Evolution of French TGV Trains: EXPLAINED

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- French infrastructure manager SNCF has only recently, in October 2021, opened its high-speed rail network for competition, ie, it finally liberalized this market segment.

In preparation for this step, the TGV premium service inOui and the low-cost Ouigo service were created to replace the 'classic' TGV services. From October last year, Trenitalia competes with these two, serving passengers on the Paris-Lyon-Milan route.

As we already dedicated a few videos to the stories about the development and evolution of Japanese Shinkansen and German ICE trains, where we tried to present the technology, technical characteristics of all series of Shinkansen and ICE trains, as well as circumstances that influenced their design, now we wanted to do the same with the famous French TGV trains!

Therefore, this video brings a comprehensive story about TGV SUD-EST, TGV ATLANTIQUE, TGV Réseau, TGV Duplex, TGV POS, and TGV 2N2 trains .

They all had to be developed in such a way to be interoperable, and capable of running on the new LGVs and conventional railway lines but also on the lines outside the borders of France. Because of this, they are equipped with multi-system equipment for power supply and signaling.

Also, these requirements raised the development of several new technologies and new solutions which gave the French industry a significant technological edge.

High-speed rail technology did not fall out of the sky - it was a result of a close connection between the railway industry, transport research, and entrepreneurial flair.

As an outcome of all this, the first TGV train branded as TGV Sud-Est was introduced in 1980.

Do you think we managed to present the main aspects of the French TGV trains? Tell us in the comments below!
Special thanks to our Patrons: David Brandon, Brendan McKeon, Linda Vainomae-Hoffmann, Andrew Saffrey, Myron York, Gerald Brady, Tim McKeoun, August Bigelow, Bill, Sergii Getman, Andebian, Raka Sidik, Jonas Christen, Duikboot, Nathan Walls, Marcelli, and Phillipe Branco!

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#France #TGV #Railway
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As a french railway engineering student, given how similar different TGVs look, the fact that you made no mistake listing and presenting them is very impressive ! Glad to have such good quality content on YouTube


You forgot the TGV La Poste, the world fastest freight train. It was a modified TGV PES, which painted in yellow and allow easy loading of mail.


French trains are one of the best trains!


You might have forgotten about the PBKA Thalys version. This is the kind of Thalys train that also runs to Cologne. And the TGV that goes to the UK (that's now slowly replaced by the Siemens e320). But it's still a great video


TGV sud-est will always remain my favourite both in colour and design.


Thank you for the overview.
As a bit of pre-history, until the early 1970s SNCF actually wanted to use gas turbines for their high speed train, considering the difficulties of pantographs during the high speed tests of 1955. So the "TGV 001" test unit was equipped with gas turbines, similar to the earlier ETG and RTG trains. During the 1970s, also considering the oil crisis, they changed their opinion and developed new overhead wire systems and pantographs to work at high speed. A contemporary film about the TGV 001:

Alstom also developed an articulated train with distributed traction, the AGV. That one however was not ordered by SNCF, it was only built for Italian ntv (italo) so far.
Likewise one TGV was tested with tilting technology in order to reduce travel times on classic lines, specifically Paris Austerlitz via Limoges to Toulouse (le Capitole). No series production came out of it.

In addition to the Euroduplex currently under construction, the next generation has already been ordered, 100 Avelia Horizon units:
The improvements mentioned are: 20% lower cost, shorter power cars and new doubledeck bar car increasing passenger space by 20% at the same length, 30% lower maintenance cost, 20% lower energy consumption. The press release does not mention any equipment for international operation. I assume that's optional.


I think I used all lines besides the Thalys one and I really can say it's the best transport system I know of. I really love the TGV and everytime I'm using the system I'm so happy it exists. Meanwhile using the ICE is just such a different story. It sucks so much in comparison it really annoys me! Like why the DB is so against Duplex cars? Or can't adopt the Ouigo trains? I don't get it...
But I'm really sceptical if liberating the market is such a good thing. In my opinion the state should provide it. It's much better for the countrys rail network. Because private companies will always just pick the profitable lines. But a good network also inherits non profitable lines. It's state infrastructe for the people not to make profit.
But anyways looking forward for my next TGV ride :)


Wow, I'm floored. You guys did an amazing job explaining the TGV growing family. I was on the first TGV PSE and the first time the line was pushed to 280km/h. You guys did an amazing job wrapping all this together. Congratulations. This is a channel well worth subscribing to.


As a dutch person that loves making videos about transport infrastructure, I really hope there will come more highspeed trains in the Netherlands!


Thalys changed my life the first time I rode it. It was my first HSR ever. I live in California. So now we gotta finish our HSR here now.


I loved watching TGV videos as a kid, I recognized that there were both single and double decker version, as well as orange vs grey. But nothing beyond that, I had no idea there were so many variations, amazing video!


You did an excellent job! One thing I would have added was that the TGV Atlantique were also refurbished (2005-2010) and received a revised grey livery and new interior made by famous fashion designer Christian LaCroix. Now many of the first Atlantique trainsets are being retired and replaced by new Duplex 2N2 “L’Ocean” versions which is the latest Duplex version after Duplex, DAYSE, and 2N2. Some of the newer model Atlantique’s as of 2021 are being refurbished a second time and are getting the Carmillion paint similar to the Reseau and Sud Est.


Thank you for putting all that information together. I didn't realise there were so many versions of the TGV. Always great to travel on them.


Thanks for the video. The French TGV is an iconic piece of rolling stock. I would really like to travel on one in the future. Keep up the good work👍


And in the near future, there will be a new train : TGV M, very modern, with an emphasis en energy efficiency, maintenance and capacity ( but no increase in speed ). Should be available in 2024 ( production already started )


Very nice and complete short history of this iconic train 👌🚆


Thank youi for another great and informative video. Love your channel 💗


SNCF is the best! The OG diesel(turbine?) tgv power car is off a highway exit ramp outside of Strasbourg!


My favourite of all the TGVs were the PSE sets in their original orange and grey livery.


Amazing breakdown of the history of the TGV! Thanks!
