How to Increase Volume of Audio Files | How to Make Audio Louder in Audacity

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In this video, we’ll show you how to make audio files louder.

Sometimes, the audio file you’re trying to listen to simply isn’t loud enough. Actually, you can make MP3 audio files louder on your computer with easy clicks.

Let us show you how to do it.

1) Download and install a free app called Audacity.
2) After the installation is complete, open the software.
3) Click on the File menu and choose the Open option.
4) Load the audio file that you want to edit.
5) To edit the entire track, click Edit - Select - All.
6) Or select the required portion by clicking and dragging your mouse over the blue area.
7) In the Effect menu, choose Amplify.
8) Use the slider to select the degree of amplification.
9) Check the «Allow clipping» checkbox and click OK to make changes.
10) Go to File and choose Export - Export as MP3 option.
11) Then click on the Save button.

That’s it!

❓💬 What other tips do you want to know? Let us know in the comments below.

#HowTech #audio #audacity
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Yes, yes, yes. Finally, I was able to increase the volume on the audios I made. Been using Audacity for over 10 years and learn something new every day. Thank you.


Appreciate this video so much! Downloaded mp3s from youtube using a converter in 192kpbs for gta v self radio but they were all super quiet, used this to boost the volume so they sound louder on the car radio 🙌🏼


Thanks for keeping it short and sweet!


Simple & direct, easy to follow, thank you so much! After a few tries, found the right setting for the Volume.


I've been using Audacity for years and it's an excellent program. But there is a flaw in the method outlined here. When you export to mp3 in Audacity, the program is basically compressing the file, so you do lose some audio quality. This is a great method if you begin with a wav file that has full sampling and then export to mp3. But if you begin with an already compressed mp3 file and export to mp3, Audacity is basically compressing your already compressed file and you will lose even more audio quality. Granted, you're not losing a lot but to me it all depends on what you will be using the audio file for. So this may be a good way to normalize your files but keep in mind what your end use will be.


haha so simple but so helpful, I love open source apps!


awesome this was very helpful thank you very much! 🙃


How do I remove static from a ring video/audio recording? There are people whispering in the audio but can't hear/understand what's being said due to the static. Recent break in at my home caught this


This is great, but say it's in a format Audacity doesn't accept, like MA4 ? How do you convert file to be imported into Audacity ?


it would be easy if you included the link of that apps


I have a microphone for my mobile phone when recording outside when there's wind, unfortunately the playback audio is very low, any tips please in increasing the playback volume would be appreciated


"uncheck allow clipping" surely this will cause distortion / clipping in the audio file. In any event if you upload it to YouTube they will reduce the audio loudness to what they consider " loudness normalisation setting"... There's a specific setting now on Audacity for that purpose.. If your video volume is too high YT will reduce the volume but if it's too low they will not increase the volume.


Hello, thanks for explaining how to amplify the sound but there's some important info missing. Like after the audio file has been amplified then saved, * where do I retrieve the updated file so that I can put it back into my storage/usb thumb drive so that I can take it & listen to it in my car or will it go back onto my USB thumbdrive on its own? Futhermore, the file doesn't sound any louder than it did before. Maybe because I didn't put it back onto my storage or didnt put it back correctly. i don't know.


Allow me to introduce a new unit of measurement for sound volume,
which I call vovol* (abbreviated: volume voltage).

THIS IS HOW IT WORKS: You use two pre-stages, one with positive volume values, and the other negative.
For example, so has the pre-step with positive values
a measurement from +0 decibels up to +20, while the one with negative values, has from -0 decibels down to -20 decibels.

The highest voltage occurs when the value is
+20 and -20 decibels (or: 20 vovol),
while there is low voltage, when the value is on
+0 and -0 decibels (or: 0 vovol).

You can possibly also combine two different values with each other, by adjusting the value to +10 -20 vovol, which gives a crisper effect. Have experimented with this myself at work and at home.
The adjustment can of course be set to taste.

More information about Vovol:

When the sound has high volume voltage, the speaker membrane is stretched like a guitar string, so that the sound becomes more sharper, realistic and noise-free.

This can be achieved by using an equalizer with a preamp. First, all frequencies are lowered, to, for example, -12 decibels.
Then you raise it up to +12 decibels, with a preamp.

This is how I usually experiment, with vovol, because currently there are no tools, or apps, to do this.

If you, or other who reading this, have an equalizer with a preamp, I think you should try it too.

And thank you all for reading!


Great video!


Does anyone have the link for Audacity? The link I have, every time I try to download it, it tries to make me pay


how to do it on a whole folder because I have 120 songs and that's a long time
