Scientists Uncover How to Reverse Aging

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Scientists have successfully increased the lifespan of animals and there are first studies which describe how we might reverse aging. So how could we one day rever aging?

In the 70s, scientists observed that cells only grow for a limited amount of days in the laboratory (Hayflick limit). Over the years, so-called hallmarks of aging have been uncovered. These hallmarks of aging govern how our cells age and we could try to slow dem down to "reverse aging".
The first hallmark of aging is mutation. We can acquire mutations by being exposed to UV radiation or certain chemicals or through cell division. Cell divsion also leads to a second hallmark of aging (telomere attrition). Furthermore, our mitochondria start to work less as quality checks do not work properly anymore.
The hallmarks of aging are tightly linked to epigenetics. Epigenetics means that we have mechanisms (DNA methylation, histone modifications) which regulate the activity of genes. Epigenetics governs the development of embryonic stem cells into cells of our body but also impact aging. The loss of mitochondria for example is linked to dysfunctional epigenetic layers. As we age, at least three epigenetic modifications namely H4K16 acetylation, H3K4 trimethylation, or H4K20 trimethylation acumulate. The thing is that epigenetics is reversible... so can we also reverse aging?
Diets have been shown to slow down (and reverse aging to a small degree). Cells also show less damages in their DNA and we find higher levels of proteins which are found in "young cells”. The activity of mitochondria is also increased if we undergo caloric restriction. Diets also impact the production of sirtuins which increase the lifespan and reverse aging. Different compounts (such as NMN and remodelin) have been shown to improve the epigenetic landscape which might have an effect on reversing aging. Exercise also might help to reverse aging as it helps to increase the activity of mitochondria. Meditation and having less stress also helps to increase the lengths of telomeres which might help to reverse aging. All in all studies suggests that some hallmarks of aging can be reversed so lets see where that goes!

0:00-0:46 Intro
0:46-3:53 Hallmarks of Aging
3:53-6:38 Epigenetics Controls Genes
6:38-8:45 Reversing Aging: what is known
8:45-11:25 Reversing Aging through Diets & Sports
11:25-12:13 My Opinion


Infected cells by Beachfront, CC BY 3.0
Drosophila by Kersti Nebelsiek, CC BY 3.0
Hayflick limit by Azmistowski17, CC BY 4.0
Breast tissue necrosis by Calicut Medical College, CC BY 4.0

Title: Black heat by Ross Budgen (CC BY 4.0)
Title: Filaments by Scott Buckley d (CC BY 3.0)
Light Sting by Kevin MacLeod (CC By 4.0)
Title: Buddha by Kontekst
Genre and Mood: Hip Hop & Rap + Bright

About Clemens Steinek:
CLEMENS STEINEK is a PhD student/youtuber (LifeLabLearner) who is currently conducting stem cell research in Germany.
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No alcohol or smoking with weight lifting and proper nutrition, hydration along with constant blood flow throughout the entire body drastically slow the aging process down.


My mother always looked around 20 years younger than her age. For example when she turned 60 she looked 40 and turning 80 she only looked 60 etc. However as soon as she turned "90" and only a month after her birthday, she aged 25 years in 6 months. It was unbelievable. And at 92 she looked 100. It was psychological. She said "I'm now 90 and about to die". That single thought in my opinion aged her massively.


I’ve reversed the effects of aging in myself. I eat closer to source and avoid processed foods foreign to my body. I avoid substance abuse as well since it isn’t a fundamental part of being a human being either. I also believe the mind plays a crucial role in the reversing of aging and don’t acknowledge the stereotypes that society has bestowed upon itself and continues to infect itself with. For example if someone my “age” complains and says I can’t do that anymore I’m too old. I might tell them that’s their problem if they want to believe that because I don’t. I disassociate myself with old minded people as well because I’m not going to have that “I can’t” mentality projected onto me. In other words if you’re “older” you’re probably going to preserve your youth better hanging out with younger more able minded people that aren’t treating you like you’re old.


I started exercising systematically 3-5 times/week when I was about 60. Today at 75 I exercise 3 times/week and regularly bench press 2 times 5 reps at my body weight of 75kg. I feel great and really enjoy daily life. Importantly, fitness has allowed me to recover very fast from prostate removal, radiotherapy and open heart surgery (mitral valve repair) in the last 4 years. I was never an athletic or sporty person, so you can do this. If you have old injuries (eg from sports), consult an exercise physiologist for advice on how to exercise safely. It is really worth the effort !


