Let Your Man Cheat

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Give your man permission to Cheat if you suspect he already is! Watch what happens next!
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She's right. This only works if the man is invested and cares about you.


Men do not like it when you don’t care. So true.


I’ve always been this way. My fiancé cheated and I didn’t react. I actually told him if he’s going to cheat can he at least tell the women to not reach out to me with drama. Now he be looking through my phone excusing me of cheating. Asking me if I have a side piece and everything. I’m actively dating and preparing to leave. He is suppose to get me a car. Once he does I’m out. I’m not the type to get emotionally invested so I really didn’t care


Note: if this ends up in divorce court, you cannot claim infidelity if you told him he could see other women or offered an open marriage. Just start staying out late too. Stay out all night and get a second cell phone which you do not hide, but lock. Also, if hes cheating, dont jump the gun and leave. Just start building your case. If you're a woman of means, hire a private investigator to get pics of him coming in and out hotel/house w/women. Start moving money if you haven't. Look for new place. HIRE A LAWYER IMMEDIATELY to tell you all of this and more. Don't leave broke.


Your advice is all about not reacting emotionally, seeing the bigger picture. It’s really great advice.


When I started thinking like this, my stress levels went down drastically. I keep a roster of 4 men in rotation including mine


these dudes dont want a wife. They want a mommy. Its pathetic.


About a year ago, he cheated. I found out, I cut off all communication for about 3 months. When we go back together I stopped catering to him. He started catering to me. I gave him permission to go do him, he said he didn't want to. Sometimes I dress up go out even if it's a solo date. He will want to know who I'm going out with. I am talking to other men but I don't make it obvious to him he will see when I get a random flower or gift deliver. He will figure it out himself. So basically what I did is once I found out I was not the only one, I started making him an option too.


I used to be against stuff like this but after finding out my bf was texting some other girl he said he didn't want I wised up. Now I can't even get him to go out anywhere since I've withdrawn. He literally got a car because I refused to go see him and came over. Men are silly and I will definitely use your tactic from now on.


She Is RIGHT!! WAS married to what I know now is a dusty for for 7 years. I'm gone now and dating a man with 6 figures. He takes care and worships me 1000%%% IF YOU ARE HERE. PLEASE LISTEN UP AND TAKE ACTION.


People who have you as a friend in real life are really lucky. I love your advice.


Treat men like sh!t and lie to them. Always stay emotionally detached. That’s how you keep them.


Ladies, please LISTEN to what she is saying!! I know from personal experience that what she said in this video WORKS! Trust me.


I unknowingly did this with a guy I just really didn’t want anymore and he became OBSESSED


I love how you talk about taking the power back. That is something women are not taught about. We truly have the power, we have to learn to make the scenario work for us.


I told my husband. "You can go out and dip and do if you want, but know I will be dippin and doing too." So he got excited, "Yay, I have permission." So when he would get to port knowing how he is I knew he'd do what ever, so I made sure to not pick up my phone then when he called I'd email him and say, "Oh I'm sorry I was out doing this and that, so I didn't hear my phone ring." Even if I wasn't out. He decided he didn't want an open marriage anymore.


Ladies be careful! This advice is for women who are on their game. If he is cheating because you a hot will be his permission to exit!


I told that man to cheat now I can't get him to leave the house lol and thats b4 I found this video. thanks ma I know I ain't crazy


If my dude cheating I will use this tactic and use him as a stepping stool to a better man just like dusties be using pick mes.


I love how you're not naive or give idealistic advice .You show me the REALITY of the dating field .
