THIS Is What Cats Feel When They Are Abandoned (Terrible)

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It's a shock for any cat to suddenly be left on their own. No familiar home, no loving family and no security. But unfortunately, this is the reality for many cats who are abandoned. They are forced to navigate and survive in unfamiliar territory while facing fear, confusion and vulnerability. What is going on in their minds? What are they feeling? In this video, we'll delve into just that and provide a deeper look into the world of abandoned cats.

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only a scumbag would abandon an animal


I almost didn't watch this and when I did it was unbearable to think of the anguish suffered by abandoned cats (or dogs). This is a heartless 💔 act to dispose of an unwanted pet. Please think about the commitment you must make when you consider acquiring a pet. Make that commitment or realize your not in a good place to be a pet parent.


Now in France if you abandon an animal you can get three years prison.
Not enough !


This is such an informative video. It was sad enough to make me cry. I feel that people who abandon their pets for whatever reason should be locked up and thrown away the keys for ever


A week ago I was forced to let my cat stay 24h at the vet because of cancer. He's always been terrified by the outside and unknown people so the idea of letting him alone in a place that terrifies him surrounded by unknown people was hard and I was so scared he would think we abandoned him. Even more so at the idea that he might feel abandoned at the end of his life when he needs comfort and security more than ever.


May burn in hell, who abandon an pet!Why tf you take/buy an animal if you don't know if you can keep them all their life?


My ribbon was abandoned along with his sister. He spent months outside, then one day, as I stepped out on my front steps to enjoy the weather out of the corner of my eye, I saw him walking down the walkway at the left side of my house. We saw each other at the same time And froze as we locked eyes. Then I did a few pst, pst, and he broke into a full run down my front walkway and up the steps and wrapped around my legs. What could I do? He's been my best bud ever since. I tried to get his sister, but she was having none of it. Then, one day, she vanished. I named him ribbon because he was pure white (as his sister was), but he had a black stipe down his forehead like the tail end of a ribbon, which has disappeared as he got older. We're both old now, and he's still my best bud.


My heart goes out to these babies. I got my baby from the humane society in my area, and he was afraid of everything imaginable. I had to work with him, at his own pace, day and night. I introduced him to a good quality of life, I found out my baby was non verbal, meaning his doesn't meow or make any cat sound's what soever. But he purrs like crazy. He understands sign language, and all my verbalization. We've been together now for three years, and for his birthday I'm taking him to Disney World Magic Kingdom in Orlando FL. On my birthday we are going to Hawaii for 8 days. 😺😺😺😺😺


Many years ago a judge sentenced a woman to spend one night in the woods after evidence proved she abandoned several kittens in a nearby forest. I would have demanded a much, much stronger sentence I appreciate the judge's point


We had 3 bottle-fed fostered/adopted kitties and moved from Cali to FL. I gave them calming treats on the trip and did the best we could with harnesses and leashes. But 6 hours away from our new home, one of our kitties, the smaller one, got really scared by a big truck and slipped out of her harness. We stayed for hours looking for her. My husband drove us back home. He had to work for a few days. Then went back, rented a car, rented a hotel and stayed for 4 days. Looking for her posting flyers, putting food out and everything trying to find her in the same area where we lost her. On his very last round he did before he had to come home for work. She was sitting on the porch of an abandoned trailer. Just sitting there waiting for him. She was out in the thunderstorms and weather of Florida, where she's not used to, being from California, and he brought her home and now she's safe with her sister's. Now we are so happy to have our little family back together, she was our son's favorite. Most everybody we spoke to said that he was dumb for going back after her but we adopted her, we made a promise to protect them and she is part of our family. She's actually the protector of the other two kitty cats. She came and woke us up one night when one of her sister kitties was up on a power line, she's always looking out for the others. It just wouldn't have been the same in our new home without her.❤❤


Cats and Dogs are NOT a disposable society!


i abandoned my cat cause i need to move and this is what they feel like?!?!?! I just want my cat I don't want any of my cats have diseases anything harmful😢😢😢😢😢


Kind and peaceful and scared animals should have utmost care and loving attention 💖🙏


And they ALL are such gems, flowers, prettiest companions God made for humans. And gentlest souls.


I went to live at my daughters for 8 months I took my two cats with me but my Tom cat would not settle because my 6yr old grandson would not leave him alone. My cat got out and I couldn't find him we had posters up and got in touch people around the area where my daughter lives but still nothing then 4 weeks later he came back he was on the street car park looking for food it took him ages to realise who I was. He passed away 6 weeks ago aged 76yrs old. I miss him so much.


