The GAPS Diet

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Started by Dr. Natasha Campbell, the GAPS diet helps learning disorders, neurological disorders, leaky gut, and autoimmune diseases. In this diet, grains, sugar and carbohydrates are eliminated, and it is high in amino acids and healthy fatty acids.

Stage 1
Main Meal for a few weeks is bone broth, meat & slow-cooked vegetables.

1st - Bone Broth is packed with amino acids that tighten the skin and gut tissue to help repair leaky gut, support liver detox, repair intestinal lining and heal food allergies.

2nd - Add in organic wild meats (chicken or beef)

3rd - Add in vegetables such as celery, carrots, and onions

Stage 2
After a few weeks of Stage 1, slowly add in probiotic-rich foods and healthy fats such as avocados, egg yolks, coconut oil, olive oil and ghee.

Healthy foods permitted on the GAPS diet mostly include:
Bone Broth
Organic Meat
Nut Butters
Fermented Dairy Products

** Learn more about the GAPS diet at:

*This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. Josh Axe, and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Axe nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
Рекомендации по теме

Actually the GAPS diet does not start with bone broth, but meat stock ( any meat) there is a difference between bone broth and meat stock, when we have leaky gut is more difficult digest bone broth, is more gentle to start with meat stock, it’s cooked less time and we have the protein (the meat) and the gelatin (bone) in the bone broth only have the gelatine. I have been doing this diet for the last 2 months with Dr Natasha Campbell McBride.


I cured lifelong food intolerance with GAPS, and cannot advocate it enough. I'm gearing up to put my 6yo autistic daughter on it. Great podcast Dr. Axe, it's tricky explaining GAPS to folk who aren't in the know...


I just recently started making bone broth & wow, what a difference in only a few days. I also cut out grains & sugar at the same time. I wasn't overweight to start, but I felt and saw a big difference in my mid-section - the bloat feeling completely went away very quicky. The bone broth is so tasty too & very comforting. I just started making kefir as well - yum! This is truly something that resonates with me - all whole, natural & healthy foods. It has been a very easy transition & my sugar cravings have almost disappeared. I rarely think about sugar/dessert anymore. Thank you Dr Axe :^)


Thank u for this info. I was recently diagnosed with colitis and as reading about this condition I was surprised to find out that has everything to do with my diet . So I am staring my new journey and soon I will have results to share . Thanks again .


Eliminate sugar, carbs, lactose and gluten and the rest just gets easier. Millions of people will no doubt stop suffering from health related issues I have no doubt in my mind.


Thank you for your service to us, I appreciate it with all my heart!


Do your research Dr. Ax! Bone broth is NOT recommended initially, but meat stock is. Big difference in cooking time relating to causing a histamine reaction.


Dr. Axe, your videos are awesome!!! Could please do more videos about women's health like juices for hormone imbalance, ways women can improve the health of their reproductive system & menstrual cycles, specific nutrients to aid in eliminating these issues. It's actually a big issue amongst woman & is not being discussed enough.


Thank you Dr Axe for breaking down this diet into a simple understandable form. Wonderful!!!


You have some misinformation about Stage 1 of the GAPS diet. Bone broth is an advanced food, and isn't necessarily tolerated well until some healing has already taken place. Stage 1 is 'meat broth', basically meats cooked for around three hours.


I'm so appreciative of this video and information. I wish there were more awareness of the potential for long cooked (over 2 hours, approximately, for chicken) bone broth to cause* inflammation. I was on GAPS for a year before I realized this. It is recommended to begin with short cook time on bones for broth. In the GAPS book and I ran across a talk online (sorry, I don't have he link). Also I eventually got allergy testing and was told I am reactive to tyramine (old foods) which may be high in broth. I still love the idea of broth and believe it could help many people.


Dr. Axe and Josh Delauer are the two best people to listen to, to help your natural body functions and keeping in health. I use them both to stay in health. I do not put one above the other because they both say the same thing in health restoration and keeping in shape but talk so if I miss one of them in explanation the other states the same thing so I'll be able to understand the whole meanings. I DID NOT KNOW HOW FAST THE INTERMITTEN FASTING AND THE KETO DIET WORKS. Yes buy the bone broth. I also make my own. I have UNLEASHED POWER form when I wake up till I go to bed. There are no secrets, just plain knowledge Dr. Axe and Dr. Delauer are giving for free! Their products are most wonderful.


Apparently those on stage one GAPS should not eat celery at all (contrary to advice herein). I noticed a few more inconsistencies, here is a correction: stage 1 people should be going for meat stock (2-4hr cook) not meat broth (12-24hr cook). Meat stock is ‘safer’ for stage 1 people. The longer cook bone broth is for when fundamental healing has already occurred and provides extra minerals to enhance. It is advised not to skip stage 1 particularly if you are very poorly.
Some websites confuse the word stock and broth but by noticing the cook times it will translate.
Please refer to the original GAPS diet website and official GAPs diet coaches who have a better handle on this than Dr Axe.


Bone broth is actually not part of the GAPS diet. Meat stock is, which is cooked for a much shorter time. Bone broth is actually not allowed until atleast a year on the diet.


I came from your Gluten sensitivity vid to this! So I need to be on the gluten free diet and the GAPS diet? Ok, I will give this 2nd diet a shot💛💛💛


Thx for the transcription Dr. Axe you sell out


I love your videos, so interesting, never would find out this information myself, definitely my favourite channel, keep up the good work.


*I stopped eating anything with Dairy, Gluten, GMO ( BioEngineered ), Grains, Nightshades, Red Meat, Soda, Sugar,
Sugar Addictive's, Sugar Alcohol and certain vegetables* That was 10 years ago, I woke up with many health issues,
I had manyyy Test done and to this day, all these specialists, I visit, not one of them could tell me exactly what was wrong.
The Tests was negative. Once, I stopped eating processed foods, 2 months later, I started feeling better.


Any watching this should keep in mind that if your digestive system is very broken down, its ok to help it out by taking supplements like digest enzymes and betaine hlc (for protein digestion - good luck healing anything without protein!) Experiment yourself.


A lot of the info you're giving is wrong Dr Axe! Does not comply with the Intro stages of GAPS at all!
