What is Face Blindness (Prosopagnosia): Neurology, Symptoms & Treatment

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Prosopagnosia (Face Blindness) is the inability to recognize faces. Here's a Story about living with prosopagnosia, the pathophysiology, causes, diagnosis & treatment. It can happen suddenly from strokes involving the Fusiform Face area of the brain, or congenitally.

We also talk about a similar disorder called Face Pareidolia where people mistake objects for faces.

00:00 What is Prosopagnosia
00:32 Symptoms of Prosopagnosia
00:56 The man who mistook his for a hat
01:11 Fusion Face Area (neurology)
01:56 Face Pareidolia
02:36 Diagnosis of Face Blindness
03:03 Therapies for Prosopagnosia

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I have a mild version of this. I have to meet a person a good few times to recognise them. People look SO different to me from social media photos and real life too. I can’t see family resemblance unless they’re super super similar looking. I’m having an assessment for Autism soon so that will explain that.


I have a very severe case of this based on the official test I took. I really hate having it. It affects me with my job and prevented from getting a job I really wanted to have.


For me it's the inability to imagine someone's face. I can know this person for years but I wouldn't be able to imagine their face in my head or even describe it. I can only do it if I've seen a picture of that person and have the picture stored in my memory. Then I would end up describing the picture and not really the person. However, when I see them in person, I do know who they are.


i have this. I never could tell faces apart, and now with the pandemic and mandatory mask wearing, it has gotten way worse. masks on, masks off, change hair, grow beard, shave beard.. I don't know who's who anymore.

I'm fine with most celebrities or political figures.. cause of the constant exposure, but everyday people is really not possible.


I can remember people's clothes, the accessories even the hairstyles. But i can't recall faces of people Ive met.
Only once I've met or hung out with them a few times

And it's weird to me that i can tell you what that guy on that event wore 3 years ago. But i wouldn't have even have recognized him a day after the event in a crowd


dont go to Ikea with this thing or the last thing you hear migh be "The store now closed, please leave the building." Or something like that.


took me 1 month to figure our once that we have 2 receptionists and not one, because im also terrible with names 😅 found out about face blindness today, I often can't follow a plot of the movie if people are similar, because I mix them up, probably need to get my self checked out 😅


A very cool video :DD Would love to see more of your work (though you already made so much cool content!!)


I’m faceblind. I recognize people by voice, walking gait, commonly worn items of clothing or jewelry, glasses frames, hairstyles, and things like that. I am autistic, and face blindness happens much more frequently in autistic people.


I have a mild version of this. It leads to confusion a lot.


Thanks really gj, but pls whats that music name?


I remember Dr. Sacks saying he had this disorder. Once he said he walked by his own houlse and did not reconize it.
I recall a video where a woman had had a stroke and as a result, she saw the world as if through a strobe light.
Could you explain how this happens in an episode?


i wonder if people who have this disorder can watch anime


I have this i know im always loading when i look at faces i feel sorry for my self that i doubt that its really them who i talking to XD 🤣


I have this problem,
I just crying from inner, when it happens, i.e, don't recognise face.😭😭😭😭

I have to just remember by, glasses, hairstyle, and other distinctive features, ...😭😭😭😭😭😭


I deal with this (possibly due to my autism).
Edit: mispelled word


haha it's not my fault, it just happens, that's why I hate movies, I can't understand because I don't remember the characters


Oh me i go guessing on a hunch if theyre the person i see hahahahahahahah i see pure stangers all the time idk
