16 Things Your Cats Do for You Without You Knowing

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As responsible cat owners, there is a long list of things that we do for our cats to keep them happy, healthy and engaged. But, did you know there are many things your feline friend does for you every day?
In this video, we will talk about 16 things that your cat is doing for you.

They protect you when you sleep
Many cats are well aware that they, and their humans, are vulnerable when sleeping.
Sticking together during sleep is a means of protection and extra security for both you and them.
Another reason that cats like to sleep next to you is to share warmth. In the wild, animals living together often huddle to share body heat.
When your cat snuggles with you, they are seeking warmth and helping your stay warm.
Of course, cats also sleep with you to show you affection and love!
They make you more attractive
Survey findings conducted by British pet researchers have found that women were more likely to be attracted to men who like animals. Men who like cats are also more likely to be perceived by women as being nicer, more caring people.
They comfort you when you are sad
Cats can understand when their owners are sad or anxious through auditory and visual observations.
Many cats come in closer proximity when their humans are depressed. Some even purr and rub themselves more once they sense that their owner is feeling blue.
They greet you when you come home
Adult cats don't meow at each other. This means your cat has refined and kept up their meows just to communicate with you.
And the best thing is that your cat meows when they want to greet you. When you arrive home and your cat meows at you, they are simply saying Welcome Back.
They reduce your stress and anxiety
Cuddling and petting your cat produces a calm, relaxed feeling which is caused by the release of oxytocin in the brain. This feel-good chemical makes your body feel more peaceful and even helps to lower blood pressure.
This also translates to a decreased risk of heart disease. One study found that over a 10-year period, cat owners were 30 percent less likely to die of a heart attack or stroke than non-cat owners.
They heal your wounds and strengthen your bones
Purring sound has also been long associated with a therapeutic healing ability on human bones and muscle. A cat’s purr creates vibrations at a frequency of 25-150 HZ, and studies have shown that frequencies within this range improve bone density, repair tendons, and promote healing.
They keep your pests under control
Not only will your cat hunt rodents, mice, and rats around your home, but they’re also natural insect killers. Having a cat in your home means you don’t have to worry about controlling rodents and insects in your house.
They check your cleanliness
Cats are very clean animals and they devote a large portion of their day to self-grooming. When your cat licks you, they are trying to keep you clean.
But licking also fulfill your cat’s social functions.
When your cat licks you, they leave behind their distinct scent that lets other cats know that you belong to their social group.
They care for you when you are sick
Cats and dogs have an acute sense of smell, and so have the ability to sniff out a chemical change in a human body caused by a disease.
There are anecdotal reports that cats respond to a sick individual by becoming clingier, empathetic, and more attentive.
They help you live longer
There is scientific research that suggests cat owners live longer than those without pets. This is mainly because pets alleviate tension and help us relax. They keep loneliness at bay. They even help lower our blood pressure.
They keep your kids healthy
A study in the scientific journal Pediatrics has found that children who live with cats have a lower predisposition for general illness. Additionally, those who do end up becoming sick, recover more quickly. This is because having a pet stimulates and strengthens a child’s immune system and helps better protect against bacteria and viruses.
They help you sleep better
Sleeping with cats not only reinforces the bond we have between felines and humans, it has other benefits. They can help us relax, stay warm in winter, and provide emotional security, especially for kids. This translates into a pleasant and restful sleep.
They fulfill your need for companionship.
Cats offer constant cuddles that help stave off social isolation. Cats tend to develop a special bond and can be quite affectionate with their number one human.
They bring you food
Your cat may bring you presents — like a dead mouse.
The reason why cats bring dead animals to you is because they want to share their bounty with their family. Think of it as a sign of affection and love.
They boost your immune system
Sharing a home with a cat exposes you to pet dander which stimulates your immune system to help reduce the risks of allergies and asthma. According to studies, children that grow up with pets are less likely to develop allergies to pets.
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When I was in mourning 10 years ago for my late husband I would lay in bed and cry. My beautiful ginger cat would literally press her paws on my shoulders and rub her face on me while meowing, trying to comfort me. She passed last year and I miss her so much. Cats are so loving.

