Antidepressants: Should we talk about side-effects? - BBC News

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The BBC’s Anton Ferrie investigates the impact of antidepressants on the minds and bodies of the thousands of young people who take them.

While some say these drugs have saved their lives, others say they’ve changed it permanently.

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#Antidepressants #BBCNews
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One side-effect is giant profits for pharmaceutical companies.


It's so ridiculous when you also consider that for a lot of people, the antidepressants don't even help their depression. So now they still have depression but with a bunch of antidepressant side effects also.

What's wrong with the audio? Its like left and right channels competing against each other.


I developed vertigo and tinnitus when I got on antidepressants. I’m glad I found the correlation and it was more painful to live day to day with this constant ringing in my head than to have sad thoughts.


For anyone considering stopping medication, in addition to talking to your doctor and researching how to wean off the med I would also highly suggest telling several of the people closest to you so they can check in and monitor you. If the original depression symptoms return, you may find yourself down a dark well and unable to ask for help


As someone who grew up rural doing stuff with my hands (like digging post holes, shovelling animal poop, etc.), I suspect that some depression & some other mental conditions might be worsened by lack of sufficiently physical work. If people can participate in meaningful physical work a few hours a week, it could boost physical as well as mental well-being, imho.


What’d you fire the sound guy? This is a horrible experience on headphones.


If coming off antidepressants, the general rule of thumb is to add up the time you have taken any antidepressant, and divide that time in half to know how long you should take to wean off while working to rebuild your ability to metabolize serotonin. If you have taken 5 years or longer, a 1 - 1.5  year taper for every 5 years on. "Time" being the focus. HOWEVER,   people tapering can't know how their nervous system will respond to a decrease in medication until they try it.  Each person's different and some can go faster than others.  It is advised to taper no more than
 2% - 10% every 2-4 week's which is a conservative, harm reduction approach. This is EXTREMELY important. Many times, withdrawal is delayed so you may be doing large cuts and feel great, actually better than ever but just be blindsided with severe, debilitating withdrawal weeks or months later and at that point it's often too late to reinstate so it's a waiting game. Please be aware most doctors follow old tapering guidelines and the majority going through withdrawal did follow their doctors tapering advice.
Most doctors and pharmacists are clueless about tapering off these drug's.


We choose between living with side effects and not living


Hard to believe that the botched audio wasn't intentional. Nobody screws up that bad unless its on purpose.


Awful sound editing, can hardly hear anything over the drowning music.


Honestly whoever did the sound lied on their resume


I was on SSRI for 3 months and boy did it give me hypersomnia!!!! Now I am off it and I am getting better.


Whoever did the sound on this should be fired. Why is in panned left and right like that. No balance


thank you for doing this reporting! 🙋❤️


What about the side effects of the jab??


I was some that had side effects of increased suicidal thoughts, stomach pains, hair loss, Weight loss.
Threw them out and smoked weed fell much better.


Everyone is different, medication works well for some and not for others. A GP appointment is only about 5 minutes long and that's not long enough for you to describe your symptoms and issues, the doctor to decide what to give you, and go over all the potential side effects. We need more GPs and longer appointments, not just because of this problem but it would help with other problems from having such a short amout of time with a doctor. Antidepressants saved my life and I know about 10 others who have told me the same thing. Side effects can be truely horrible for some, but for most they are either non existent or not serious. A major problem is also getting an appointment to see a it's been incredibly difficult to get an appointment with one of them on the NHS for many years now. Unless you're suicidal it's very hard to see one, and even then, it's not easy. People need therapy to learn good coping skills etc, so they don't get to the stage where they become suicidal. If people had therapy some would be more willing and able to come off their medication too, but there's little to no support, 5 minutes with a GP and medication is not going to help enough


It's outrageous how overmedicated our whole society is!? It's about time somebody poses the question in the media


numbness in the groin could be a neurological issue, his doctor should have escalated his case to a neurologist for a full CNS MRI. Neurological autoimmune disorders also have the effect of making people depressed!
