The Ending of World War I: The Road to 11 November

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This lecture re-examines how the First World War ended. Why did Germany request a ceasefire and why did the Allies and America grant one?

A lecture by David Stevenson, Professor of International History at LSE 7 November 2018

This lecture will re-examine how the First World War ended, anticipating the centenary commemorations in 2018. It will discuss both why Germany requested a ceasefire, and why the Allies and America granted one. It will argue that the German army was near collapse, and that Germany was not defeated by a 'stab in the back' at home. None the less, the Allies had good reasons not to press on to Berlin.

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This is how I like my history taught. Factual & without childish, jingoistic, nationalistic bluster.


Excellent presentation. Much learned. Thank you!


Absolute academic superiority
Thank you


Excellent analysis, and a reminder that "The Balance of Terror" began long before the Cold War, from the betrayal of a personal/local Mutual Understanding, to a political conflict based on slogan-isms and private knowledge of characteristic human behavior. Democracy is an expansion of private knowledge and responsibility to the larger groupings, but it is difficult to maintain/sustain against deliberate ignorance(?).
