Dialetheism and the Ineffability of God - Graham Priest (CUNY, USA)

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Many Christian philosophers have argued that God is ineffable. Of course, in arguing for this, they talk about God. So God cannot be ineffable. Call this the self-referential trap. One way out of the trap is to accept that God is both effable and ineffable. It might be thought that such a view is incoherent. But it can be shown to make perfectly good sense using the techniques of paraconsistent logic. In this talk, I show how.
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I have difficulty with the blatant hypocrisy and dishonesty used by theists when invoking divine ineffability. Theists depict, in excruciating detail, the demands of their deity. But when asked to provide the tiniest bit of objective confirmation on the nature or existence of said deity, it suddenly becomes an ineffable divine mystery.


The intrinsic state of the Godhead is ineffable, it can only be spoken of in an apophatic manner however the extrinsic/immanent nature of God may spoken of in some positive respects such as providence, grace, etc.


When something does not exist there is not much that can be said about it.
