Kwik Brain Episode 28: Boost Your Reading Comprehension (And Retain More) with Jim Kwik

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One of the most common questions I’m asked is about reading comprehension: how can I boost my understanding of what I read? In this episode, I reveal the 3 Rs to boosting your reading comprehension.

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Reading fast is impressive, reading smart is productive.
To read smart, use these 3Rs
1st R - READ (that is the obvious basic step)
2nd R - RELATE (discuss what you have learnt. This could be with someone else or a group)
Make sure you are able to apply what you learn - that's the point of listening or reading it in the first place.
3rd R - wRITING (take organized notes as you learn, then write something about how you have processed it).
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1. Read with scheduling
2. Relate to somebody else. Use own word, talk to them. Stay away to talking to yrself
3. Write, handwriting. Organize yr notes


I really suffer from reading and retention. Often I will read a paragraph and in that moment I think I understood what I read but then I ask myself “what did I just read?” I can’t remember a thing. I really hope this works because for some reason at age 33, I’ve suddenly become fascinated by reading. I just want to read all day long but I struggle to remember/comprehend what I read when it’s in the format of a book 📖. Often I will need to read the same paragraph over 2-3 times before it sinks in.


I read pretty slowly, and yet my comprehension struggles. All of my reading as a kid (which was a shit ton) was with fictional books - the movie played in my mind and I can recall the story scenes like memories from my own life. I think that impacts how I read and what my brain expects to experience when I pick up any book now.
Studying biology, I read and I don't retain because... There is nothing visually happening in my mind to create scenes, and therefore memories. I remember scraps and diligently store everything short term with intense study to pass a test or exam, but I can't recall or explain nearly anything I've learned because I just memorized it quickly - I didn't actually comprehend it and understand it in my own way that let's the information stick in order to flow solidly when/if it comes time to talk about it. I remember studying so much, and yet... I only remember studying.
The one thing stuck in my mind really well (a year and a half later) is dinoflagella, because I intentionally created a visual in my mind to remember it!
1. Bioluminescent
2. Two nuclei
3. Four flagella

I created a mental visual of a glowing little blue dinosaur with tiny arms to represent the nuclei, then all four total lmbs represented the four flagella.
Everything else? Pfft. Pretty much gone. I aced the shit out of that class even though our professor repeatedly said that the average student fails this class at least once or twice before passing with a C. I proudly marched away with my A! And yet... Here I am, barely remembering anything I learned and wanting to be a biologist. 🤦


Great Podcast Jim. I love your passion for learning and disseminating that knowledge. I also really like the way you make the subject matter fresh and interesting in a field where the material has traditionally been quite dry. Keep it up.


Starts at 3:13 “The first 3 “R’s” to remember when it comes to understanding what you read :
1. Reading (schedule your reading)
2. Relating ( Talk to someone of what you read & tell them to ask you questions)
3. Rite (take notes)

P.S.. It should be “RRW” 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thanks a lot Jim Kwik sir LOTS OF LOVE from india


3R 8:59(summary)

1. Read 3:16
schedule your reading -if you don't schedule it's not going to happen

2.Relate 4:19
talk about for a few minutes
give yourselves three minutes to fill it in
where is this taking place
when is this taking place?
who's the main character
what's going on

*QUESTION are the answer = one of the KEYS to better COMPREHENSION and finally make sure that you

3.Write 7:39
read relate write
Handwrite -organize it
Left side take notes -capturing the information
Right side make notes-creating notes


You're really making a difference in the world with these videos! Thank you!!


Thnx a lot for daily uploads. You help a lot


Wow! Thanks so much for this! I can't wait to read your book.


Really Thank you JIM!!! I love your channel!!


Thanks Jim... Enjoying your tips from Cameroon-Africa....


Instead of reading a lot, socialise with friends, have lots of hobbies..Go for morning walk, cooking gardening etc...


i am a reader and i put what i have learnt it my own understanding. I am the greatest at what i do 😁😁


Thank you so much for your powerful from philipines


Thank you Kwik for sharing this wonderful Knowledge. I hope it will be helpful for me to enhance my reading and retaining ability. ❤️


Jim Kwik you are simply amazing... From India🇮🇳


Hello Mr. Kwik, I did see your face, and/or your ads 'here-&-there' but I never look It (more deeply) I also seeing pictures where you are with a celebrity and like that. However, now I did starting to watch your videos/TED talks, etc. I started 2 weeks ago. It is just amazing the tips & guidance that you give to people all over. I would like to tell you two things Sir: #1-I am very sorry of what happen to you while growing up, including the oglines of some of your Teachers, friends, and/or other students. #2-I really would like to thank YOU for helping US. May Our Lord continue Blessing You Mr. Kwik!


I will schedule my reading otherwise does not gonna be happen! Thank you so much Jim❤️❤️🙏🙏📖📖