I took in two abandoned cats… that my neighbor left behind😢 this is the second time we took in abandon cats. It broke my heart to see them on the porch wanting in they were cold it was winter 😢


This IS the exact reason why I never go to a shelter, I ONLY adopt animals from the streets, I currently have 2 dogs, 5 cats and 2 couples of parakeets that I all picked from the streets, I’m terribly sorry that they have to go through that but they have a new home now, full of love, a place where they can roam free, rest, sleep, eat, checked by the veterinary, etc.
There was a time when I use to to trust demons, I mean humans and I ended sleeping in the streets myself; now I’m alone in my new 2 story, 4 bedrooms house with just them and I couldn’t be happier!, animals do love you!


I couldn't watch all of this video 😿😿




Mid March of 2023. I’m preparing my flower gardens for planting all the different annual flowers and dividing any perennial flowers that need divided. My next door neighbor feeds the few stray cats in our small neighborhood. I noticed a Calico Cat trying to get at the food the neighbors leave out. The regular Stray Cats won’t allow her to eat. I call her and she comes right over to me. She is literally starving to death and appears to be an elderly cat. I have plenty of excellent quality canned cat food. That my STRICTLY indoor cat eats along with dry cat food. I only feed this Calico Cat a Tablespoon of canned cat food every hour. Until nightfall. I was afraid she was skin and bones, if I gave her a whole can of cat food it could kill her. I wanted to let her sleep in my garage. I call her and nothing. I shut my Garage door and noticed this Calico cat is sleeping in a box that was on the garage floor. So I put a litter box, water, blanket and another tablespoon of food out for her. She instantly used the litter box. The next day I see my neighbors daughters playing and ask them if they know who’s cat this is. They say the cat was abandoned by their friends parents. I ask what her name is. Chloe. Was she an indoor, outdoor or an indoor outdoor cat. The one daughter says indoor. So I began caring for Chloe. She was infested with fleas. So I decided to give Chloe the dreaded BATH. I used the blue dawn. Worked full strength dawn around her neck. Then using a fine flea comb that was dipped in diluted Dawn. Got all the fleas, nits and eggs off her head. Then I bathed Chloe with diluted Dawn. She had well over a hundred fleas on herself. I was so surprised that Chloe resisted very little. After I rinsed all the dawn off her. I blow dryer her fur. Then clipped her nails. On the third day I began feeding Chloe a full can of cat food and always had fresh clean water for her. It isn’t legal in the state I live in to vaccinate your pets. I didn’t care about that. My only concern was getting Chloe vaccinated for Rabies, Feline Leukemia and distemper. I ordered the vaccines. I always vaccinated my hunting dogs and knew how and where to administer the vaccines. My strictly indoor cat won’t allow another cat in my home. I tried 2 times and my cat was relentless tormenting the other cats. Chloe has been under my care for around 2 months. She weighed 5 pounds when I began to care for her. She now weighed 10 lbs and she wasn’t an elderly cat. She was just over a year old. I found this out when I brought Chloe to be spayed. She was already spayed and had a microchip under her skin. The animal rescue facility told me the information they had on Chloe. Her birthday and she had been spayed and the microchip. That wasn’t registered. I take Chloe home and I didn’t prevent her from going outside. I live in a very small neighborhood. Very little traffic and Chloe didn’t leave my yard. I would leave my garage door open just enough for Chloe to come and go as she pleased. One day my cat is at the entrance door from the garage to inside my house. Jypsee knows there is a cat in the garage. Jypsee went and tried to intimidate Chloe. Chloe wasn’t having any of it. This is when I decided to bring Chloe inside my home. It took a month for Chloe to stop trying to go outside. I can’t believe she was abandoned. She is by far the most friendly cat I’ve ever cared for. She loves attention and loves giving attention back. Chloe loves trying to catch the laser. She doesn’t go on my counter tops or tables and even uses a scratching post. Chloe doesn’t bite even when playing with Chloe. She bites so gently it is strange. Chloe tears the heads off play mice. Unfortunately my cat Jypsee had gotten cancer. I had her euthanized and her Vet had to tell me it was time. Having a pet euthanized is very emotionally stressful. I now have Jypsee’s ashes along side KitKat’s ashes. The vet I bring the cats I care for knows how much I love these cats. The veterinarian sent me a heart warming sorrow card that everyone signed and even had Jypsee’s paw prints on it.
