CATS Actually Love Their Humans, Here are the Proofs

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CATS Actually Love Their Humans, Here are the Proofs
Cats are cold?! In today's video, we will prove that it's just a myth with cute moments of cats showing love to their humans. Let's go!

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CATS Are Weird..Here Is a Proof - Funny Cat Videos

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When my old cat was dying, he started laying on my chest like he’d never done before (though he was always affectionate). I think he was trying to say goodbye. Even though his bones were old, he still came when I called him. Love and miss him. Cats are truly special.


I am envious of all the people who have a cat in their household that loves them. I had two Maine Coons and when they passed, I was miserable. I am a senior citizen now and would love to get a new best friend. People who have never had a cat cannot understand the love they bring.


My cats are literally the reason I'm still here today. I've been in such a depression and, in the past year, it's gotten far worse, but any time I ever thought of or made plans to do anything to myself, thinking of my cats put a stop to it. I couldn't leave them behind without anyone to care for them. So, their presence has saved my life on numerous occasions.

I've spent my entire life around cats, from having "family" cats to now having my own, and every cat has their own unique personality that you just can't help but love. It's true that cats might not be as outwardly and obviously affectionate as dogs, but it takes knowing what constitutes affection from a cat to really appreciate them when they do show it. If I go to bed earlier than usual, my oldest will come to bed (when she usually prefers sleeping in her cat bed on the floor next to my side) and sniff my face to make sure I'm feeling okay. When I'm working at my computer for extended periods of time, my middle furchild will jump onto my desk and throw herself into my arms, as if she's forcing me to take my hands off the keyboard and take a break for myself (that, and she loves being held and will fall asleep within minutes). My youngest is more bonded to my roommate than me, but even she will curl up behind my knees when we're napping and comfort me with her body heat, not to mention bring me her toys to show she wants to spend time with me. I can't imagine my life without cats in it, and even thinking about it has me wiping tears away. I wish every cat in the world felt as loved as the ones in this video do, but sadly, there are still many that think of them as pests. It breaks my heart into pieces.

I've received more unconditional love from cats than any human being in my life, family or otherwise. I plan to always have cats in my life in some way. They may not slobber all over you or be overly physical with their affection like a dog would, but whatever you give them, they will repay you with tenfold throughout their entire lifetime. Please consider going to your local shelter and adopting one if you have the time, patience, means, desire, and ability to care for one. You won't regret it.


As a man who loves cats, I thought it was nice to see other men showing such affection. Yes ladies, we are as besotted as you are


I've always said that one cat has more love than ten people. I adore cats and have been around them all my life. Can't imagine living without them.


I've gotten way more unconditional love from my cats than I've ever gotten from human beings!


I got a kitten when I was 25, and he was my first pet. I never felt a love so pure and unconditional. He passed away a few years ago at 15, and I never cried so much in my life. I still do when I think about our wonderful memories. When he died, a part of me died. He was my heart. I love you maximus, I know we will be reunited again one day and I can't wait.


Cats can be so misunderstood. They are such wonderful animals. Love this video.


We put our cat to rest after 18 years. I never thought I would be so emotional about losing a cat. Generally he was my wife’s and he spent most of his time cuddling with her. But about 5 years ago I was lying on the couch feeling unwell and suddenly he climbed up and sat on my chest. It was only later that I thought he must have sensed I had a heart problem because some time later I ended up in hospital and had a stent implanted. After that he was on my lap/chest every evening without fail. I would put on a particular hoody which he’d already “ruined” with his claws so he could kneed/perforate my stomach wIth his claws. I still miss the little guy.


Cats are definitely a gift given from above. They are medicine to the depressed soul


One of the greatest cat's I ever had - a big gentle giant orange Maine Coon - passed away while I was away on business. my friend who I had told to keep on eye on him said he found him lying across my shoes because it was my smell there and he wanted to say goodbye to me. I am in tears writing this, I will always miss him and never forgive myself for being away when he passed away. I miss you so much Mel, I will see you on the other side at Rainbow Bridge.


Cats are not cold, they're just simply not naive. They are actually really good at protecting us. Have you seen the monsters? No, didn't think so. Thanks cats <3


Long ago I was very sick and required an operation, and needed bed rest for nearly six weeks. During all that time, my calico cat stayed in bed with me except trips for her food, water and litter box visits. She lay against my surgery site: purring, napping, playing with me. I’ve no doubt that I healed more quickly because of her affection. I called her my nurse.


Proves that even in the darkest time there are people and pets always willing to give love.


Beautiful video. My 19-year-old cat died today. She was very affectionate with me. But we shared a long life together. She was with me throught two pregnancies and two house changes. I will miss her so much. Bless her heart and claws.


Cats are extremely affectionate and the love very deeply. This is a beautiful video.


They love you unconditionally, don't care if you're fat, skinny, pretty, ugly ... They just simply and truely love you .


My cat once heard me throwing up in the toilet. He came running and talking to me at the same time. He put his paw on me and held it there till I was done. He loved me I have no doubt.


Nothing can beat the love of a cat. They are just as loving as dogs.


When I hear those little claws tapping towards me and then feel the cat jump on my legs. I know not everybody will understand this, but trhis is happiness for me.
