Total Gym Basic Demonstration | Fitness Direct

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Master your workouts with simple progressions that not only add a variety to your old routine, but also add the extra challenge your body may need.

Workouts would get boring pretty quickly if you did the same one every day. Your clients would feel the same way if you never varied their routine. As a trainer, you have a responsibility to your clients to know and understand at least two progressions for every exercise you teach. You must know when and where to implement the different training variables. This is an important concept that separates a good trainer from a mediocre one.

Let’s dive into the topic of exercise progression…


Exercise progression is a strategy that is developed to allow your client to advance in his or her own movement skills. This is an important concept to understand since every client has different goals and training needs as well as his or her own set of strengths and weaknesses. What is challenging for one may be easy for another. Once a skill or task is mastered, something needs to be altered for further advances. This is where proper progression becomes an art form.


There are numerous ways to progress an exercise. Depending on a client’s needs is how you (the trainer) can plan the progression. For example, your client may have increased strength and balance in their posterior chain. Rather than performing a seated back row from a lower incline, they can progress to a moderate incline and a kneeling position.

It is important to understand how each progression affects the other and that slight changes can alter a movement skill. In time, you can effectively implement the appropriate progressions for your clients when they are ready to advance.

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