3 Powerful Persuasion (and Negotiation) Techniques

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In this episode, I'll share 3 techniques to negotiate (and persuade) better.

PREVIOUS EPISODE ► 10 Hand Gestures You Should Be Using

And, if you want more help negotiating, here:

In this video, I'll show you 3 ways to persuade and negotiate. Even though these are typical persuasion techniques, they work in all situations.
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I see the apples to oranges everywhere in marketing copy and it works like a charm. It is really useful to use this tactic and I don't find it sleazy at all because you can show people how you can make their lives better. All it takes is to really dig deeper how can they have a better life by not doing some habit that you know is going against their goals. I've used the negative affirmation a different way. Every time I want something different in my food or beverage instead of saying what I don't want I say what I want differently. For example, in Brazil they usually bring soda to you with ice and lemon and I don't like lemon, and normally people ask for a soda without lemon. When I ask for a glass with only ice it is far more effective then asking for a glass without lemon.


I'm listening. I'm listening. I'm going to persuasively get my way with everyone I talk to now. Thanks for this Derek!


I find Apples to Oranges comparison a really helpful especially in situations where we need to anchor our pricing to a specific range up. Pricing negotiation is always a complex topic and I'm happy that part of it got covered in this episode. Thanks for sharing Derek!


I think I'll be most likely to use the first one before the other two.  I like the idea of the good option and the really bad option.  Watch out here I come!


Oh I can’t wait to use these.

I could use the good option/really bad option. I could layout all the cumbersome steps for making your own website versus how easy it is to have it done for you professionally and with a better result.


Awesome techniques, knowing how to communicate in a way that's a win-win is what we should all aim for. I'll definitely use the negative affirmation technique, I think it's important to have the other person process and clarify things for themselves. It makes them more alert and aware of what you really need from them.


Hey Derek! I know that good communication skills are important, so I appreciate you teaching 3 techniques Apples to Apples, Apples to Oranges and Negative Affirmation. I can see a use for all of them.


I really like the good option vs. the really bad option. It gives you the ability to hold a lens up to someone so that they see two options in a different way than they would without your influence. And of course the spin you put on it can make it seem rather obvious that your preferred option is the better choice. Very nice tactic here!


The good option / the really bad option - this is similar to one of your earlier video when you mentioned something along the lines of people not knowing how good your product can be unless you paint a picture of how bad the alternative can be (probably completely butchered the wording, but oh well).

I feel like ordering Indian food today, so just for kicks, I should use this on my girlfriend once she gets home lol.


I LOVE this... apples to oranges. I have heard of this before but never really understood it (correction...never taken the time to understand it).

It’s SO good! I love how you can anchor a rate for something else which is true. :) I’ll be using this when I next negotiate with a client.


Hey Derek, this is ninja stuff. I learned more about sales in 7 minutes than in my entire life! Thanks!


Persuasion is an art and we all need to get better at it. People want to be persuaded. They want to be sold to! If they didn't, advertising and marketing would die! I use this all the time with my kids! Parenting makes you an expert level negotiator and persuader! Some really great suggestions! I love the good option/really bad option!


I like the negative affirmation technique. I've heard of the positive affirmation technique e.g. "You do offer low fee accounts, correct" but never heard of flipping the script that way. Solid video...

Are you planning on creating any content around decision making in business/life? I'd love to hear your take on how young entrepreneurs can make better decisions about what to focus on and master from a career standpoint... E.g. what to do when you have 3-4 "Good" ideas/avenues that you are considering and you want to pick the right one.

Great content as always man! Keep up the great work


darn bro apples to apples. Enlightening!


Oh yeah! I listened and got very intrigued to learn a lot more about these persuasion techniques. You make it seem too easy. I know I'll need practice, even just to think of scenarios to use them is a bit tricky. Any other videos that go more in depth with practice would be Awsome!


I was expecting something totally different. I love how simple these approaches are! I can do this even 😆


We are listening 😅 thanks bro for all of this advices 👌🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💙


Man I can’t do caffeine after 3 or I have sleeping issues.
The make them negative affirmation technique is cool. It also shows a certain vulnerability vs aggression, which is a nice Sun Tzu technique in negotiation.
The apples to oranges is used in a great deal of copy and can be overdone but I find in one to one conversations it is still very effective.

Also my 7 year old daughter just asked me to make sure I ring the bell since you tell us to every day.


Great content! I am in Vegas today, so I think trying the negative affirmation technique would be interesting to try and see how it works. I will be helping my Mom at her Vegas art show this weekend (she’s a professional artist), so I am thinking of how I might be able to use the apples to oranges comparison in regards to high end fine art. I think it would be a fun experiment to try out. Thanks for the tips!


Wow. These are great! I think I use the first technique on my kid all the time! ("Well, you could clean up your room yourself... Or I could clean it up for you and then I'll take everything to Goodwill." Hahaha!) I really like the apples to oranges comparison though... That's a really nuanced way of being convincing and I can totally see how it fits for a point I'm making in a presentation I'll be putting together right after I get done commenting here! I'll let you know how it goes! Thanks, Derek!
