20. Graham Priest | Dialetheism

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Graham Priest is distinguished professor of philosophy at CUNY Graduate Center. He is a logician well-known for his work on dialetheism, paraconsistent logic, and logical paradoxes. He has also worked on epistemology, philosophy of language, Eastern philosophy, and more.
00:00 - Introduction
01:30 - Dialetheism
03:30 - Are dialethia meaningful?
05:16 - Many-valued modal logics
11:35 - Metaphysical modality
16:20 - Mathematical necessities
20:04 - Fictional entities
29:58 - Logic and quantum mechanics
31:13 - Rational obligations
34:48 - Newcomb's problem and rational dilemmas
42:08 - Analytic/synthetic distinction
44:00 - Contingently false dialethia
45:17 - Demonstrating dialethia
47:16 - Examples of contingently false dialethia
50:16 - Logicians without mathematical background
52:29 - Sample paradox
53:55 - Tense and truth
57:45 - Paradoxes of motion
58:32 - Belief revision
1:00:46 - Contradictory properties
1:10:16 - Resolving the liar's paradox?
1:11:39 - Vagueness
1:14:22 - Ontological commitment
1:16:22 - Abstracta
1:20:24 - Free will
1:22:50 - Prevalence of dialetheism and paraconsistent logic
1:27:29 - Counterfactual conditionals
1:33:49 - Fuzzy logic
1:35:13 - Paradoxes of self-reference
1:37:23 - Natural kinds
1:38:31 - Curry's paradox
1:41:23 - Conclusion
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
00:00 - Introduction
01:30 - Dialetheism
03:30 - Are dialethia meaningful?
05:16 - Many-valued modal logics
11:35 - Metaphysical modality
16:20 - Mathematical necessities
20:04 - Fictional entities
29:58 - Logic and quantum mechanics
31:13 - Rational obligations
34:48 - Newcomb's problem and rational dilemmas
42:08 - Analytic/synthetic distinction
44:00 - Contingently false dialethia
45:17 - Demonstrating dialethia
47:16 - Examples of contingently false dialethia
50:16 - Logicians without mathematical background
52:29 - Sample paradox
53:55 - Tense and truth
57:45 - Paradoxes of motion
58:32 - Belief revision
1:00:46 - Contradictory properties
1:10:16 - Resolving the liar's paradox?
1:11:39 - Vagueness
1:14:22 - Ontological commitment
1:16:22 - Abstracta
1:20:24 - Free will
1:22:50 - Prevalence of dialetheism and paraconsistent logic
1:27:29 - Counterfactual conditionals
1:33:49 - Fuzzy logic
1:35:13 - Paradoxes of self-reference
1:37:23 - Natural kinds
1:38:31 - Curry's paradox
1:41:23 - Conclusion
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0