Golf Backswing | Get Full Shoulder Turn Naturally And Easily!

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Golf Backswing | Get Full Shoulder Turn Naturally And Easily!

How To Make A Full Powerful Shoulder Turn Naturally and effortlessly with Alex Fortey From The Art of Simple Golf

Sounds to good to be true for your own golf swing? it's not!

If you have the ability to stand up you have the ability to make a golf backswing that has a full shoulder turn.

A full shoulder turn is key to a smooth tempo, a consistent golf swing and having power in your golf swing.

But here is the thing... It should not be forced and it should definitely not be strained when you try and get a full shoulder turn.

Golf Backswing Drill To Make A Full Shoulder Turn - Pull Your Right Shoulder Back.

So what I want you to do is stand up, get into your golf address and simple pull your right shoulder back behind you.

Allow you body to flow naturally in the hips and torso and you will see that the shoulder will turn more than enough for a perfect backswing.

Imagine looking over your shoulder when someone calls you name from directly behind you at 6 o'clock. Just keep your feet in place, even let your left heel raise if you need to (left heel if right handed golfer)

So there you see the golf swing made simple with a full shoulder turn that will give you you rhythm and timing as well as a power and consistency.

We have the golf swing and your total game boiled down to the most simple golf swing tips If you’re looking to get more power and consistency while improving key fundamentals!

Start having real control of your golf game. Be able to hit any shot, at any age, in golf with simple golf tips and lessons.

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with The Art of Simple Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Alex Fortey

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Simple golf swing
Alex Fortey
How to shoulder turn backswing
Increase power swing
Golf Tips
Best golf lesson
The Art of Simple Golf
Simple golf
how to golf

Golf instruction as you know it is killing your golf game. It's time for simple golf principles and no more b.s so you can play better golf.

Improve your golf game, swing and performance with our expert coaches, golf tips and golf lessons to help you play your ideal golf game without needing lots of hours to practice or train.

We help you increase swing speed, improve consistent golf swing and provide you great golf tips and practice drills to help you play better and effortless golf.

Рекомендации по теме

Why this is so good : left shoulder turn thoughts don’t work as well for most people because it doesn’t guarantee that the right side gets into a completed and correct position ! This was the basis for Phil Ritson’s teaching of the golf swing ! John


If everything else fails and you're struggling on the course I try this trick and it gets me on track every time. Without doubt the best golf tip I've ever tried. Thanks


This is the best tip I have seen. Using my right shoulder to pull, rather than trying to push my left shoulder into place is far more effective. Thanks for the advice.


Thank you so much for this tip. I've been struggling with a full-shoulder turn!!


It works. Now I can over the top with more power and slice even further into the woods! Yay, golf!


such a simple tip I took to the course today and let me tell you my ball striking and consistency increased immediately. Before I was taking the club away with my hands and swaying off the ball so I never knew how the shot would come out. Now I am standing over the ball and as long as I turn my shoulders back and through the ball it comes off pure and hot almost every time. Great content, cheers!


Yes. Turn that right shoulder behind your head. It can revolutionize your swing. It will make the swing, and hitting the ball well, 100X easier, more powerful, repeatable. It simplifies so much. Finally you'll have the swing you've been dreaming of for years.


I can’t believe how much this has advanced my game. The cue also helps me to rotate my hips properly and keep my lead arm straight, thank you!!


Initiating a takeaway with right shoulder is a big hit!!!! Fixed my trouble bent left arm straighter as well.


This is a great way to explain a major component of the swing. For myself, I find it much easier to make a big turn if I stay as relaxed as possible - any inclination to muscle the ball out there leads to tension which restricts my shoulders. So the problem for me is to purge distance from the equation and focus entirely on making a big, smooth turn. The killer instinct is something I have to fight constantly - I've got a reminder printed on my golf bag: "Don't swing so hard stupid!!!"


It's amazing to have the same feeling of a complete full backswing each time. At first, I felt like I was taking a huge swipe at it but very shortly I was able to get a nice repeatable swing. Like Alex said, it allows for much greater consistency in power, strike, etc. For me, this seems to allow me to control my rhythm and tempo much better than any other swing thought. I do this feeling on the left (lead) shoulder as well in practice but the right (trail) shoulder is my new normal go-to on finishing the backswing and controlling the timing.


A simple tip is usually the best tip. Thanks.


All your tips are brilliantly simple and easy to execute.


Well explained Alex, this is perfect for all golfers who struggle with the shoulder turn in golf. Simple and easy to implement. Cheers


I love the idea and the result. Definitely going to try it for myself. But I'd advocate for more of the "pull the right shoulder UP and back", because some folks might severely flatten overall if they're just thinking "pull it back".


Excellent advice, and it's really helped me despite suffering from arthritis ! Many thanks !!


Good tip! Especially "turning in posture to someone behind you"! Make sure that during the "push back" the right scapula (shoulder blade) does not move medially (towards the spine), " This throws the right shoulder off plane! Keep the pectorals engaged during the turn so that both shoulders remain in contact with an imaginary club across the chest. "Left shoulder towards right knee" is another thought to help make a full turn.


Excellent thought.. shoulder rather than back facingv target... great advice


Perfect .i videod my swing recently and was shocked how short by backswing has become lead arm only just past parallel at what i thought was top ! .been chasing the 30+ yrds ive lost in last few years and this is it why no full turn ..thanks for the info 👍


This is the one lesson I've never had in 20 years of playing golf. Today I've hit the ball better than I ever had! Instructor's never taught this to me. Thank you!
