelujah!


We are forgiven through Jesus, he was sacrificed ONCE and for ALL.. Grace through faith.... We cant be asking God for forgiveness over and over and over again throughout the day... I've tried being legalistic like that, and it was very stressful trying to ask God to forgive me each time I thought a wrong though or did something imperfect or sinful.... we need to rest in his salvation.. Jesus bore our sins in his body and was murdered to forgive us...you cant maintain your relationship with God, God healed you...he sees us justified....


Thank you so much for answering the most difficult ambiguity of my Christian walk.


Thanks for the video! From what I understand from the video, we should repent for our sins, but we don't have to, right? My question is: what if your sin cause you to turn away from Jesus? Since faith is the willful act of entering into a covenant with God, that act can also be reversed since it is of the will. And since repentance is a constant process of turning away from sins and recommiting ourselves to Christ, it makes sense to think that it is necessary for our salvation to continue to ask God for His forgiveness and mercy (especially for serious sins) so that we can remain faithful in His covenant for the rest of our lives.


I see people commenting that this video is "great." To me, this guy talks and talks without ever coming close to really answering the question. A lot of words doesn't mean that a suitable answer is made. I don't feel I understand the answer to this question any better after listening to this, In fact, I know less.


For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Ephesians 2:8‭-‬9 KJV

All I know Is only GOD knows who He wants to save or not.
Renewing my mind everyday from carnal things to good things. God bless to all


I thought about the question today and it makes sense you got to watch though else some people won't attend church no more ever since it states we're forgiven thank you Jesus


I found this video a bit confusing.
The gospel is simple so that raised a red flag.
👉🏻As a believer we will always be in a relationship with the Lord. When we fall into sin we should ask forgiveness to restore our fellowship.


what are you talking about, in the beginning john the Baptist told us to repent. UNDER GOD WE WERE COMMANDER TO MAKE OUR SINS KNOWN TO HIM, IN OTHER WORDS WE SHOULD CONFESS AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESS!!!! SAVED OR UNSAVED we must confess our sins to god, the high priest too!!!


I have a question that goes against the belief that our future sins are already forgiven or pardoned. Doesn't it only stand to reason that if God has already forgiven our future sins then our future sins are written in stone and we will without fail commit each of them whether we have a free will or not either way? If our future sins are written in stone then it doesn't matter the fact that we are told in scripture that we will not face a temptation that we are not able to bear and that God makes or has made a way of escape. Of course if God's nature is such that He must foreknow everything as absolutely certain whether He wants to foreknow it or not then all of our future sins are written in stone whether they are forgiven or not. Here is another question. If God has no say in the matter and must foreknow everything whether He wants to or not then can He freely choose to make changes to the future? In order for a theology to truly amount to a high view of God it must amount to a high view of both His knowledge and a high view of His freedom to freely make choices for Himself and not just a high view of His knowledge only.


I tell you the truth.... God chooses all people to saved the problem is people dont believed it is enough that Jesus died on the cross for thier sin... JOHN 3:16 says For God so love the world (people) He did not say For God so love the I tell you that the Murderer, adulterer, Bisexual, Homosexual will enter the Kingdom of heaven when they believed to the power of death of Jesus Christ from the cross... If admit that they can do nothing but to trust to the death of I tell you of someone dis agree with me he is not believing to the power of death of Christ and he is judging people that God will judge him according to his Judge.... This is the truth.... That people Dont love God, People chooses to commit sins... It was written in book of romans that all is sinner and full short to the glory of God... Admit it that we dont love Jesus, nobody love Jesus... But Jesus saw it everything that no people love him, but He chooses to die for us for our sin.. Jesus Love us.. He gave salvation without changed... I tell you the truth, if someone dis agree with this your are a lier, God hates lier (hypocrites)..
Revelation 21:8 But The FEARFUL (from the truth), and UNBELIEVING(to the power of death of Christ), and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all LIERS (hypocrites, those people that they cannot accept the truth that they love to sin), shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
God wants us to admit that we choose to sin rather to choose him... Admit it we can do nothing we just put our trust toJesus Death on the cross... And all the credits ia to the Were justified as a rigthneous because God love us and we have no credit from it... It was the love and mercy of God for his creation...God saved all kinds of people.. Believed to the power of his death

This the new covenat of the Lord... Everyone will get saved if we trust only to death of Dont ask forviveness we already forgiven, , thank him for his love... I you ask forgiveness again and again you are hesititing his death you are not really believimg The true gospel that we are alredy forgiven we just believed Jesus death and ressurection.... The truth will set you free...


Justification deals with our "legal" standing with God. Christians are "declared righteous" by God as a result of the imputed righteousness of Christ. God regards us as righteous from the moment of our justification. But we will not be made actually righteous until we are glorified in the perfect likeness of Christ. Until then, we will continue to sin. Our personal sins hinder our fellowship with God and others. Legally-speaking, our sins are forgiven. But from a practical standpoint, we continue to deal with the reality of sin in our being. Hence, there is the continuing need to ask God for forgiveness.


Should there be a reason to believe or should we believe blindly.?