Fasting with meditation feels like one is revitalizing oneself. I practice it weekly Sunday-Monday 48 hours.


there is one factor you missed that im aware of, sleep. A lack of sleep is more detrimental than stress on a cellular level, on an epigenetic level, on a mitochondria level, on a nutrition absorption and waste disposal level, on a cognition level.
Im of the belief that it is probably unethical to artificially prolong life with medical intervention. healthy life habits should be the limit. My opinion is likely influenced by kim stanley robinsons' mars trilogy


If you are practiced at fasting, it doesn't "feel" like starving. In fact, you have a better idea about how your body is functioning based on your feelings. You know that hunger pains aren't really a problem. It's like getting sleepy in the afternoons, you expect hunger but have ways to push through (such as drinking water with electrolytes) the hunger pains. I've practiced fasting since I was 12 or 13 years old, and it takes a while to get used to, but once you're used to it, you look forward to that fasted feeling.

I equate fasting to doing endurance cardio activities. Longer you go, better you get at going longer.


People who say they don't want to live forever should still support this because you can always change your mind later but not if you're already dead. I have been saying this... longevity is our choice! If we want to sustain our health, we have to do something about it! This will start by knowing what supplies our body needs. Start by eating a balanced diet, quit vices, exercise regularly and take an NMN supplement. Mine is a 500mg per day, NMN by Vitruvin Nutrition. The goal should be to live longer while staying young and healthy. Sinclair believes that in the foreseeable future, it's possible for humans to live beyond 120 or even 150, without the frailty, diseases and disability we now associate with old age. See your result and tell the same experience.


"We do not want to genetically modify ourself..." yes we do, at least some. If you have a chronic genetic disease you become quite more tolerant of that thought.


I'm 28 years old, growing up as a kid I always wanted to learn why we age and why my parents got old and weak. My mum has been disabled on a wheelchair since she was 37 I was around 13 at that time, that devastated my heart and till this day it does 😫😔.Now I'm starting to see myself get older and it's not nice to know that I'm no longer 21 where I didn't care about aging or anything. I researched it all my life and would love to become a professor and help young people becomes graduates in biological science. The more people want to work to eliminate disease the higher chances we will be able to achieve it. I don't want to die at 70 it's early I believe time goes quick and we age quick.
Edit: Woah thanks for the attention, comments and support people. I appreciate there are others like me. One day friends I promise a breakthrough will happen and humans will never want to look back and remember the days where their families, loved ones and friends died from diseases. ❤️


Love your video! I’m almost 60 and spent 2019/20/22 doing the physical job of a 20 year old! The first six months were tough but then my body adjusted! I never thought that would be possible but I do have a strong mind


The power of the mind is phenomenal, when it comes to aging. Example: Friends of mine had a dog. Absolutely bonkers. Ran around like a puppy till it died. It died at 20 years old. The thing was, no one mentioned to the dog it was old. No one explained to the dog it wasn't a good idea to chase seagulls down a very steep cliff at the beach. It fell and hurt itself and within two weeks died. If the 7 years to one human year is a rough calculation, the dog was circa 140 years old when it had this unfortunate incident. But no one had influenced the dog as to how it should feel, so it just kept going. As intelligent dogs go it was right down at the bottom of the IQ stratum, but its energy and utter joy of life was off the charts. This dog is my guru. I follow no other.


Up until I was 30... I looked like I was 21. Now I am 36 and look 40. The last 5 years have been very stressful. I also have 6 children under 12yo. Lol


Sincerely thanks, I am 58 and I used to pass for 35, now I am happy to pass for 45, it's catching up with me. I hope that all these innovations will come into book form soon.


No matter how you put ribbons on it, we're all going to die. All of us a mere blink of an eye in the life of the universe.


Well done. This presentation was not too dumbed down, yet not so overly comprehensive as to be too complicated to understand. I would be interested in another video like this that takes just a little deeper of a dive into the subject. This information has been offered many times on YouTube. I can’t stand to watch the scientist who gets into concepts that require a graduate degree in order to understand. However, I would like to understand more.


The apostle Paul spoke great wisdom when he said: "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21


Good video. I'm probably in the minority, but I would absolutely let myself be genetically modified to reverse my aging. I'd be first in line for that clinical trial.


Great video. I just wanted to say that regarding human diet, fat being the bad guy is no longer true. it matters which type of fats you consume, whether saturated or unsaturated. Also the lobbying done by the sugar companies to discredit fat is a big issue. Sugar, in all its forms (syrups, dextrose, maltoze, maltodextrin and even substitutes like xylitol) should be heavily regulated, yet they are in everything, from sweets to pills to salami.


New to channel and discovered that watching this video reversed my aging process! Afterwards, I felt younger, stronger, and I just knew that it would only take an hour or so to have the energy to get up off the couch! Things are looking up! Thank you for sharing not only fascinating information, but humor.
