The Dangerous Delusions of Narcissistic Fantasy

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🔴 New Course: Unplug From The Matrix Of Narcissism

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Most of the narcissists I've dealt with haven't done anything with their lives and blame others for it.


My experience with people with NPD has been that they really are seriously disturbed. I’ve often felt that when people talk about NPD, they just say it’s a personality disorder and don’t take it seriously. I’m so glad you are making people aware that it is a serious and dangerous disorder, and can be actually quite damaging to the rest of us. Thank you soo much Richard. You’re one of the few out there discussing this.


This helps. Especially when you say “he could see you were suffering and he didn’t stop”. Mine was mentally torturing me with silent treatments and cold shoulder and shaming, blaming, wouldn’t look at me or touch me, nitpicked everything, disappeared; came back, loved me again, hated me the next minute, was just nasty when angry - and this could go on for weeks to months this cycle - and he wouldn’t stop. I tried everything, begging pleading to talk to me, asking if he was ok or depressed, giving him space, being more affectionate, trying to not say the wrong thing, ignore the cruel remarks and treatment - nothing worked. It was all I can explain it as, torture.


Not only does a narc not stop, they ratchet up when they see they're effecting emotional suffering, which they can use to control and manipulate


When I divorced, there wasn’t any info on internet because it didn’t exist at the time. Now people are becoming aware of the toxic behaviour of these people.
I went through hell and came out of it stronger and more resilient.


It's the narcissits inherent fear of the reality of their lives that perpetuates their destructive cycle through life.


One of the things Richard excels at is simplifying the complex by putting it in terms of the expercienced. As he said, narcissistic psychopathy is about as bad as it gets. So, if you survived this, you're about as tough as it gets, especially if you protected and preserved your soft heart through it all. ❤


Having been through this at the hands of an intimate partner, l absolutely agree with you. They ARE dangerous to our health. She simply turned up the heat once l pointed out that I was onto her shenanigans.


Narcissists definately experience true psychosis. Paranoia, delusions, intrusive thoughts, hallucinations both verbal and visual, and disorganized thoughts, caotic behavoir, and violence. Their episodes appear disengaged and detached from reality, sullen and lost in thought, anxious, and disturbed. This is especially true for the malignant narcissist.


Brilliant eloquent definition by Richard. For those seeking sense and logic in the adrenal spin of narcissistic abuse, you are literally restoring sanity


My stepmother, she gets offended when others are happy.


My boss, collectively work bullies traumatized me to a point, that everytime someone compliments me how hardworking I am and what an amazing job I'm doing or how much they all like me and appreciate me at my new workplace, I wanna burst out in tears! I still can't sleep with my lights off, because the second they're off, all the dark thoughts about all the past abuse is flooding through my head... I have to just drift off, like I'm not preparing to sleep, otherwise I won't sleep all night 😔


"He could see you were suffering. He could tell that he was driving you mad. He just didn't care."
I asked mine what it is like for him to rant and if he can tell that the other person is annoyed. He said, "Yes, of course. But I don't care. I just need someone to listen. I need to get it out and vent. And sometimes I need feedback to help with that, and if they're annoyed by that, then so be it."


Married for 15yrs to a woman with EXACTLY this personality it was an insane experience and only after I was discarded could I fully comprehend what was going on for all those years . Richard has helped me a lot by watching his videos come to terms with the whole ordeal .
As a guy I just thought she was mentally unstable but it was certainly far more than that .



And the aftermath when "friends" say to You: But ... he loves You.

It's mindblowing and sooo Big Lie 🤯

The narc did NOT Love ANYBODY but themselves. THATS the truth!


Another way I've experienced the effects of a narcissistic psychopath from my father and having his genetics is to be able to understand in real time that his delusions of omnipotence ("I am God" mentality) and my mothers' complete and utter internal decimation of his internal peace through starving him of physical connection and eventually, mental intimacy in the form of always being the opposing force that rejects him. Both of them are controlling narcissists because their needs were blatantly ignored in childhood, essentially making them scavengers for connection and love (which is never gained through control or conditioning someone to comply with you). It's led to an immense amount of psychological problems for me that I'm still working through and in the process, creating barriers to avoid giving any more of my energy towards connecting with them. It sucks being in limbo of wanting to love people who were too busy to love you, and needing to create space so I can mentally heal so I'm not so trigger sensitive with meeting new people (I always assume there is an agenda or alterior motive to any interaction, and I find I'm generally right).


I'm so grateful for you and the few others that so perfectly describe this disorder and how truly destructive it is. You literally saved my life.


I love how straightforward and direct you are. It's refreshing and grounding and sane. I've learned a lot so hopefully I will never end up with someone like my ex again.


Cool video. My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.


Richard, thank you so much for speaking out and sharing information about these types of people.... A lot of them being covert.. it's freaky stuff and I can't help but wish they could get help but understand they won't get help because they don't believe they need help.
