U.S. protesters are demanding police reform. Here’s what it could look like.

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As a former police officer, I can honestly say I wish we had the training and supervisory support to do what the Germans and Swedes are doing. And the Swedes are doing it right: they don't put everything on the police. They have a robust social safety net that helps people beyond their experiences with the police so everything doesn't just fall on the shoulders of law enforcement. I can't imagine how much better things would be here if we could implement changes like what was shown in this video.


A reform on training? Not a problem, just let them keep their gear.

Dehumanizing and defunding of entire districts whose point is to protect YOU from being killed by criminals? Bad.


Both of those simulations involved the suspect giving up, what about involving situations where the suspect chooses not to give up or even if the subject is underage? What if they are multiple subjects and what if they are from another country that doesn't speak the same language? How about using some American civilians that you can train on to see if these tactics would still work as I wonder if they would easily comply with the orders the two officers issued along with putting up more of a struggle than that guy did? I generally feel these methods wouldn't be as effective as you think dealing with American civilians being they are more entitled and rowdy if that is not the average German citizen.


So tired of pandering to criminals. Get them a job so they will be exhausted like the rest of us & no time or energy to cause trouble. For those who will be getting put back into society, instead of punishment focus; rehabilitate. Get them a job when they get out, let them out early if possible while they are still serving time so they can be followed up on & given more help. For heartless murderers, rapist; pedophiles; they should never see the light of day again.


Unfortunately the US is so gun crazy that non of these techniques would not even be considered. It seems like they want to stick the badge on them and get them on the streets working asap instead of taking the time and money to train properly


US. Learn from other country. PLZ. Here in Sweden police going to Police high school i at least three years.


Yeah but in the us is a different culture


When i was little I really wanted to become a american but now i am afraid to even visit it


Now do a simulation where the suspect has a gun and he refuses commands. Many in the US have guns and refuse commands.


There are exceptions to this video. At times, (not all) cops may approach/stop a suspect that's held up with a hostage and refuse to cooperate, or they are intoxicated heavily on alcohol or drugs and uncontrollable or bank robbery/drug traffickers. So many different scenarios occur in the U.S.
I agree training yearly is definitely necessary as our Societyis changing.


American policing has to change. They can learn alot from Germany, but let's face it they won't listen, Many american police don't think they have a problem. Having the budget to buy a tank.. and actually being able to use one? Surely that's dumb... police aren't military..


I think Americans, American Police & US government are too concern with being 'the greatest country in the world' and not actually spending time doing what a great country would do in a lot of circumstances.


The fallacy of comparing the German training to American training is it presupposes police AND their command structure really DON'T want to hurt the suspect(s). In America, the psychological makeup of many police is defective. IMO, many police in America are psychopaths, sociopaths or borderline. And these kind of people seem to be exactly what police departments want and that, IMO, is the root of the problem. If there was rigorous psychological testing to weed out these borderline criminals then you could start with an untainted group of people where this type of training would hopefully be effective.


This is America we are talking about we need Police enough said.


You want police reform???? Fine, Join the police dept and make a change from the inside out. Be recognized as a star in your community by making a difference by treating others the way you want & insist to be treated. Simple


Can we ever do this when so many guns are are floating around the US? If we want this result, money has to come out of politics (NRA), and politicians will need to grow a spine. Those misreading and misapplying the 2nd amendment will also have to STFU and disarm. Otherwise, we will always be this fucked.


I feel they shouldn't defund police, they should invest the money for reforming police.Alot go into policing with a bully mentality.This needs attention."Reform Police"we need the police.


Perhaps the German society places pressure on the citizens to comply. We have a very entitled society here in which we are taught to resist officers and that we dont have to listen to higher authority.


Don't give up on us. We'll get rid of trump and will need your advice.


These People Need To Start Listening To The GOVERNMENT Or This Virus Will Never Go Away If Something Happens To One Of My Family And Children And Cant Get Help To Them There Sure Will Be A whole Lot More Of What's Going On Now The Police That Do Wrong Put Them In Jail And They Pay For Who They Hurt Check Them But No Choke Or Slamming Them To The Ground Noone Should Be Beat Or Shot In Back But PROTESTING Is Sure Not Helping At All Only Hurting More People And Children..
