Squatting bars on labor/delivery a bed! #shorts

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I gave birth on my hands and knees despite what everyone kept telling me. Only position that felt right. Ladies, listen to your body, it knows more than the people telling you what position you "should" be in.


Finally, an L&D nurse that agrees that gravity helps with pushing


I instinctively wanted to squat but they made me lay down on the bed on my back which made it hurt so much worse.


The last time I was in labor I begged my midwife to let me switch positions, I was having a hard time pushing baby out on my back and I just wanted to try something else but they refused to let me and kept trying to tell me I’m in the easiest position which I knew wasn’t true. So mad that I wasn’t more of an advocate for myself. I shouldn’t have asked I should have told them that that’s what I was going to do.


The more I learn about labor, the less I want kids.


“That’ll be $5000 for squat bar installation”


When my mom gave birth to me, she tells me she wanted to be on her hands and knees, it's what her body kept telling her would feel best. I'm so glad they have equipment like this more accessible now, I'm sure so many women benefit from these more comfortable births.


I see all these amazing things that help with labor as well as woman eating in labor and am jealous. When I had my daughter I was on bed rest bc of high bp and I wasn’t allowed to get out of bed or change positions as well as eat or drink. Even ice chips were severely rationed. I ended up being in labor for ~29 hours after the previous day of labor at home and not eating or drinking. I was so grateful to eat and drink after our daughter was born. Glad things have changed. ❤


To everyone sharing their experiences, I just want to say a couple things. Natural position for childbirth is squatting, only reason why we do it on our backs now is because just ONE king wanted to see the birth process happen. Just one. Then it became a thing for some reason.


I don’t care what equipments I used I don’t think I can push a baby out 🥺I salut all moms who did this🙌🏾 but CS recovery is crazy too guys . All moms are amazing


Finishing your channel has just re inspired me. I was feeling lost about being a nurse or not because I always talk myself down and I don’t have confidence but seeing your channel has just made me want to do labor and delivery so much more


That last leverage position looks like it’s gonna make the baby shoot out like a cannon 🤣


Oh, that's exactly what I needed 😢 amazing invention


i came out and bounced off of the bed then hit my head on the bar, im dead now


we squat bc gravity helps us. it's basic physics.


Correct me if I am wrong, but i feel it would be almost like sh*ting on your back, which would obviously be uncomfortable 💀 Squatting is probably just easier due to gravity and comfort, and doctors should never force on which position you should be in!!


Videos like this have me adamant i won't push on my back especially because I'm aiming for a vbac and I feel if I squat or are on all 4's i have a higher chance of success


The thing I cared about the most was freedom to move as my body told me. One of the most respected moments I’ve experienced with medical professionals was when I was fully dilated and my male doctor asked me if I wanted to get up to squat or stand (I was laying down because my legs didn’t feel like they could hold me anymore but it was MY choice). I remember telling him that I didn’t know and that I wasn’t sure if I could get up. He said they’d help me. I told him to just leave me where I was. I felt so respected though. So grateful he honored and remembered my request even though I ended up giving birth laying down. It was truly my choice.


The sheet position saved me from a c-section



I absolutely hate that I’ve had miscarriages, they devastate me, but honestly it is the only argument I have that shuts up the ignorant doctors and nurses immediately. Every time they start to argue with me about giving birth on my hands and knees, I remind them that I already HAVE given birth via miscarriage and that nothing worked or changed until I was squatting. I labored forever on my back in immense pain, and as soon as I got up BAM, the baby came… They shut their mouths right up because nobody wants to argue with a lady who’s had multiple miscarriages and knows what’s BEST for her body. Gravity is supposed to help you, only an idiot would say that laying on your back is the “easiest” way.
