How To Deal With Slow Progress

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Experiencing slow progress can be frustrating, here's several strategies to help.

Set realistic goals: It's important to set realistic goals that align with your current fitness level and lifestyle. Setting unattainable goals can lead to disappointment and frustration, so start small and gradually work your way up. Understand improving takes time and is a slow process.

Focus on progressive overload: One of the keys to making progress in your fitness journey is progressively overloading your muscles. This means gradually increasing the weight, reps, or sets of your exercises over time to challenge your muscles and encourage growth.

Prioritize recovery: Recovery is just as important as exercise when it comes to making progress. Ensure you are getting enough sleep, eating a nutritious diet, and taking rest days to allow your muscles to recover and rebuild.

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Daniel casually dropping golden advice.


This has to be the healthiest youtube channel out there


i just managed to do 8 pull ups today, it took me 5 months to go from struggle to hang on bar till now


It seems to go with the "we overestimate what with can achieve in a year but underestimate what we can in a decade" thing. Non-linear progress are hard to internalize as a concept, but I think too that's a mindset that gets us closer to reality. Sometime we "plateau", but inside us, we know that a lot still going on. At least we hope! Then you wake up one day with a new skill, a new pain relief, a new positive body sensation, etc.


Totally true. To see the progress it helps to write a workout diary and also include the daily form and motivation. So you get a realistic picture for progress.


This also applies to pretty much anything you want to get better at.


This man not only train body
He is also trains mind


" self compassion" great way to put it.


Gold advice here, Thanks Daniel. It's absolutely true that when you go up on your regimen things get difficult and resting times get longer. Love the process everyone


As some one who went from struggling with severe neuromuscular and mobility issues after a car accident, to being able to do archer pull ups and almost have my split variations downs. Finally ready to get into acro and circus performance!

It’s taken 10 years of daily consistent work to recover, and start too see results that are beginning to look like higher level movements,

It took me about 5 years to just get back to what some people would call the basics, but for me, were a progression from a severe regression.

Compassion and patience is key, give yourself time to study and understand the process of working with your unique body,

Who you are today, is not who you could in 5 years time. Take it slow, trust yourself, keep going :)

Life is long, dedication and commitment will take you where you want to go.


bruh, i am a beginner and i have trained for months to get my first pullup, by doing negatives, active hang, i am still unable to do the pullup but i can do a half rep chinup, it's probably been over 7 months, i have been inconsistent but now i will train everyday to get that pullup down(just wanted to get that out...)


the thing about progress is not that is slow or fast, is that most people want to do what others do inmediately. I.e. most calisthenics guys are like in their 20's and I'm 38, and they do planche but I don't. When they are asked about how long did it take for them to unlock planche and they say 1 year and a half, maybe 2. Most people don't realize that there's a lot of other things that affect your training (nutrition, age, genetics, mental health) and they don't want to address those issues first.


I needed to hear this today. Im on the third week of a cut, and my weight dropped accross the board... its demotivating and it makes me feel like im not training hard enough.


Thanks man, needed this, I'll keep going.


Where all good things are. Here you are bro. 😌


Totally true...This is because body doesn't want more which is quite unnecessary and unhealthy in a lot of ways... It is very easy to have a decent body with decent strength but we humans are greedy and always want more....the risk from excessive strength and mass is exponential... Everyone should lift or do some calisthenics no matter what age.... and enjoy life guys... be healthy and don't strive for perfection.... there is diminishing return in every aspect of life.... get 85 percent of everything with ease... and be happy👍


If I am not progressing much I try to learn other skills too like I learned dragon flag recently This help me to keep going


Dont forget, as you continue your weight lifting journey, you learn more and more and more, and you keep learning. So you can put that knowledge to work to break plateus


Thanks for saying tht. I was feeling terrible because of weight going down and up.


You look such a nice guy Dan
Thanks for advice ♥️
