Every Young Christian Should Watch This Video

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Ray Comfort shares an important word for young Christians: devoting your time to things of this world is vain. He then shows an evangelism encounter with two individuals at Huntington Beach where Ray uses a fake stack of $20,000 to make an important point.




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I deperately want to witness to people like this. Ray Comfort is one of the best, Holy Ghost filled evangelists I've ever followed. He has an intense passion for souls. God help me to have a sense of loving urgency for the souls of the world! Help me God to snatch souls from hell, plant seeds and intercede! Oh hiw I wish the church would teach us how to win souls!


"The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and to turn away from evil is understanding "


To any young person reading this, please listen to Mr. Comfort’s advice. In my late teens I was very strong. However, due to unexpected health issues I have lost my strength well before old age. The only good things that have lasted in my life are a result of God’s wisdom and mercy.


Ray, I’m coming back to the Christian path the best I can. I was born again at 11 years old and did Christian fellowship thru high school, but I strayed far as my teens turned into my 20’s. I struggled with alcoholism from age 17-31 when I had to quit or die, basically. I spent years studying hoodoo and other false religions. I married an atheist and we have 2 kids, not in my custody. We divorced over ten years ago and I’m just grateful for my lovely kids.

Anyhow I’m 51 now and have decided to get right with God. I read my Bible everyday and pray all the time. Due to the people I’ve got here in my community, it is very hard coming out with this without everyone thinking I’m crazy. But I have gone from a life of despair (I’m disabled and can’t work as a cook or a touring musician anymore) to me putting my faith in the Lord and being pulled up and out of abject poverty and possible homelessness by love I really had forgotten I had. Jesus love. All those years I was astray he was watching over me and making sure I was learning humility and gratefulness all the way.

I appreciate your patience with my comment here. I guess I’m trying to say that I feel so good about my decisions. I started by re reading my Bible, which I’ve grown hungry for, praying for guidance with it and trying to comprehend all the stuff I read at age 11-16 now that my brain has matured into “middle age”. When I was starting to struggle with “how do I truly understand what I’m reading?” Recently, your videos came out of nowhere on my Facebook and YouTube. You have helped me really understand and appreciate what I’m reading a great deal, Ray. I’ve never been one for “media evangelicals” but you are so honest and direct, how can I not understand now!?! I’m extremely grateful for you Ray Comfort. Thank you. God bless you and yours in Jesus’ name 🙏❤️😀✝️!


Men, save yourselves for your wives - save your hearts, your eyes, actions, words, ears, bodies. The women who are saving themselves for you are counting on you to burn for Christ, not for pleasure. Honor your future wives with your choices in your youth. Remember, “what you are doing to your girlfriends now, someone is doing to your future wife” ❤️


It’s amazing how the Holy Spirit comes into us and changes our desires. I just can’t stop thinking about heaven and eternity, so that’s where I’m investing my time and effort. Set up your treasure in heaven!!! I’m so flabbergasted that God did a work in ME!! All the glory and honor goes to our King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


May the Lord return quickly. Amen. God is merciful. He always forgives. Never be ashamed to take your failures to him. He is for you, not against you! God is with you in the storm. He knows your troubles, he hears you! He is for you, on your side, always! It may feel silent at times, but he’s holding you close! May the Lord return soon! We are drawing closer. He is coming! Believe and trust in the Lord, you will be saved. Period. May the Lord bless you all! Hang in there family. Stay strong. It is not easy following the Lord. We are scoffed at. We give up our earthly dreams, our fleshly desires. What the enemy offers is short lived, but heaven is forever! Life may seem or be unfair, but God is with you! Always remember that. Things may get better or worse for you, but a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! Repent daily and carry your cross. This world is fading fast. Your troubles are temporary! New channel here, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. The Lord bless you!


Me a lifetime young celibate watching this and thanking God that he took away those useless desires out of me so that I can serve Him without sin and in a diligent, holy conduct


These videos terrify me man I’m always scared that I’ma feel convicted for doing something wrong but I still watch them to learn and grow with God. Sometimes Ray speaks facts fr.


I love you all my brothers and sisters in Christ ❣️😘 From PHILIPPINES!!

- All the Glory to GOD and our LORD JESUS CHRIST and the Holy Spirit 👑✝️🕊️🙏🙌.

Hallelujah!! Hosanna!! Maranatha!! Shalom!! Amen!!


*It's Saturday the last weekend of November. If you're reading this, I hope you receive miracle today & that your prayers are answered. Amen🙏🏽♥️*


I am convicted for being fearful of sharing the Gospel more. Your videos help. I pray for boldness in Christ.


I am a young Christian and so any advice I can get is helpful! haha God bless you everyone and have a wonderful day!🥰✝


I'm reminded of how some people view the law and justice: how that, due to corruption on this earth, they view even law and justice as merely corrupt inventions of humanity.

I remember someone who didn't like a particular law regarding a legal gray area: in examining the outcomes of that law, he had funny saying for what was happening: "There are no good reasons! Only legal ones!"

This strikes me as another reason why it's important to walk folks through the Ten Commandments: to show God's law as good, and as reflection of Him: who *is* good, as Jesus said in His encounter with the rich young ruler.

In seeing the commandments, we know we didn't keep them, and we know they're good.
And, thus, that we are not: that we need mercy, from the One who is rich in mercy.

Thanks for this, and these reminders: keep up the good work. Been praying for ya!


Love the message, I used to play video games most of the night and go to work absolutely exhausted amd now I genuinely can't be bothered with them and now I feel very sorry for the time I wasted


Hi Ray, I've been watching your videos on and off for several months. I've learned so much from your ministry. I would like to say thank you kindly for not only ministering to the lost, but also Christians like myself that are growing, learning and wanting to be bold for Christ.


Thank you for these new video style Ray, they really help. I’ve also been listening to the podcast it’s a great help in my young Christian life. I really struggle with self control but I trust the Lord will help me, I know i will be set free from things that bound me.


Can someone pray for me? I'm struggling to overcome sin. I would like to be full of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to discipline me.


Thank you Jesus Christ for ALL you have done. I’m forever grateful for your love. There is none like you.


Our family cat that we had for over 10 years and meant a lot to us past on two days ago. It was so hard to watch him fade away. We spent two days holding him and walking him outside to let him see the Sun and feel the wind on his face. We were there next to him as he took his last breath. In that very moment as we saw the breath leave his body, it hit us hard. It stung bad. At that moment I was so angry with death. I was reminded of the verse in 1 Corinthians that says “O death, where is your victory, O death, where is your sting?”. I am so glad for Gods promise that all tears will be wiped away and there will be no more death. One month ago, my cat was strong, active full of life even though he was 12. He ended up getting sick and lost his sense of smell. I tried daily to force feed him sardines. He wasn’t having it. If he only knew that he had sardines in front of him as well as all the other snacks he loves, then he would have eaten them. He couldn’t because he couldn’t smell them. Reminded me of how we try to put the gospel in front of people, if they only accepted the free gift that God gives them, they would live! But after trying to force feed my cat (Mr. Nelson), after giving him a high calorie paste daily, he just kept losing weight. We knew his time had come to an end. He lived a wonderful life of 12 years. Someday death will be no more. It is so important to preach the gospel. Nothing is more important. And yes, I do believe I will see my cat again in Heaven. I believe God gives us that pleasure. Plus the Bible says “the lion and the lamb will lay down together”. So yes, animals are in Heaven.
