Red Yeast Rice: Is it Healthy?

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Do you take Red Yeast Rice? Is it healthy to take, or a waste of money? This video discusses Red Yeast Rice and if you need it for optimal health. You might be surprised...

Supplement companies will promise anything to make a profit, but is Red Yeast Rice worth the money? Pro's/Con's discussed in this video.

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician with 20 years of clinical practice.
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Рекомендации по теме

My Doctor told me that i had to go on Cholesterol meds.I told my Doctor no i don't think so.He said i need to be on a low meat and low salt diet.He told me to eat lots of fruit and grains.I told the all knowing good Doctor that all i eat is Rib-I steak with lots of salt on it.He got the deer in the headlights look.I think he may have crapped his pants.He also said that for 70yrs old i look like i was in good shape.This is the same good Doctor that had a 4 way by pass last year.Maybe he needs to watch the Ken Berry show ya Think!


In 2012 i was dx with high bad cholesterol and hi triglycerides. I took red yeast rice capsules for 12 weeks, and i have never taken it since. Every blood test i have taken since 2012 states my cholesterol and triglycerides are normal, it is as if the fungus is alive in my gut. It is now 2023 and i have not taken red yeast rice since the original 12 weeks in 2012. My last blood work-up in Sept. 2023 shows no significant change.
So maybe people are ingesting it for too long a period.


Red Yeast Rice absolutely works for me and I have before and after blood tests to prove it. Then when I ran out of it and got my bloodwork done again, my cholesterol went right back up again. When I started taking it again, it dropped again substantially on my next blood test. (Around 150-200 pts each blood test). I haven’t been able to eat carbs for years, but it was the Red Rice Yeast that lowered my bad cholesterol. I’m just saying, it has really worked for me, and my Dr’s swear by it with me.


I’ve taken Red Yeast Rice and it helps.


If it doesn't have those negative side effects and brings down cholesterol numbers overall it is worth it to me just to keep my doctors off my back about cholesterol level. I'm on day 8 of all carnivore and really feel good for the first time in years, but I know those numbers will rise so I'm still keeping up with the RRY I've been taking for a few years along with a fish oil capsule each morning. It sounds like you're saying you don't think overall cholesterol matters in the long run, so if it reduces my stress because I don't have to listen to my doctor, and therefore my wife, daughters, mother, and sisters bitch about my cholesterol level, then that little pill has more than paid for itself. Peace and thanks for all the great info!


Love your vids and 6 years into keto and carnivore my ldl just skyrocketed. I didn't care when it was 240 or even when it hit 305, but at my last visit my LDL hit 516, which screws up my hdl/tc ratio, and my previously supportive doctor flipped. That ratio should be 4:1 max and mine hit 8:1, so I am taking the red yeast rice to bring that back into range. It's easy to blow it off until the numbers are so high no risk calculators will even accept it.


My cholesterol was twice as high as it should be health staff left me to get sicker ignored all side effects of statins which made me so sick o couldn’t get out of bed Headache nausea vibrating I researched online took red yeast rice and plant sterols only eat veg now my cholesterol fell in half!


This is so timely for me. I just got a new doc. I wanted to find one younger and more open minded. She mentioned red yeast rice because she saw the high cholesterol number ony record from my old doc. I told her, I could lower it with just my diet- I didn't want a blood test right away because of the ice cream I ate recently that I haven't had in 6 months. Anyway, I'm very healthy and she gave me a two month challenge. So my blood test is coming up in another 2 weeks. But, it really doesn't matter, because I've lowered it before and I know cholesterol runs higher in my family who are also healthy. I will not take any natural statins either. Thank you for talking about this subject.


I have an APOE4 gene and am told to reduce saturated fat and take Ref Yeast Rice.


My body uses cholesterol as the building block to make it's testosterone and vitamin D3. Why would I want less??? 😅😅😅😅 Keep up the good work Dr Berry!!!


Dr Berry, this is your color lol. Really brings out your eye color! 😉


I love what you said. It’s like putting out the fireman when there’s fire. Just lower the numbers to make labs look better it’s not the way.


I agree with you 100% Dr Berry. Everything you said was spot on. I myself would never take anything that inhibits the mevalonate pathway, and I gave up on the LDL theory years ago.


Thanks! I'm going to stop taking Red Yeast Rice. I wish I'd seen this video years ago.


It's my understanding that the red yeast rice of today is not the same as it was 15 years ago. Our government did insist on lowering the effectiveness of red yeast rice and for a while we could get the original, more potent formula from Canada. They then blocked that, too. The pharmaceutical industry is VERY protective of their massive profits, which is why they fight so hard against natural products and procedures from being promoted. In a free society, we SHOULD be able to do whatever we think is best for our own health. Unfortunately, that isn't always so.


I quit taking Lovastatin a couple of weeks ago. I'm feeling less pain.


I think the liver problems from the red yeast are minimal in comparison to statins.
Take milk thistle to counter effect the liver problems. no brainer.


Dang it ... thought it was Magic (No Starch/Carb) Rice .... back to my Cauliflower
Thanks Doc


So if it acts as a statin, why would it not work if statins are proven to work in lowering cholesterol?


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