Dark Bible Stories That You Never Heard | Joe Rogan & Michelle Dowd

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Michelle Dowd is the author of "Forager: Field Notes on Surviving a Family Cult," revealing her life growing up on an isolated mountain within an apocalyptic cult, and how she found her way out by gleaning strength from the wilderness.

Host: Joe Rogan
Producer: Jamie Vernon
Episode: 2137

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She proceeds to tell people, "That's a story not a lot people hear, " after telling King David's most infamous story.


That first story she mentions isn't a secret. There's an actual Veggie Tales episode about that episode.


This is a commonly known story among actual Christians it’s to show how even the most mightiest men can fall to sin when they don’t follow God


The fact that she talks about the story of david And Bathsheba, and says this is not a story that is taught shows that this woman isn not well informed. The story may not be taught to younger childeren, but as a teen and and young adult it absolutely is.


The David story tells the truth about giving into lust. It's brilliant and actually shows how it can wreck your life.


I love how the thumbnail shows a page out of “scary stories to tell in the dark” 😂


The stories she told are literally some of the most well known in the entire Bible.


I love the story of David. It shows that God can use anyone and anything all to His glory. Our human nature to sin doesn't affect His plan one single bit. The end of the story is David went through deep depression, had one of his friends call him out for his sin (as Christians should do for each other, in love, of course), and David repented and drew closer to God. The point of David and Bathsheba is grace, mercy, redemption, forgiveness, accountability, and consequences. It also shows how quickly you can fall down the rabbit hole just by starting with a "little" sin. I was taught that David should have been at battle with his men and not lounging on his own rooftop looking at Bathsheba. Bathsheba was bathing on the rooftop because all the men were supposed to be gone at war.


The fact that the imperfections of the people of God are on full display throughout the Bible is one of the most compelling things about it. Clearly not hiding anything.


The Bible says people push the truth away because they love their sin too much. It also says, "The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.'" Deep down, people know there is a God, but they also know to acknowledge God would mean there would be moral accountability. People don't want that.


“Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.” -Matthew 13:13


The Bible has a lot of stories about some really messed up people and family dynamics. Why? Because in 2024 there are a lot of messed up people and family dynamics. It proves that all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God, we all need redemption...


The Bible records things it does not condone.


This is the perfect example of little knowledge is dangerous


If she read the whole thing when she was 8, she probably understood less than 10% of it. Let's all just be honest.


This is like watching two orangutans play with a Rubik’s cube.


Me, waiting to hear a story I haven’t heard before: 😴🛌


Actually, most churches do not shy away from those stories, at all, especially the story of David and Uriah. That's why religious folk will name their kids Uriah, and they become MMA fighters.


The Bible isn't supposed to only tell of warm and fuzzy events. It's a record of history that tells of how God interacts with His people.


Dang they’ve twisted up so much in this video! God didn’t command David to sleep with Bathsheba, it’s a historical account of what happened. David did so many great things in his life but he’s human just like the rest of us and did horrible things too then was severely punished for them.
The Bible doesn’t teach that women are second class citizens in fact, feminists would love how valued women were viewed (especially compared to other civilizations).
The Bible didn’t condone slavery either. Its historical account of the horrors of the enslaved Israelites was recorded then God brings the smack down on the Egyptians for the horrible things they did to the slaves.
In the mosaic law, there are 3 parts- moral law (10 commandments given at Mt. Sinai) civil law (the laws given to the recently freed Israelites after wandering the desert and having a plethora of civil issues) and the ceremonial law (how to conduct yourselves when making offerings to God).
The civil law began because Moses was in a predicament. There were millions of people (12 tribes of Israel) trying figure out how to be it’s own society with law and order.
At first, Moses sat down and everyone who had conflict lined up to tell Moses what happened then Moses would decree what needs to happen. This was inefficient and not sustainable so his father-in-law recommended appointing Elders in every tribe to handle issues as well as laws to govern the people.
Back then, if someone stole from you, for example, the perpetrator was required to pay them back plus tax. If they couldn’t, they were required to pay them back with 7 years of indentured servitude then freed (unless they wanted to stay). There were rules about how to treat them and they were considered a part of the family unit. Back then, people really relied on each other because there was so much hard labor that needed to be done to survive.
This punishment of indentured servitude is completely different than how we view slavery. And God doesn’t ever command us to have slaves.
