Temporal Lobe Epilepsy 🧠⚡️

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My name is Jared Beckwith, I’m an EEG technologist that works with all types of epilepsy patients. In today’s video I am going to discuss Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Temporal lobe seizures, a category of focal seizures are the most common type of epilepsy so I hope to educate you all on this disorder.

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I'm one of the unlucky patients with seizures. They are partial seizures, but uncontrollable. I had been on multiple different meds (no help) and then I had brain surgery. The surgery did help for 1 year, but the seizures came back slowly over the next 20 years. The worst part of the seizures, BY FAR, is memory loss. I was able to practice Internal Medicine for 20 years, but at age 48 I had to retire because of the memory loss. The good news is that I'm still alive. I think that everybody with epilepsy should ABSOLUTELY SEE A SOCIAL WORKER OR A PSYCOLOGIST!! It is soooo helpful!! Good luck to all!!


Beautifully made! I have these exact types of seizures, and it helps that I can send this to any of my friends or family that want to know more, and it's always a comfort to understand what the heck my brain is doing


Hi Jared, Brandon here. Want to say thank you for putting this together. This is EXACTLY what I have been going through. At first we couldn't figure it out. Kept getting these strong auras, deja vu more than normal, seizure like activity where I would just stare into space after I felt this strong presence and anxiety wash over. I have had panic attacks previously and these feel so much different, much more in my body physically, not so much mental...almost blank at the time of the seizure like activity. When they would stop after a couple of minutes, it was like waking from a dream but I couldn't remember... and then olfactory hallucinations, are even still happening to this day. So odd. / I have MRI/ECG coming end of October but this has been going on since early July (this time, short stint 'bout 12 yrs ago same things). I don't really have any questions as most of them have been answered here or by research TLE, I don't want to assume since no diagnosis has been made but THIS IS what I am going thru as of now. Thank you!!


Thank you for explaining this! 🙏🏼 I was diagnosed with Epilepsy in my mid 30's, back in early 2020. Unfortunately, i could not understand my Neurologist & had no clue what type of Epilepsy/seizures I have. I had EEG's, was started on Keppra & wasn't allowed to drive for 10 months..
Today I saw a new Neurologist & he explained to me that I have Temporal Lobe Epilepsy & that the left side of my brain is my 'worse' side, compared to my right. I've come home from my hospital apt to look into this, now that I know for sure.


Thank you for your video. Very good information. I have Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy that began with an inoperable abscess resulting in an infarction. I have a great Neurologist who has things under control. My biggest difficulty is memory. I’m learning a whole new lifestyle, but thankful to have things under control.


The smells can be so disgusting for me. My family thought I was going mad. I mostly get my seizures in my sleep. I feel terrible on most mornings.


My memory is definately greatly affected. I do not remember people's names, old movies, old things that use to happen and stuff I should remember.


I was diagnosed with Epilepsy when I was 2 and had the Tumor surgically removed when I was 8.
23 years Seizure free.


I've tried getting medical help. I was told to have an eye test and that TLE is rare, therefore I can't have it.

Yet I have a number of rare conditions. Had two huge episodes today. Vomited with the first one.

Yesterday felt like a constant low level of it, but today's been horrible. Wish my doctor would do something. Anything other than shrug, basically. 😔


Thanks so much! My God if only my son's neurologist had explained this to me...


I find it interesting that you didn't mention brain tumours as a reason for TL seizures. Seizures were my first symptom. Also with brain tumours, the seizures are less likely to be fully controlled with medication.


I have been recently diagnosed with TLE I have, what they believe "low grade" Glioma in my right TL. Keppra has certainly been helping, the only seizures I tend to have now are nocturnal, the rising sickness wakes me up and I will have a headache but before diagnosis i was having multiple a day and constant Dejavu. Its likely i will be having surgery at some point next year.


thanks for the video. I had tonic clonic seizures when younger (6 months until 12 years old) and they stopped and I started getfing these. did not realise they were still seizures until 10 years later


Thank you for your video!! I’m on the ABRET pathway 4 I am studying for my registration and your video help so much!! Please make for for studying and guide for basics/foundational you must know!! You Rock 🪨!! Thank you!


Ty for this video! I’ve been on Keppra for about a year and it helps to some degree. I didn’t know a good MRI typically indicates a good outcome (in terms of seizure control) - that’s great news 🙌


I’m on Lamotrigine, 200 mg. twice daily. It works well.


My meds have recently decreased in efficacy. My neurologist says that changing meds shouldn't cause seizures, but it always does. I'm really not sure what to do here...


I had a difficult birth and was diagnosed with TLE from a brain scan but also bipolar - the drugs that help me are all epilepsy meds. The problem I have is my memory - can’t remember past events.


Trying to find the best doctor to help me.


In the last 6 weeks I’ve had 3 episodes where I smelled an odd smell, followed by an intense feeling of Deja Vu & familiarity regarding a dream that I’d apparently forgotten about, The location of this “dream” felt SO familiar, like I’d come home after having been gone for years. I couldn’t BELIEVE that I’d forgotten about it, especially because it felt so significant for some reason (I could actually see glimpses from the dream as if my minds eye had taken over my conscious awareness for a few moments. Then it quickly faded, just like a dream, & I’ve completely forgotten it again. I felt disoriented for about a minute, & that was it. WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE (If Anywhere?) Any advice??
