Ancient Mysteries You've Never Heard Of

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Unveil the Enigmas of Ancient Worlds! Explore the Sealed Tunnel of Teotihuacan's eerie treasures, the Green Children's baffling origins, and the enigmatic Yonaguni Monument's submerged secrets. Unearth history's puzzles now!

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Just causally brushed over how that guy personally kidnapped and tortured the treasure hunters.


After a bit of research in Japanese, it is very clear that experts in Japan agree that Yonaguni is a natural rock formation, not manmade. The official name of the site has even changed from the Yonaguni Monument or Yonaguni Underwater Ruins (named when it was still thought to be manmade) to the Yonaguni Submarine Topography (or Underwater Rock Formation, depending on how you want to translate it).

According to the Ryukyu University Seismology Lab, it was formed by coastal erosion, with waves eating away at the sandstone until the natural cracks in the rock broke away in chunks leaving the right angles and straight edges. They say that if the rock was malleable enough to be shaped by humans thousands of years ago, the angles and straight edges would have been eroded naturally by the waves since then and worn down into gentle curves. And if it was hard enough to withstand thousands of years of wave erosion without wearing done and cracking, it would have also been impossible for humans to have created it.


I am in awe as to how the Aztec were able to build their temples and cities. It is an incredible accomplishment.


One working hypothesis for the reason the children were green is tied into another of their quirks, that the children would only eat Fava beans. Fava beans contain compounds, that in large dosages, can cause all sorts of health conditions lumped under the name "Favaism" One of the more prominent ones is acute jaundice, making their skin look yellowish green.


The tunnel sounds like a backup for them to go to and hide all their treasures in the event of an attack.

The "screaming" mummy is a natural phenomenon when you die. The muscles of your jaw relax and fall down. When you see people at funerals, they've had their jaws closed and secured shut manually to look more peaceful


0:28 the sealed tunnel of Teotihuacan
4:01 the green children of Woolpit
5:29 the Yonaguni monument - Japan's Atlantis
6:59 unknown man e - the screaming mummy
9:55 the lost city of Paititi


My parents are Zapotec from a rural village deep in the jungles of Southern Mexico. We have a bunch of sealed caves we don't announce out of respect. These tunnels and caves were created to escape Spanish genocides and mass rapes. We know why they exist and just try to ignore it. We have genuine Zapotec pottery and artifacts in those caves but just leave the anxious spirits rest. God only knows what they witnessed


Honestly, the lost city of Paititi probably has a legitimate connection to the more or less uncontacted tribes that live on both sides of Peru-Brazil border area of the Amazon.


That tunnel is insane, imagine stumbling upon it during its prime just after it was sealed off and seeing the Idols and mercury bodies (lakes).


The green children of Woolpit is quite well known and was solved. They were the children of a German copper miner, they spoke German and were green from exposure to copper.
Simon has done an entire video on this 😂


The Yanaguni ‘monument’ has been disputed since the day it was discovered. The ‘ruins’ are geological formations that only somewhat resemble actual buildings and infrastructure. Several ‘stairs’ or ‘roads’ are way too uneven to function and they resemble these things at only the most cursory glance.

Also, a tsunami alone won’t sink a city, and I think I learned that there had not been significant enough seismic activity there to drop the land below sea level either.

Perhaps worthwhile, are a clip from a freediver who visited the site and posted clips of his dive on YouTube. That must’ve been at least 5-6 years ago though, no clue who it was or if it’s still up, sorry.

Btw, there is a similar structure like the Yanaguni ‘monument’ in the Baltic Sea, roughly off the coast of one of the Baltic states, I believe, which looks like a crashed spaceship. Similarly not real, but geological in origin, but cool to see.


The last item had some problems. Colonel Fawcett was closer to the other side of the continent when he disappeared and Atahualpa had just won a civil war and didn't expect much from a rag tag group of foreigners. His half brother Mancu fled to a remote location where he was later assassinated by Spanish rebels.


Teotihuscan is much more massive and important than is presented here. The metropolis was home to over 2 million people, extending for tens of miles around the ciity center proper. Early explorers looted hundreds of thousands of pounds of copper, bronze, and silver alloy items. Later, the city was mined as a rich source of mica, a well known insulator used in electronics.


Referring to the "agonizing pain" of the Egyptian mummy as if the way they were found has anything to do with how they lived. The mouths of corpses just fall open unless they're intentionally closed. Nowadays in the US this is done by threading metal wire through the gums. In other cultures they would tie strips of fabric around the head keeping the jaw closed etc.
There's a lot of screaming mummies in the world. This particular person, whoever they were, obviously did not receive the full Egyptian burial treatment after death, since their organs were still intact and such. It stands to reason that whoever wrapped them in that sheepskin also didn't take the time to tie their jaw closed. After all, if the expression on a deceased's face when we find them after several thousand years were to reflect the pain they were in when they died, Tutankhamun himself would have been screaming.


Simon has covered so much stuff even his team doesnt know anymore lol


Speaking of ancient mysteries.
In the future people will watch all of Simon's channels and wonder
How many clones Simon actually has...😄
Oh and please please please never stop ♥️


Teotihuacan tunnels: this subterranean alter in Mexico, with a landscape surrounded by mercury and stars embedded in the ceiling, sounds exactly like Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s yet to be explored tomb in China.


Very interesting as usual.... love all you're videos. Cheers.


LIDAR could be used to find Paititi. Maybe they need to have a smaller target area before they could use it though?


i read that the yonaguni monument could be a natural formation.
