Red Yeast Rice For High Cholesterol - Side Effects, Safety and More

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In this video I talk about using Red Yeast Rice for high cholesterol. It was actually the 'precursor' for the early statin cholesterol medication lovastatin (Mevacor). It works but does have side effects and safety concerns you and your doctor should be aware of.


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I started taking Red Yeast Rice to lower my LDL, after one week on it the muscle pain was awful, stopped taking and it ended up in the garbage. I walk 2 miles everyday, been doing that for awhile now, and decided to enjoy what I like to eat.


I removed inflammatory foods to me such as cheeses and other dairy. I was overeating red meats meats and reduced about 80% to what I was eating. My CRP inflammation went to normal levels. 9 months of taking 1200mg twice a day it with CoQ10. I also take Berberine, Kyolic (aged garlic) and MK-7. Cholesterol levels have come down slowly as of 1 year I went from: Total Col 275 to 192, Trig 150 to 93, LDL 205 to 125. My LDL/HDL ratio from 4.0 to 2.6. Recently had 1 bout of heartburn. I play an extreme sport and had a few bouts of feeling a bit achy but, that has always come with the sport I play so it is hard to tell especially being 60 years old. I'm continuing as I will check in 3 months to see if any further especially in my LDL which I'd like to get below 100. I also do a Tsp of fish oil each morning as well as using some other supplements in a routine. Cayenne, Quercitin, Milk Thistle, plus Multi Vitamins.


I am 85 and have been on Lipitor 80mg and had muscle pain, fatigue . I started red yeast rice and I feel good


Gave me muscle cramps just like Atorvastatin, sadly.


Dude, I subbed...this content is fire


My physician just recommended that I start taking this.


MY pcp wants me to go on a statin. I went to a cardiologist and he said I wasn’t there yet. So I’ve been taking red yeast rice. I know people on a statin and they had such bad joint pain. I also read where there’s a good chance of developing type 2 diabetes and dementia with taking a statin.


I've taken it for a year without side effects. Will get CBC in November. Hope triglycerides are lower


I am currently taking Dr. Juan’s red rice yeast 600mg I’m not having any side effects. I got it from Walmart. I thought about upping my dose but haven’t because the bottle says to only take 1. I am also taking fish oil and CoQ10. I have to get more blood drawn in June so I am hoping my cholesterol will drop some. I will keep you informed with the results when it happens.


I took it and it dropped my numbers by 20-25 and no impact on glucose.


Can you speak to any hormonal changes that ryr might have? I have read that statins can be a libido killer and I most definitely noticed that on ryr. I am now trying bergamot to lower cholesterol and only occasionally taking ryr and my libido is back.


The FDA does not allow these supplements to have high levels of lovastatin (because otherwise it would need to be regulated). It's unclear if supplements with low to no levels of lovastatin have any effect on cholesterol.


What supplements do you recommend for inflammation besides turmeric? Turmeric lowers testosterone and raises serotonin


I'm 21, 5'7, and 135lbs. My total cholesterol 6 months ago was 417. I work out 4 times a week and eat pretty healthy (chicken breast, broccoli, greek yogurt, occasionally pizza, fries, and snacks on the weekends). I tried to go completely plant-based the first couple of weeks and cut junk food completely after my blood test, but gradually fell back into old habits.

I went in for my blood test last month, expecting the levels to be the same, even worse. Results came back, total cholesterol was 249. I was dumbfounded. After doing some research, I realized it's because of red yeast extract, which I had been eating everyday in a dish that my father commonly prepares in the spring/summer. I'm Chinese, so for anyone looking for a food flavoring rather than a pill, you can find red yeast extract at your local Asian supermarket. My dad sautés it with bamboo shoots, but I'm sure any other vegetables would work just as well. I personally like the flavor, and am happy to have found a natural way of decreasing my cholesterol that is not statins, since I am still fairly young. I'm continuing with the plant based diet to see if it helps lower my cholesterol even more, but wanted to share this information for anyone who would find it helpful.


I do take red yeast rice. (i freeze it in a ziplock bag and cut an extremely small portion to throw into a big pot of chili) Diluted extremely I find the greatest benefits and lowest risk! It works well, but so do green peas!


I’ve been taking red yeast rice with added CoQ10 for three months and it has lowered my cholesterol levels significantly. The only side effect I may have had is twice I have felt a little dizzy when getting up. I have low blood pressure though and have experienced this before so I’m not sure whether it’s due to the Red yeast rice. Ive just lowered the dosage and will have blood tests again in 6 mths.


I took it today for the first time ever it’s spring valley 600 mgs and I can honestly say I don’t feel right definitely a dizzy feeling


I take it every day since march and everything fine for me it works very well zero side effects


Hey, any ideas on it raising blood sugar levels ? I was doing two in the morning and two at night and I saw a pretty significant increase in my glucose levels. I Tried to go to two pills a day and it ended up around the same. Any suggestions?


I've been getting PEMF therapy on my Achilles tendonitis and heel bone spur. I've had 9 treatments so far. It's Working great. I also did it 4 years ago when i toe the meniscus in my right knee. Healed it, no surgery!
