Tom Watson on The Correct Way To Move Your Knees | Golf Swing Tips | Golf Digest
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PGA pro golfer Tom Watson says that getting your golf swing in sync starts with your knees.
Again, the knee work is related to your initial movement
in your golf swing.
Hands, arms, shoulders move, which then moves your hips,
which, in fact then, moves your lower body.
Your left knee does not go out toward the ball
or to the left of the ball.
The left knee collapses in
and maybe a little bit right of the ball.
That's the motion,
and that's because your right hip moves back.
It doesn't slide to the right.
If you're right hip slides to the right,
then your left knee is going to go out,
and then you'll abbreviate your shoulder turn
and maybe make it too steep like this,
rather than around.
And that's a game-breaker for a golf swing.
When I was a youngster, I remember a tip
in Golf Digest from Mickey Wright.
Mickey Wright said, put a golf ball
under the outside of your right foot at address.
And keep it there so that you brace that right knee
in toward the ball so that their knees don't slide
to the right.
Home of the annual Hot List, instructional videos, news and trends, Golf Digest is the definitive destination for all-things golf.
Tom Watson on The Correct Way To Move Your Knees | Golf Swing Tips | Golf Digest
Again, the knee work is related to your initial movement
in your golf swing.
Hands, arms, shoulders move, which then moves your hips,
which, in fact then, moves your lower body.
Your left knee does not go out toward the ball
or to the left of the ball.
The left knee collapses in
and maybe a little bit right of the ball.
That's the motion,
and that's because your right hip moves back.
It doesn't slide to the right.
If you're right hip slides to the right,
then your left knee is going to go out,
and then you'll abbreviate your shoulder turn
and maybe make it too steep like this,
rather than around.
And that's a game-breaker for a golf swing.
When I was a youngster, I remember a tip
in Golf Digest from Mickey Wright.
Mickey Wright said, put a golf ball
under the outside of your right foot at address.
And keep it there so that you brace that right knee
in toward the ball so that their knees don't slide
to the right.
Home of the annual Hot List, instructional videos, news and trends, Golf Digest is the definitive destination for all-things golf.
Tom Watson on The Correct Way To Move Your Knees | Golf Swing Tips | Golf Digest