RESPONSE To Gratuitous Evil Argument - My Theodicy (Simplified Version)

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... "GOD takes NO pleasure in the death of the wicked; but rather that they turn from their ways and live." ... ✝️ (Ezekiel 33;11, OLD TESTAMENT) ✝️

As the title says, this is my theodicy and response to the skeptic argument from gratuitous evil. I shared my theodicy here with a few authors, apologists and philosopher friends - and got good feedback on it. So now, I'm sharing it with the YouTube World.

I can't claim that nobody within' the last 2000 years of rich intellectual Christian history haven't thought of my theodicy here before me..! But from all the skeptic theism, freewill, and greater good responses that I have heard - I haven't seen anyone frame it exactly how I have put it here. I hope this video will bless you and be helpful for both Christians and non-Christians. To God be the glory.

Why am I not a muslim? ... What about gratuitous evil? ... Divine hiddenness? ... Trinity? ... Atheist objections? ... Bad things in the Old Testament? ... Objections to the New Testament and Jesus' resurrection?

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Рекомендации по теме

This is really a profound way to explain the benefit of allowing evil, and I do have to agree I've never heard it put quite like that. Well done.


Im always thinking about this and I appreciate your explanation. Thank you 🙏


The poop on the plate was a nice touch! 💩


Odd, you and Frank Turek posted about this at the same time


Great job! When’s the book coming out?


Interesting my friend. I definitely will need more. 🙏🏼💕


Indeed, let us seek God's light and repent from evil to get out of the darkness.


The glasses made all work👍 lol!


I do believe that line of thinking is closest to the truth.


Buena respuesta mi hermano! Felicitaciones por los 3k!


You "need to look intelegent" .. You are funny, bro 😎 God bless you abundantly.


I am also praying and planing to put out a video series on the problem of evil in my language... I have literally seen no one.. atheist or christian do it in my language... Should get all the possible points that I can ...


The very concept of evil also begs for an objective standard that is being violated. Where does this standard that God's existence violates extend from?


Can you enable captions next video? I have hearing disorder


Atheism - the 'religious' belief in a senseless, purposeless, sourceless, meaningless and unknown universe

And btw congrats on 3k brother!


I'm watching your video now, but you might enjoy watching: "R.C. Sproul: What Is Evil & Where Did It Come From?" available here on YouTube.


I'm a little confused by your response. I noticed that you mentioned privation theory, but where is your definition of the good? And is it a normative construal?

Allow me to steelman the atheist/agnostic...They're understanding the good normatively as: what ought to be done. And evil as: what ought not to be done. Therefore, if something is permitted because it makes possible a 'greater good' that could not have been brought about otherwise, then it ought to be done. And therefore is not evil (assuming the orthodox view that acknowledges the existence of evil).

Put differently, in virtue of what are they evils if they are permitted because they bring about a greater good? Ought not they be done, then? In which case, aren't they good? Why are you calling them evils?

I think the unbeliever can make a case that 'greater good' theodicies don't work with a normative construal. Which is to say, what ought to be done and what ought not to be done, and we're understanding those terms to be coextensive with good and evil.

In my experience, I've noticed that theists seem to think that employing a non-normative notion of the good solves the problem. However, that relies on relativizing the good and commits them to relativism about the good, which is contra moral realism.

In summation: two problems tend to occur in the dialectic. Evil does and does not exist, at the same time and in the same context. And they are and are not moral realists, at the same time and in the same context. Which is contradictory.

Apologies if that was a bit verbose.


Ah nothing more foolish and prideful than an atheist
"In the pride of his face the wicked does not seek him,
all his thoughts are, “There is no God.” - Psalms 10:4 ESV


I don't remember ever choosing between Good and Evil...


In which manner does burning koalas alive prevent another fall for eternity ?