Edit: Today is March 8th. I posted the above comment a month ago. I just wanted to thank you all for your responses, I never thought that I would receive so many heartwarming personal stories about your cat experiences as well as sympathy from all of you. If I had the time I would answer all of you, even though I know it's not necessary, it's who I am. Your love and kindness has been overwhelming, thank you all for the lovely comments back to me (cat people are definitely special). ❤


When I had gone into septic shock, (completely unconscious) apparently my cat continuously meowed and pestered my husband until he FINALLY followed the cat to see what the fuss was about. Led him right to me. Then he said my kitty laid by my side until paramedics came. My husband knew I was sick but didn't realize I was going septic (neither did I, obviously) If it hadn't been for my kitty he wouldn't have discovered me until it was far too late. I owe my life to my cat.


Last week I was feeling terrible with excruciating stomach pain. I cried a little bit from it, mainly out of frustration, but when I did my kitten Luna jumped on me bed and started comforting me. Last thing I remember was her wrapping her paw slightly around me sitting next to my side purring and looking at me with those squinty eyes. I feel sorry for the people who hate cats or just don't have any. They are really missing out


I've had cats nearly all my life. When I was a child, cats were my only friends and companions, and to this day, no sound on earth is more restful and soothing than the sound of a cat purring. No wonder the ancient Egyptians had a cat goddess!


My sister had a male cat that NEVER came voluntarily to me, although I could pick him up and make him purr. But one day, as I was cryingwhile telling how my own cat had to be "put to sleep" by the vet, my sister's cat *for the first time, ever* voluntarily came on my lap, purring, to comfort me. I felt special because of that! I loved my sister's cat so much because of that! ☺💕


My wife was unwell yesterday and we had to call for an ambulance. One of our cats, Bambu, stayed beside her while waiting. When the paramedics arrived at my wife's bedside Bambu was angry and aggressive trying to protect my wife from them. I had to remove her and it wasn't easy, she faught me.
Later Bambu came to comfort me as I sat alone and worried. She pushed her head hard into my head and stayed that way for about a minute, she was comforting me, exchanging vibes.
Cats are truly wonderful loyal friends.


I live alone now, and have for 3 years and was starting to get really depressed. I was battling PTSD and working a ton, so I got a kitten . The amount of happiness and stress relief I’ve had since is mind blowing . I love her


I love this. Cats are life forces when we're sad, sick or just plain lonesome and never fail. 😺❤️


My wife and I live in an apartment, she rescued one of our cats from outside down the street. When we go to bed at night we always wake up to her favorite stuffed animals waiting for us outside the bedroom door since she can't go out and actually catch a real "gift". It's the cutest freaking thing.


I suffer from depression and getting a cat helped me improve tremendously. she's a blessing ))


Right after I watched this video, I ran to my cat to thank her <3


They definitely know when we’re going through tough times. I just lost a very dear friend yesterday after a sudden illness, and my cat, already a love bug, has been even more cuddly than usual.


I have 6 indoor ONLY cats...one of whom can sense when my blood sugar goes low. He wakes me up in the night when I go low and meows and pats me until I get up and get something to eat. Once, when it was so low he could not wake me, he got my husband and brought him to me to wake me up!!! My Bugatti has saved my life more than once. ❤️


Watched this as my dear fluffy Norwegian is laying on my very painful arthritis ridden hand, gently purring away the pain ❤ He always does this when the pain in my hand gets too bad, so I'm confident he knows what's up and does it to help. Such a sweetheart 😭


Ever since I lost my parents 5 years ago, my cat has been my permanent familiar by always keeping me company when I am not feeling well. This was a great video!!


One time, i was crying alot. My cat came up to me and started holding my hand, i still tell this story to this day. Lol


Growing up my cats always came running whenever I cried or got hurt. Very sympathetic creatures when treated well.


I rescued a pregnant cat in October 2021. She and her surviving offspring are still under my care. They seem happy and give affection. 😺 💕


My cat does all those lovely things for me. She sleeps with me and warms me in winter, she purrs and this little "motor" is so nice pressed against me. She welcomes when I come home, she keeps me company, she plays with me and gives me so much joy and comfort. When I was sick in bed for 2 weeks she stayed in bed with me all the time. Loving, faithful little friend!


I help to take care of 6 cats and 2 of those cats are mine. Sugar Pie sleeps with me under the covers and her sister Jem sleeps down by the foot of my bed. I do sleep better and just knowing that my baby is there makes me happy and relieved. Love from Marysville, California
